Dad Academy

Chapter 2279 Someone at home

The moon is rising above the willow trees, and the Little Red Horse Academy is warm and lively.

"Xiao Xiaobai, did you really go to the zoo? Did you see the big tiger?"

Xiao Lizi ran over and asked.

"See, such a big brain axe." Xiao Xiaobai gestured with his little hand. It was as big as a house.

Xiao Lizi was amazed.

"How big is it? How big is it?" Xiao Youyou heard the news and ran over like flying.

"So big~"

Xiao Lizi continued to make gestures with his little hand, and drew something in the void, which was twice as big as the one he just drew.

If it continues to expand at this rate, it will be bigger than Building 2 next time.

"Is it really that big? Sisi?" Xiao Youyou turned to ask Chen Sisi.

Chen Sixi thought for a moment, hummed, and nodded heavily: "It's just that big."

Little Youyou was amazed and her mouth opened wide.

"Xiao Xiao, come on!" She waved to Xiao Xiao, who was playing with building blocks not far away, and called her friends to come and listen to Chen Sisi's story about the zoo experience.

Chen Sisi went to the zoo for the first time today, and she was always excited. She was a little reserved at the beginning when she told the children, but she couldn't help but everyone cheered, so she slowly let go.

Xiao Xiaobai added a few words from time to time, mainly exaggerating the experience. For example, the little guy said that the elephant was as big as their classroom, and that the peacock was very beautiful.

Unconsciously, more and more children gathered around to listen to their stories.

Some children are short-sighted and are amazed while listening, as if they have never seen the world.

Some have been to the zoo, so they talked about their experiences while listening.

"Elephants are just that big. Xiao Xiaobai is right."

"The Brain Ax is really fierce, its mouth is so big!"

Everyone actually echoed Xiao Xiaobai's words, well, yes, the elephant is so big, the tiger is so fierce, and the peacock is so beautiful. These are all correct.

It wasn't until Cheng Cheng was about to tell a story that everyone dispersed and went to listen to the story.

Chen Sisi was in a good mood tonight. She seemed to be the focus of the children. This was the first time in her life experience, which made her excited and novel.

However, it feels pretty good.

That night, Xiaobai and Zhang Tan didn't return to Xiaohongma until nine o'clock in the evening. She brought a lot of delicious food, which was stuffed to her by her grandma and grandpa. There was a big bag in her schoolbag. It was to reward her because she was so awesome and won the award.

But Mr. Xiaobai doesn’t agree with this reason. Winning awards doesn’t happen often. You win awards every day. Is this worthy of a reward? Then wouldn't her, Xiaobai, have to receive rewards every day?

Xiaobai reluctantly accepted it because the old man said that this was the wish of his grandmother and grandfather, and it would make them sad if he didn't accept it.

She didn't want anyone to feel sad, so she accepted it.

As soon as he returned to the little red horse, he shouted to invite the melon boys to eat, "Hurry up and sit down in a row and eat the fruit."

The children moved very quickly, and soon there was a long queue in front of Xiaobai. When she lowered her head and looked, what came into view was a smiling face, who was it not Xiaobai!

This little guy moves really fast.

Xiaomi was helping her distribute the food, and Liuliu also came over to help. Xiaobai didn't want her to do anything because he was suspicious of her motives.

Da Yanyan didn't really want to attack, but she was slow in queuing and fell to the end, so she wanted to pretend to be a staff member.

But Xiaobai still didn't kick her out because she wanted to be nice to Liuliu tonight.

Snacks were quickly distributed, and everyone had a little, not much, but we shouldn't have too many snacks at night.

"After eating, go home and go to bed. You need to take a shower." Xiaobai said to Xiaobai and Chen Sisi beside him.

Xiao Xiaobai said crisply, "Okay," and then said that she wanted to play for a while longer.

But Chen Sisi didn't say anything, she just raised her head and glanced at Xiaobai quickly, lowered her head, and continued to eat the preserved fruit in her hand. She was in a great mood and her feet were swaying.

She is now very happy to live in Little Red Horse at night. She has really found warmth and security here.

Especially being able to listen to bedtime stories before going to bed at night is what she looks forward to.

That night, when Zhang Tan appeared in their room with a thick storybook, Xiaobai was still jumping on the bed, cheering and refusing to sleep. Xi'er and Xiaobai leaned against the mirror to put something on their faces, laughing and joking.

Only Chen Sisi lay on the bed obediently, blinking her eyes, waiting for Zhang Tan to tell her a bedtime story.

For a moment, she had a hallucination. Boss Zhang in front of her became her mother and her father. She mistakenly thought she was at her own home. She almost shouted "Dad".

She had a father, and she had the impression of him in her memory. He was very good, but later he left and never came back, so she has been living with her mother.

In addition to secretly liking Boss Zhang, she also likes living here and sleeping with Xi'er or Xiaobai.

Although He Xi'er would be hugged all night long when sleeping and her back ached and was uncomfortable, she was still happy because being hugged was really warm, as if she had found support.

During these few days at Little Red Horse, she experienced the warmth of home and the care of family members.

She really fell in love with Little Red Pony Academy.

However, after leaving Little Red Pony Academy during the day and returning to the nursery, she was still out of tune with the people around her. She couldn't make friends, and it seemed like she had returned to her old life, alone without playmates, and envious of others.

The only difference is that she had a mother who loved her before, but now, her mother has gone on a business trip, and when she comes back, she seems to be an unwanted child.

Only in the evening, after being taken to Little Red Pony Academy, did her mood improve, she became more lively, her voice became clearer, and she made many friends.

She was even invited to Xi'er's home and made dumplings with Xi'er.

The dumplings were made for a child named Tian Xiaoya in Little Red Horse Academy. Because she was sick and had a cold, she didn't come to Little Red Horse for several days. Fortunately, she recovered from her illness yesterday and came to Little Red Horse again.

Xi'er made dumplings and gave them to her to eat, which was also a blessing.

The two of them hurriedly made dumplings at home, put them in a food box, and took them out to Little Red Horse Academy.

As a result, they encountered several dogs blocking the road. The two of them were too scared to move forward. They looked at me and I looked at you. After discussing for a while, they mustered up the courage to turn around and take a detour. Unexpectedly, the dogs saw them. Sneakily, he followed him from a distance.

This startled the two of them and they quickly ran away.

When the two finally arrived at Little Red Pony Academy, they were panting, looking like they were surviving a disaster, and were extremely embarrassed, but they suddenly burst into laughter.

"What are you laughing at?"

A voice came from in front of them. They looked up and saw that it was Ding Jiamin.

When Chen Sisi saw Ding Jiamin, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy because she was worried that Ding Jiamin would send her to the nursery.

Xi'er didn't know what Chen Sisi was thinking. She laughed happily and proudly talked about her experience of being chased by dogs just now.

Ding Jiamin listened with a smile and quietly looked at Chen Sisi. She saw that the little girl was indeed much more cheerful, but why did she seem to be worried after seeing her? !

She couldn't help but wonder whether she should tell Chen Sisi about that tonight.

She didn't leave after bringing Xiaomi. She was actually waiting for Chen Sisi.

Today, Chen Sisi's family came to see her, and it was her father. This was a good thing, but Chen Sisi's parents divorced the year before last, so Ding Jiamin didn't know what Chen Sisi thought of her father, whether she had a good impression or was avoiding him out of fear.

If Chen Sisi doesn't want to see her father, then Ding Jiamin will respect the little girl's opinion.

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