Dad Academy

Chapter 2282 Do you want to go with dad?

Chen Jin carried Chen Sisi out of Little Red Horse Academy and walked towards West Chang'an Street. He is staying in a hotel these days. Because he doesn't know how long he will stay here, he has not looked for long-term accommodation for the time being.

"Dad, are you tired?"

Chen Sisi lay on her father's back, her little hands around her father's neck, obediently.

Chen Jin grinned and said, "Dad, you're not tired. Sisi is so thin. She needs to eat more."

Chen Sisi chuckled lightly and said, "Xi'er and I are competing to eat. I eat more than Xi'er."

Chen Jin smiled and chatted with her. Although they had been separated for two years, the father and daughter actually chatted happily and had many topics. Chen Sisi gradually relaxed and kept laughing.

They walked along West Chang'an Street, heading to the subway station to take the subway.

It's now past seven o'clock in the evening. Although it's not the evening rush hour, there are still many people in the subway.

Chen Sizhi wanted to get off his father's back because he was afraid of tiring his father, but Chen Jin didn't agree. There were many people here, so it was safer to carry him on his back.

Walking in the tunnel, there is still an endless stream of office workers in the CBD business district on West Chang'an Street. Chen Jin carried Chen Sisi on his back and walked forward with the flow of people. Beside the tunnel, there was a young man singing, holding a guitar and sitting on a high stool, singing as if no one else was watching.

The song is "Light" by Zhou Huqian.

Some people stop here occasionally, but they don't stay too long. At this point, they are all rushing home to eat.

The young man didn't take it seriously. He sang hard regardless of whether there was anyone in front of him or not.

"Xiao Bai and Xi'er can also sing, they are so amazing." Chen Sisi said with admiration.

"Really?! Does Sisi like singing?" Chen Jin asked, stopping in front of the singer.

"I like it." Chen Sisi said crisply.

The singer setting up the stall also heard this, smiled at the little girl, and continued to sing the song "Light" to the end.

At this time, Chen Sisi felt a little strange. She looked down and saw a man reaching out to touch her father's bag.

The man was dark and thin, with an unattractive appearance and a small stature. Seeing Chen Sisi notice his movements, he grinned, showing his yellow teeth, and his eyes flashed fiercely, scaring Chen Sisi into not making a sound, and then continued to use the blade to quickly slice open Chen Jin's face. Shoulder bag.

Originally, Chen Sisi didn't know what the other person was going to do, but when she saw the other person opened her father's bag and reached in to get something, she immediately knew she had encountered a thief and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Chen Jin immediately noticed the situation. His subconscious action was not to quickly distance himself, but to immediately turn around and face the opponent. Although it was more dangerous, Chen Sisi on his back was safe.

The first thing he thought of was Chen Sisi's safety.

When the thief saw that he was discovered, he glared at Chen Sisi fiercely and ran away.

Chen Jin touched his satchel and found that everything inside was gone, including his wallet.

He quickly yelled to stop and wanted to catch up, but thinking that carrying Sisi on his back was both inconvenient and unsafe, he put Sisi down first, asked the stall singer in front of him to help take care of her, and then chased out. .

"Dad, be careful~" Chen Sisi shouted anxiously behind her.

The thief did not go far. Perhaps he did not expect that Chen Jin, who was carrying a child on his back, would dare to catch up. He was caught up within a few steps and became entangled with Chen Jin.

Seeing this, the young singer dropped his guitar and stepped forward to help hold down the thief and call the police.

The police arrived soon. After understanding the situation, they were asked to go to the police station to make notes.

When they came out of the police station again, it was already after nine o'clock in the evening.

Chen Jin was extremely grateful to Wang Dashan and at the same time very sorry for delaying his singing career to make money.

He gave the other party all the cash in the wallet he found, but the other party refused to take it even after saying anything.

"When encountering this kind of situation, anyone will take action, so don't be polite." Wang Dashan said.

Before leaving, Chen Jin reminded Wang Dashan: "You should be more careful in the future. Those thieves usually commit crimes in groups. If you ruined their affairs this time, they may retaliate against you in the future."

Wang Dashan's expression changed and he nodded solemnly to show that he would pay attention.

He has been setting up stalls nearby for a long time, sometimes in subway tunnels, sometimes on the overpass of West Chang'an Street, or near the CBD of West Chang'an Street. If the thief remembers him today, he may indeed be Thinking about revenge.

Chen Jin took Chen Sisi away. He originally wanted to carry her on his back, but the little girl sympathized with her father's hard work and insisted on leaving by herself.

"Are you scared?" Chen Jin asked.

Chen Sisi grinned at him, shook her head and said she wasn't afraid.

"So brave." Chen Jin praised.

Child Chen Sisi was in a good mood that night. Although she was frightened by the thief, her father bravely protected her. The act of turning around to protect her and facing the thief made the little girl trust her father more.

The next day, Chen Jin took Chen Sisi to buy new clothes, go to an amusement park, and watch a movie. The little girl kept laughing and was in a great mood.

Everyone could see Chen Sisi's good mood. Ding Jiamin and others felt that Chen Sisi would probably leave with Chen Jin.

At least, Chen Ning will leave Chen Sisi under Chen Jin's care during Chen Ning's detoxification period.

"Sisi, daddy wants to ask you a question." When they were going to Little Red Horse Academy, Chen Jin stopped Chen Sisi and asked.

Chen Sisi had just taken a shower and put on new clothes. The little girl also loved beauty and was in a happy mood. From time to time she would sneak to the mirror to look at herself.

"Dad, ask." Chen Sisi said.

Chen Jin said with a serious look on his face: "Do you know where mom went?"

Chen Sisi said innocently: "I'm on a business trip~"

Chen Jin was stunned and asked, "How did you know?"

Chen Sisi said: "Sister Xiao Min told me that my mother went on a business trip and won't be back for several days. She sent Sisi to Little Red Horse Academy and everyone will take care of me."

Chen Jin hesitated for a moment and said with a smile: "Yes, mom is indeed on a business trip. She went to a very far place and it will take a while to come back. Didn't you see that dad is here? It was mom who called her. She was worried If you are in danger alone, just call daddy to take care of Sisi."

Chen Sisi said in surprise: "Really? Did mom call dad?"

Chen Jin nodded: "Of course."

Chen Sisi just felt that she was very happy at the moment, and her parents cared about her so much.

Chen Jin struck while the iron was hot and said, "Sisi, daddy wants to tell you something, okay?"

Chen Sisi nodded obediently and said, "Dad, please ask."

Chen Jin organized the words in his mind and said: "You know, dad works out of town, not far from Pujiang, in a nearby city. Dad has taken leave these days and comes back to pick you up. I want to take you to dad's place. Go, do you want to go with dad?"

Chen Sisi nodded without hesitation and said yes cheerfully.

Chen Jin was overjoyed. He thought he would encounter obstacles, but he didn't expect Sisi to agree so readily.

However, before he could be happy, Chen Sisi asked: "Aren't we waiting for mom?"

The little girl thought she was going to her father's with her mother.

Chen Jin said: "Mom can't come back for the time being, so let's go first."

But in fact, he knew in his heart that even if Chen Ning successfully recovered from drug addiction, she would not live with them.

The two have divorced, and everything has gone with the wind. Now the only bond between the two is Chen Sisi.

Chen Sisi's little face was full of tangles. She grabbed the hem of her clothes with her little hands and asked weakly: "What if mom comes back and can't see Sisi? She will definitely be very sad."

Chen Jin said: "I will tell her on the phone."

The little girl didn't speak for a long time. When Chen Jin saw this, he knew that this matter still had to be done step by step and he could not force Sisi to make an immediate decision.

He then said, "It's okay. Sisi can think about it slowly. Let's go to Little Red Horse first."

Chen Sisi was happy when she heard that she could go to Little Red Horse.

Chen Jin was not worried that Sisi would not agree. He believed that Sisi would definitely go with him. They got along very happily all day and night, and Sisi's smile always appeared on her face. He has this confidence.

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