Dad Academy

Chapter 1879 Death of Society

The group of girlfriends came to the Little Red Horse Comics Studio to read the newly released "Sailor Moon" comics. Because Xin Xiaoguang said that these beautiful girls were based on them, the group of girlfriends burst into joy.

The only calm person at the scene was probably Cheng Cheng.

Even Xiaomi is secretly delighted with his comic characters, and the more he reads them, the more he likes them.

"This is not us, not like us at all." Cheng Cheng said calmly.

After her reminder, Xiaomi also discovered that it was indeed not the same.

Then Dudu, and then Xiaobai also started to doubt.

In the end, only two idiots were left who firmly believed that the cartoon prototype was them, and that they were so cute and beautiful.

Dudu saw that his good sister was stubborn and hated the iron, so he said: "You are chubby, how could it be you! Fat Liliu, wake up!"


Then there was the kid Tan Xier who was immersed in fantasy, with pink bubbles filling his head.

"Xiwawa, this is not you, it's not you. Don't be fooled by Kuang Kuang Kuang's little light. This is not you. Wake up."

Xiaobai pulled Xi'er out of her fantasy.

Then, the group of girlfriends unanimously attacked Xin Xiaoguang, who deceived children!

They say they are based on them, but they look nothing like them!

If Rei Huono is a durian, then at least she should be a little fatter, right? !

Can’t you see the big features of a pomegranate here?

If Sailor Moon is a noob, then he should at least keep his watermelon head, right? !

However, Sailor Moon is not only no longer a watermelon, but his hair is so long that it drags to the ground.

This deceitful Xin Xiaoguang!

"哐哐 哐哐, 哐 一, I don't eat a meal and panic ~~~ 哐哐 哐 ~~~"

Luoliu sang "Song of Light" to Xin Xiaoguang angrily.

Xin Xiaoguang was surrounded by his girlfriends. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and wanted to find someone to help. However, he looked around and found that everyone was there just now. In a blink of an eye, he was the only one who took the blame. Others, such as Boss Zhang, didn't know. When did you slip away?

Xin Xiaoguang shouted that he was wronged. Originally, if these comic characters were not called Sailor Moon, they would be called Bai Chunhua! Instead of calling her Huo Yeli, just call her Shen Liuliu. That would be great. Then no children would say it's not her, right? ! ! !

The name is all my own, how could it not be me!

Be confident, it’s you!

However, even their names were not reserved for them, but Yang Xiaoxue, Wu Shiying and others who made these decisions ran away.

He was left here alone to accept the crusade.

"I'll give you a dance. Do you want to see Sailor Moon dance?" Xin Xiaoguang shouted, trying to divert everyone's attention as quickly as possible.

"Ah hahaha, Xiaoguang wants to dance. I'm laughing so hard. Can he dance? Hahahaha~~~~666 duck~~~"

What Xin Xiaoguang didn't expect was that instead of giving him a warm welcome, everyone ridiculed him.

Especially that little chubby girl! ! ! The words he said would make him angry to death.

"What? Can't I dance?" Xin Xiaoguang said coldly.

His eyes were so cold and his tone was unkind. Luoliu should be scared after hearing this and change his words immediately.

but none.

"Hahaha~~ Kuang Kuang Kuang can dance. He wants to dance like Sailor Moon. He's making me laugh to death. He's making me laugh to death. 6666 duck you——"



Everyone was moved by Liuliu and laughed. It seemed that Xin Xiaoguang's dancing was indeed a very funny thing.

The black line on Xin Xiaoguang's head.

In fact, he is really good at dancing, and he often goes to bars to dance.

Finally, under his strong protest, the group of girlfriends decided to give him a chance to perform.

Xiaobai ran to bring a chair, took a good seat first, and watched the show.

But as soon as she sat down, she realized that Cheng Cheng was already sitting next to her.

Cheng Cheng moves so fast.

Liliu: "I want a chair too~ I'll move it too."

Dudu: "I'll come, I'll move - Xi'er, don't move, I'll move for you~"

Dudu shouted and excitedly ran to drag two chairs and gave them to Liliu and Xi'er, and then went to drag two more chairs to give to Xiaomi.

"Sister Xiaoxue, come and see the duck, Xiaoguang is going to dance, hahaha——"

Liuliu ran to the hall and shouted, and everyone in the studio immediately knew.

Xin Xiaoguang's face turned green.

I just said I would dance for you to see, but I didn’t say I would dance in public.

"I won't dance, I won't dance, I won't dance, let's go!"

But it was not that easy to leave. The door was closed by Xiaobai, and Xiaomi stood by the door to prevent him from leaving.

"You promised the children that you would dance, how can you break your promise? Brother Guang, just dance. There is no shame." Yang Xiaoxue said.

Xin Xiaoguang glanced at this guy. She was among the people who objected to Bai Chunhua's name!

Although he felt extremely ashamed, he still had to finish Sailor Moon's dance as quickly as possible.

There is a section of this dance in the comics, but it is not complete, just a few movements.

Xin Xiaoguang gave full play to his talent as the Little Red Horse Dancer and creatively added some moves, which were pretty cool to watch.

When he faced the wall and struck an elegant pose, the scene immediately became a sensation.

The children roared with laughter.

The painters who were enjoying the show couldn't help but whisper and laugh out loud.

Xin Xiaoguang endured a great sense of shame, brushed his hands a few times, finished the dance, and then got into the toilet without looking back.

He thought he would be fine after dancing, but he didn't know that the group of girlfriends sitting on the chairs each had a phone watch and were filming him throughout the whole process, capturing every one of his shameful moves.

Xiaobai immediately ran to the classroom to find Teacher Madoka and asked her to watch her boyfriend dance.

When Teacher Madoka saw the video, she swiped it and her face turned red.

After she sent Xiao Bai away, she was still excited, thinking that she would let Xiao Guang dance again for her at night.

She had seen the enchanting Xin Xiaoguang thousands of times, and the little light in the video was just a trivial matter.

In the yard, Xin Xiaoguang's video has spread among the children, and everyone is rushing to watch it. In the end, because there are too many people to watch, Xiaobai projects the dance video on the TV.

This time, the Guawazi who were watching the cartoon rarely had the same ideas, and no one protested or dissatisfied.


“You’re laughing so hard~~”

The children were laughing and leaning forward and back one by one. Among the crowd, only one child was looking at it with appreciation.

Xiao Du.

The melon boys watched it seven or eight times, laughed seven or eight hundred times, and never got tired of it.

Some people even ran out of the classroom and went to the studio to find out what was going on with Xin Xiaoguang.

For example, Xiao Weiwei.

If you want to be a little war reporter and be on the front lines, you can afford to take some risks of being beaten down.

Xiao Weiwei has such an awareness.

Xiao Du found Xiao Bai and told her the good news. Her pepper seedlings had grown peppers, and the peppers had grown up and were ready to be picked.

"Want me to take it off for you?"

When Xiaobai heard this, he raised his eyebrows and strangled me! Still not giving up, thinking about her pepper rice seedlings——

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