Dad Academy

Chapter 1878 Yes, you are Huo Yeli

The filming progress of "The Pursuit of Happyness" is much faster than that of "The Legend of White Snake".

After all, small dramas can only be filmed on weekends, but "The Pursuit of Happiness" now has five working days in addition to weekends, and the filming is going on at a fast pace.

In addition, the filming of this movie is not complicated, and the setting is relatively simple. Many scenes are played by the lead actor Zhang Yuyan.

Zhang Tan visits the crew from time to time, because the crew members are all acquaintances, and the lead actor, director, and screenwriter have all worked together many times, so everyone knows the basics and feels at ease, so Zhang Tan doesn't need to worry.

On this day, good news came from Little Red Horse Comics Studio that the "Sailor Moon" comic will be serialized soon.

Ten issues of this comic have been drawn so far. The serialization method will be adopted for the first time in two ways. One is to continue to cooperate with Datang Huanye Magazine and be serialized through traditional comic magazines. The second is to be serialized on the Little Red Horse Galloping APP. Electronic serialization.

When the current issue of "Fantasy Night of the Tang Dynasty" magazine was released, many loyal readers immediately purchased it at various newsstands. After reading the comics they were following, they would habitually fold it in the middle of the magazine. Spread.

These spreads are folded throughout the magazine and appear to be the same size as other pages, but when unfolded, are often four or five times the size of a normal page.

This kind of double-page spread is often used by "Datang Fantasy Night" magazine to preview the comics that will be serialized in the new issue.

However, not every issue of "Datang Fantasy Night" magazine will produce a double page spread. Only when a major comic story is about to be serialized, the magazine will specially produce such a double page spread.

Many readers will habitually flip through the magazine first to see if there is such a spread.

This month, not a single issue of the magazine has produced a double-page spread.

But this time, readers were surprised to find this folded-out hidden spread.

When everyone unfolded it to surprise, they found that there were several beautiful girls on the double page.

They put on various elegant poses and looked really beautiful and artistic.

"The latest masterpiece of Little Red Horse Comics Studio: "Sailor Moon" will be serialized and released on X month X! Please stay tuned!"

There is a line of big words like this written on the double page, and then there is a synopsis of the story and an introduction to the main characters.

Among them, the words "Little Red Horse Comics Studio" are enough to make everyone excited.

Today, in the comics industry, Little Red Horse Comics Studio has become synonymous with high quality. Every comic they produce is deeply loved by readers and has received enthusiastic market response.

As for this "Sailor Moon", everyone naturally has high expectations, especially those female readers.

It's rare for a comic to have a female protagonist, and how can they not be excited about it.

The good feedback from the market has made the "Fantasy Night of the Tang Dynasty" magazine even more confident and prepared ambitiously.

At the same time, countless users discovered the comic trailer of "Sailor Moon" on the Little Red Horse Galloping APP.

The audience of Pentium APP is much larger than that of "Fantasy Night of the Tang Dynasty", and the number of audiences is not of the same order of magnitude.

"Sailor Moon? It looks interesting. Keep an eye on it and watch it later."

"Produced by Little Red Horse Comics Studio, it's definitely good. Pay attention and support."

"The characters are all so beautiful, and their looks are so cool, so sweet!"

"Little Red Horse Comics Studio? The same one that produced "Swordsman Life and Death"? The style difference is really big."

"Support, I like this type!"

"Wow, the characters are so beautiful, I support it, I want to watch it!"

At this moment, when everyone was expecting it, night fell in Little Red Horse Academy, the cicadas in the woods kept chirping, and the yard was very lively.

Shi Baobao, Xiao Zheng, and Xiao Nian were singing with microphones.

The mobile karaoke machine was brought out. With everyone's enthusiastic encouragement, Shi Baobao picked up the microphone and showed off his singing voice, which won unanimous praise from the children.

Little Lizi, Little Weiwei, and Little Youyou were digging sand enthusiastically.

The "girlfriends who just want to play and don't want to work" are not in the yard, but gathered in the comic studio, watching the newly released "Sailor Moon".

The Sailor Moons fully demonstrate the heroic image in the minds of Xiaobai and others. They are beautiful and cute, possess unique skills, are unstoppable, punish evil and promote good!

This is the fantasy of countless little girls.

"Is this really me?"

Xiaobai asked Xin Xiaoguang in surprise. Although it was a question, he couldn't help but smile on his face and was secretly happy in his heart.

"This is you! The Sailor Moon painted with you as the prototype, as instructed by your father." Xin Xiaoguang said without hesitation that flattering is his strong point, especially flattering children, he is better at it.

Seeing Xin Xiaoguang say this, Xiaobai was overjoyed. He read the fresh comic book with gusto, and read it exclusively for himself.

"Brother Xiaoguang, brother Xiaoguang, is this me?"

Xi'er also ran over holding a comic book and asked Xin Xiaoguang. Just now Xin Xiaoguang said that this young lady was her.

She looked at it for a long time, but didn't recognize it was herself, nor did she see any resemblance to her.

Also confused are Xiaomi, Liuliu, Dudu and others.

As soon as he arrived, Xin Xiaoguang assigned the Sailor Moons, who is this, who is that, and who is that.

No one who is rational can see anything similar to themselves, but some children are more likely to get lost in praise. They don't realize that Sailor Moon is not like them. Instead, they feel that Sailor Moon is exactly the same, and they are all equally cute and beautiful.

"6666~~~It's so awesome, I'm so awesome--"

Liuliu looked at Huono Rei in the comics, marveling and praising her endlessly.

This is her duck!

She has become so powerful.


She immediately shook her head, imagining that she would spit out a ball of fire and roast Xiao Bai and eat it.

If this child becomes a leader in the future, he will definitely be deceived by villains and lost in the praise and praise.

"Old man, old man, is this me?"

Zhang Tan came, and Xiaobai came to confirm it immediately.

Zhang Tan said: "It's you."

"Boss Zhang, Boss Zhang, is this me?"

"This is you, you are Huono Rei, the child who has super control over fire."

Liuliu just laughed out loud.

"Godfather, where's this?"

Xi'er also came to ask.

She asked that it was understandable. After all, Xi'er had a nickname called Xihanhan, who looked like he was not very smart.

"It's you." Zhang Tan said.

Who wouldn’t know how to lie to a little girl?

Xin Xiaoguang sincerely admired the old man, who told lies without blinking an eye, and who seemed to have no guilt when he lied to children.

Sailor Moon was originally named Bai Chunhua, Tan Xier, Shen Liuliu, etc., but later the members of the executive committee of the comic studio collectively rejected it. They thought that these names were too down-to-earth and could not give people a dreamy feeling, so they couldn't do it.

Xin Xiaoguang said at the meeting that the name was suggested by his boss.

But it didn't work, even what the boss suggested didn't work. Professional things were left to professionals. They thought the name just didn't work.

As a result, the original names of Sailor Moon appeared, such as Sailor Moon, Rei Hino, etc., but names such as Shiro Tsubaki did not appear.

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