Dad Academy

Chapter 1880 Life must have a sense of ritual

The moon moves through the clouds, the evening wind blows, and the leaves rustle.

The Little Red Pony Academy is really lively tonight.

First, they ate melons and Xin Xiaoguang danced together, and then they were called together by Xiaobai, who said they were going to hold a pepper seedling-picking ceremony.

Yes! The small white pepper seedlings are bearing fruit, and more than a dozen peppers have grown up and are ready for picking.

But it cannot be picked casually, a grand ceremony must be held.

So Xiaobai called on his girlfriends to call all the melon seeds in the garden, and everyone gathered together to witness the picking of peppers.

Didn’t I just participate in two opening ceremonies not long ago? Let’s learn and apply them, and use the tricks of worshiping gods to pick peppers.

Dudu brought a mobile karaoke machine and put the microphone to Xiaobai's mouth.

Xiaomi went to Boss Zhang to get a tablet and pulled up the old pig head photo.

Xiao Lizi and Xiao Youyou brought a chair and placed the tablet on the chair.

Cheng Cheng and Xi'er were maintaining order at the scene, telling the children not to shout or run around.

In full view of everyone, Xiaobai first spoke for a while, then took the bamboo basket from Duoliu and started picking peppers.

Liuliu approached and wanted to help, but was driven away by Xiaobai.

Xiaobai has to pick them all by himself.

No help is needed.

Liuliu muttered, very dissatisfied.

Under the gaze of such a multi-faceted child, it really makes no sense that Yanyan, her age, should not be the protagonist!

She shouldn't just be a little girl passing baskets.

"Xiaobai picked one pepper, and she is going to pick the second one——"

Xi'er broadcast live broadcast of Xiaobai picking peppers.

Life should have a sense of ritual.

There was applause, and the children were applauding and congratulating.

Just when Xiaobai had picked most of the pomegranates, suddenly he looked up at the night sky and saw the moon escaping into the clouds and disappearing.

The stars were gone too, and the night sky was pitch black, like thick black cotton.

A raindrop as big as a bean fell down and hit Liliu on the face, making her tremble.

"It's not good - it's raining - run away -"

Luliu yelled and fled into the classroom first.

When the children heard this, they all dispersed and ran into the classroom with a whoop, leaving only a few of their best friends in the same place.

Oh, by the way, Cheng Cheng ran a few steps and came back.

Maybe it’s because I can’t get over that hurdle in my heart.

As for Liuliu, he had already been standing in the corridor under the eaves, calling to them and asking them to come quickly.

Xiaobai quickly picked the remaining peppers and returned to the classroom with his friends carrying the bamboo basket.

She said to the children: "I will make hot pot for you to eat the peppers I picked today——"

Xiao Du in the crowd nodded heavily. He felt that he should eat hot pot the most, because half of the credit for the pepper seedlings being able to grow peppers so quickly was due to him!

Of course, he didn't dare to come to Xiaobai to ask for credit, fearing that Xiaobai would flatten him and make him round.

The rain was pouring loudly, and a shower came just as soon as it came.

Thunder exploded in the sky, like a giant beast roaring low on the horizon.

There was a roar——

The courtyard of Little Red Horse Academy was suddenly illuminated by thunder. The children screamed and swarmed into the classroom, never daring to come out again.

Soon, the outside became a world of rain.

The rain was pouring down and the thunder was coming.

Teachers Xiaoliu comforted the children and turned off the TV temporarily. They organized the children to play games, draw pictures, place building blocks, etc. to divert everyone's attention.

Xiaobai and Xier returned home happily carrying the bamboo basket, and proudly divided the pepper into two parts, giving one part to grandma and the other to Old Man Zhang.

Old man Zhang looked at the chili in his hand and asked in surprise: "Why is there only one chili? Where are the others?"

He was on the balcony just now and saw everything happening below. There were so many chili peppers, but why was there only one left?

Xiaobai said: "I gave it to grandma, this is for you."

Xi'er smiled brightly and said, "Daddy, Xiaobai said you don't like chili peppers, so I'll give you one. Just show your respect."

Zhang Tan was speechless, thinking that you guys are really interesting.

"Thank you. I'll put this chili in the refrigerator and fry it for lunch tomorrow. Oh no, you guys have to go to school at noon tomorrow and won't eat at home, so I'll fry it tonight and we'll eat it together then."

Xiaobai and Xier happily agreed, and they quickly went downstairs again. Xiaobai took a bottle of chili sauce in his hand and shared it with everyone.

"Chili peppers will be made into chili sauce in the future, which is very delicious."

The greedy children eagerly came over to try the Xiaobai brand chili sauce.

Liuliu also came, took two bites, and walked away hissingly.

Xiaoxiao also stood aside eagerly.

Xiaobai asked her: "Do you want to eat?"

Xiaoxiao's eyes brightened and she nodded.

"Hoohoho~~ Come here and I'll give it to you."

Xiaobai scooped up a small spoonful of chili sauce with a small spoon and fed it into Xiaoxiao's mouth.

The little guy smashed it twice, ate it, and then continued to look at the chili sauce in Xiao Bai's hand.

"You want to eat first?" Xiaobai asked. Isn't this little guy afraid of spicy food?

"I want to eat~it's delicious~" Xiaoxiao said softly.

Xiaobai then dug out two more spoons for her to eat, and then said nothing to her.

This little guy followed Xiaobai and said she was stingy.

Xiaobai almost gave them a nest.

Xiaobai's chili sauce was quickly wiped out by half, and she didn't stop until Teacher Xiaoliu discovered it.

But it was too late. There were many melons in the classroom who kept hissing, led by Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan.

"How much durian have you eaten? Why is it so spicy?" Teacher Xiaoliu asked.

"Hi, ha, ha, I, I took a spoonful."

Liuliu drank the water in her hand and handed it to Dudu, who was taking care of her.

Dudu immediately went to fetch water.

"Pang Liuliu, you have to be strong, you have to stay alive and wait for me to come back."

Teacher Xiaoliu urged: "Dudu, go quickly."

She looked at the other children, who were all guzzling water.

She couldn't help but think to herself, how many families would suffer tonight because these children might wet the bed.

"What's going on?" Aunt Huang, the principal, went downstairs and saw so many dolls falling down, so she came over to ask Teacher Xiaoliu.

Before Teacher Xiaoliu could say anything, Luoliu started talking.

"It's Xiaobai. Xiaobai's melon boy is feeding us chili sauce! It's so spicy—"

Liuliu was panting. It was not that she had never eaten chili peppers before, but she had never tasted such spicy chili peppers.

"What's going on?" Aunt Huang asked Teacher Xiaoliu.

Teacher Xiaoliu told Xiaobai about sharing chili sauce with her.

Aunt Huang was speechless after hearing this. Xiaobai had knocked down a lot of dolls.

They were quite nervous at first, after all, they were young, but after a while, everyone calmed down and returned to normal.

When Aunt Huang saw this, she gave up the idea of ​​complaining to Zhang Tan.

However, the next evening, as soon as Xiaoxiao came to the school, she ran directly to Xiaobai, pointed to a pimple on the corner of her mouth and said, "Xiaobai, look, I have an acne. Is this a pimple?" ?Am I going to be a sister when I grow up?"

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