Dad Academy

Chapter 1773 The Forgotten Person

Liuliu was still sleeping soundly, her face was red and she looked like a big apple.

She was unaware of the arrival of the crowd and was still immersed in her sweet dreams. She would smack her mouth from time to time, maybe because she was dreaming about eating something delicious.

Xiaobai pushed her arm and said, "Liuliu~Liuliu! Get up."

The pomegranate didn't respond.

Dudu came over, squatted beside the mattress, stretched out his finger and poked her cheek, and said, "Liuliu~Pangliuli, why are you still sleeping?"

Liuliu reacted this time, turned over and turned his back to everyone. At the same time, he scratched the poked face with his hand, which felt a little itchy.

Dudu turned back to the child and asked, "What should I do?"

"hiahia, let me wake you up."

Xi'er takes action, one can stand up to two.

However, as soon as she squatted next to Liliu, she heard a loud bang, a "poisonous gas" filled the air, and everyone covered their noses and retreated.

"Run, run duck~~ It stinks."

Dudu took the lead and ran out of the tent first, rushed out of the door, and stood outside panting rapidly.

"Hey, I almost stink to death!!" Dudu said loudly.


Following Dudu closely was Xiaobai.

"Guawazi!!! What a black ass——"

Xiaobai was very annoyed with the sleepy kid Shen Liuliu.

Behind her, Cheng Cheng and Xiaomi ran out.

"A baby?"

Xiaobai didn't see Xi'er. At this moment, Xi'er finally stumbled out of the tent.

Her face turned red, and as soon as she got outside, she took a few quick breaths to breathe in the fresh air outside.

"Xiwaba, why did you come out so slowly?" Xiaobai asked.

This child was the first to be attacked by the poisonous gas, and he almost died from the stink after inhaling it several times.

But her reaction was slow, not as fast as Dudu, but she was also the second to react.

"I, I fell. Look, my pants are all torn."

Xi'er showed her her pants and found that they were a few centimeters off.

"What are you doing?" Xiaobai asked.

“I bumped into the table——hiahia~~”

Xi'er bumped into the table, grabbed her pants, and pulled out the thread.

How can this silly kid make Xiaobai feel at ease?

"Then take a few more breaths. Does it stink?"

Xi'er nodded immediately and said, "It's watermelon flavored."

Not only did she inhale it, she smelled it.

“Ah, Xier, you are so disgusting~~”

"Ah~ don't say it~"


Several children reacted fiercely and had pictures in their heads.


After everyone recovered, no one wanted to wake up Liliu, so everyone happily reached an agreement to ignore Liliu and let her go to sleep.

"She may have turned into a sleepyhead." Dudu said.

It seemed right to say this, and the guilt in my heart immediately disappeared.

"Yes, yes, yes~"

Everyone agreed and got together to play.

"It's time to eat—come and eat quickly."

Zhu Xiaojing was also busy with breakfast. When she saw a group of children gathering together, they rushed over to eat breakfast noisily. She didn't take a closer look to see if there were any of her dolls, so she went to the kitchen to get busy and brought out the breakfast prepared by Meng Guangxin and others.

She subconsciously thought that her durians would not be enthusiastic when they heard that they were eating?

That kid is passive about whatever he does, and his first priority is eating.

Zhu Xiaojing was worried about her in all aspects, but he was not worried that she would starve.

It was impossible to starve, and in fact I was more worried that she had eaten too much.

The ingredients for breakfast are provided in the camp, such as bread, but the campers need to bake it themselves, including milk, and they also need to heat it themselves.

This is to give guests a more realistic camping experience.

"One cup per person, please finish it." Tan Jin'er poured a full cup of milk for each of the children.

"Thank you, sister Jin'er~" Dudu thanked Tan Jin'er who poured her milk, "I love milk the most. Children should drink more of it, so that they can grow taller, stronger and stronger."

Dudu showed up and spoke out, almost rolling up her little sleeves and showing off her muscles to fully explain the importance of drinking milk.

"Dudu, you are the youngest, you have to drink more."

Xiaomi encouraged Dudu and patted her little head.

In the eyes of the righteous cute policeman, even if Dudu is not a policeman in the future, he will definitely be a good friend of the policeman.

"Haha, I like drinking milk the most."

Dudu said and took a big mouthful on the spot.

"See, Xi'er, you also need to drink more," Tan Jin'er said.

Xi'er looked at her breakfast, and she looked a little sad. The portion was a bit heavy, and she felt it was difficult to finish it.

"Let's all eat. We will go back after eating." Zhang Tan said.

The camp breakfast finally started. The children ate very seriously, except for one child who was absent-minded.

"Xiwawa, do you want to put your noodles on my plate?" Xiaobai said.

That's right, the absent-minded kid is Xi'er.

"I didn't stuff it~" Xi'er firmly denied.

"You haven't blocked it, but you want to, but you just haven't found the chance yet, right?"

Hearing this, Xi'er nodded generously.

"Xiaobai, how do you know what I want to do, hiahiahia~"

"Humph, do I still know you? I saw you glance at me several times."

Tan Jin'er also said: "Xi'er, you have to eat by yourself, and try your best to finish it, okay?"

"I'll feed the durians, but the durians will definitely not be enough." Xi'er applied.

"I can't say enough about you," Tan Jin'er said.

Xiaomi heard this, looked around, and put down the milk cup in his hand.


Only then did she remember that Liuliu hadn't come to eat and was still sleeping in the tent!

She looked at Zhu Xiaojing, Liliu's mother, and saw that Zhu Xiaojing was unaware, eating breakfast happily while chatting with Ding Jiamin.

"Are you yelling?" Xiaobai asked Xiaomi.

Xi'er: "hiahia, I can't finish the millet. She also wants to give it to Xiaobai."

"No, Xi'er, I can finish it." Xiaomi first said to Xi'er, and then prepared to say to Xiaobai.

At this time, Cheng Cheng, who was eating breakfast quietly on the side, said: "We forgot to call you Liuliu."

Xiaomi nodded: "Yes! Liuliu is still sleeping and hasn't gotten up yet!"



Toot: ●0●

Then, the children all looked at Zhu’s mother who was chatting and laughing.

Zhu Xiaojing was also stunned,!!!∑(Дノ)ノ~

"I'll go take a look." Tan Jin'er stood up and walked to the tent.

Zhu Xiaojing quickly followed, and the children also put down their breakfasts and followed.

When they got into the tent, they saw Zhu's mother squatting next to Liuliu, gently patting Liuliu's face, and calling to the sleeping Liuliu.

"Liuliu~Liuliu! Get up, have breakfast! Liuliu, don't sleep now~~~"

"()*¥%¥%Who hit me?"

Liuliu finally opened her eyes and woke up.

There is another chapter that will be quite late. Don’t wait any longer. Go to bed first and read it after you get up tomorrow morning.

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