Dad Academy

Chapter 1772 Dudu takes the mission

After hearing Qiu Daobang's words, Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help but perked up and asked, "Tell me carefully."

Zhang Tan had been entrusting her with this matter for some time, but there had been no progress, which made Li Xiaoxiao very dissatisfied.

Although Zhang Tan never urged her, Li Xiaoxiao knew that this case was very important since she found out that Jiang Ping was Teacher Jiang's son. Zhang Tan must have attached great importance to it, so he handed it over to her. This was to reassure her. , trust her.

"That's it, Sister Li..." Qiu Daobang carefully recounted how they met the rights defender today, and finally said: "But the other party was very alert and did not disclose too much information. Plus, he was in The company was defending rights, and the scene was quite noisy and not a place to talk, so we didn’t talk much, but we got his phone number and could ask him to come out and meet.”

Li Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up and he said, "Then you call him and make an appointment to meet him tomorrow morning. Ask him if he has time."

"Okay~" Qiu Daobang said, immediately taking out his mobile phone and preparing to call the other party.

At this time, another female trainee lawyer Su Jiaxuan said: "We mentioned Jiang Ping to him during the day, and we could see that he was very alert and seemed to be unwilling to talk too much, so Sister Li, I guess I want this person to tell me Useful information may only come with benefits."

Li Xiaoxiao pondered for a moment and asked, "What benefits do you think I should give you? Give me money?"

At this time, Qiu Daobang had already dialed the other party's number. Su Jiaxuan did not speak, but looked at Qiu Daobang who was on the phone. Qiu Daobang felt that he would not be able to convince the other party for a while, so he went to the corridor to chat.

Su Jiaxuan said at this time: "Giving money is a solution, but it is not important. What is important is to help him safeguard his rights. I have a general understanding of his situation... We can help him litigate for free."

Li Xiaoxiao thinks this plan is quite good.

So Su Jiaxuan further said: "This case can be bundled with Jiang Ping's case. It's best for us to handle it. It will be more beneficial to handle the two cases together. In fact, this case is relatively simple, so I can handle it."

Li Xiaoxiao looked at Su Jiaxuan. This girl's face was still a little immature, but her words showed shrewdness. Handing over the rights protection case to her was her ultimate goal.

Li Xiaoxiao doesn't hate this shrewdness, on the contrary, she appreciates it very much.

"Okay, if we finally adopt the plan you mentioned, then you will do it."

Su Jiaxuan's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Thank you, Sister Li, I will handle it beautifully."

At this time, Qiu Daobang came back after making a phone call outside.

Still holding the cell phone he had just hung up, he walked in and said to Li Xiaoxiao: "He is more cautious, but he still made an appointment. It will be at Tingliu Cafe on Zhiyuan Road at ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Okay, let's go together tomorrow." Li Xiaoxiao said.


After Qiu Daobang finished speaking, he glanced at Su Jiaxuan in surprise. When he came in just now, Su Jiaxuan had a smile on his face.

But now the smile was gone.

Qiu Daobang didn't know what Su Jiaxuan and Li Xiaoxiao talked about while he was away.

"Then let's quickly discuss tomorrow's response plan." Li Xiaoxiao.

Although the other party is just an employee who defends his rights, Li Xiaoxiao still attaches great importance to it and habitually makes a response plan.

Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste.

The three of them were busy until ten o'clock in the evening.

"I'll treat you to lunch tomorrow. It's too late tonight. Let's go back and rest first. Keep your spirits up tomorrow. Let's work hard and strive for a breakthrough." Li Xiaoxiao said.

"Most definitely."

"Come on~"

After Li Xiaoxiao left, Su Jiaxuan took the initiative and said to Qiu Daobang: "When you called just now, Sister Li told me that to impress the person tomorrow, we need to pay some price... Sister Li has handed over the case to me. "

Qiu Daobang was stunned and thought to himself, no wonder I saw you smiling when I came in. It turned out to be this.

At this point, it was too late for Qiu Daobang to say anything.

It was impossible for him to fight Su Jiaxuan's case. After all, the two of them were still cooperating on Jiang Ping's case.

He immediately felt relieved that he was the one who took the initiative in Jiang Ping's case, and this case was the most important.

The next day, the sun was shining, and everyone in the camp got up one after another and got out of the tent.

The children got up a little later, but they crawled out one after another amidst the urging of the adults. They were all unkempt, and some even had traces of drool visible on the corners of their mouths.


"Hey~ Dudu, why are you drooling so much so early in the morning?"

Zhang Tan was brushing his teeth when Dudu got up and came to his feet to brush his teeth too.

Among the children, Dudu was the first to get up, only a little later than Zhang Tan.

Dudu's eyes were bleary, and his face was confused. He had not yet completely woken up from his sleep.

However, when she heard Zhang Tan's words, she immediately raised her head and gave him a smile, and said cheerfully: "Hahaha, my mouth was pressed on the pillow, so I drooled a lot. If I didn't press it on the pillow, I would It won’t be like this, I usually don’t drool when I sleep, Boss Zhang.”

She explained seriously to Boss Zhang who wanted to tease her.

Faced with Dudu who answered him so seriously, Zhang Tan could no longer tease him anymore.

"That's it, then you are really awesome. Let me tell you quietly, Xiaobai sometimes drools when he sleeps."

"Hahaha~~~It's so funny~~~"

Dudu laughed, and the hearty laughter swept away the last bit of sleepiness. Several other adults who were preparing breakfast couldn't help but look over here.

"After brushing your teeth and washing your face, Dudu, you have to be responsible for waking up the other children, okay?" Zhang Tan assigned Dudu a task.

"Okay~ I will definitely do it!"

Dudu readily agreed. After receiving the task, she brushed her teeth and washed her face a gear faster.

"I'll call Xiaomi first."

After washing up, Dudu immediately ran to Xiaomi's tent and stood outside shouting: "Xiaomi, Xiaomi, are you awake? Can I come in?"

"...Come in." Xiaomi responded from the tent.

Dudu immediately got in, and after a while, she led Xiaomi out.

Immediately afterwards, the two got into Cheng Cheng's tent, and after a while, they led Cheng Cheng out.

The tent next to Cheng Cheng belongs to Luoliu.

Just as Dudu was about to go in, Xiaomi stopped her and said, "Liuliu must be sleeping in and it's hard to wake her up. Let's go get Xiaobai and Xi'er first, and then wake up Liuliu together."

"Okay~ You are such a smart duck, Xiaomi." Dudu praised others whenever they disagreed.

The group of people got into Xiaobai and Xi'er's tent and woke them up.

Xiaobai opened his eyes and looked at everyone first, and then lamented: "I'm so tired, I'm so exhausted. This melon like Xiwawa hugged me all night, and he still won't let go."

Hearing this, everyone looked at the mattress and saw Xi'er curled up into a ball, her hands spread out, tightly hugging Xiao Bai's waist, her head squeezed into Xiao Bai's arms, sleeping soundly.

"hiahia~~~Gurgulu~~sleep a little longer."

Xi'er smiled with her eyes closed, half asleep and half awake.

"Get up, get up for me!" Xiaobai wanted to take the baby off her body and throw it out of the tent. It was so annoying.

The two struggled for a while and finally got up. After leaving the tent, everyone came to Liuliu's tent. Dudu stood outside and shouted first: "Liuliu, Liuliu! Are you awake? We are coming in. .”

There was no sound inside, no response at all.

Dudu and everyone looked at each other, and Cheng Cheng said: "Liuliu must be dreaming in there, go in quickly."

Just one chapter today, go to sleep.

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