Dad Academy

Chapter 1774 Breakthrough

Everyone sat at the dining table again, picked up the breakfast they had put down before, and continued eating.

Xiaobai looked around the dining table and said with emotion: "Everyone is here this time, no doll is missing, let's eat! Hi doll! Don't keep trying to stuff me your bread!"

The last sentence was said by Xiaobai to Xi'er, because she found that Guawazi looked like he was secretly poking at her again.


Seeing that her little thoughts were discovered, Xi'er could only stop angrily. She didn't understand embarrassment anyway.

Zhu Xiaojing is very embarrassed. Can she not be embarrassed? I forgot my daughter in the tent and didn't notice it for a long time. Alas! What to do if you get lost in the future.

Will it make everyone think that it is difficult for Liliu to have a child? Zhu Xiaojing thought to herself.

She felt that what Xiaobai just said was meant for her.

She specifically looked at Liliu sitting next to her again. He was a living person, a real person.


Luoliu was trying to eat his breakfast, mumbling to himself that he was unhappy that he had been left behind in the tent.

"Xiwa!! Did you put bread in my bowl??"

Xiaobai was lecturing Tan Xier again because she found that there was still an extra piece of bread in her bowl.

"hiahiahia~~~" Xi'er smiled but said nothing.

"Really?" Xiaobai asked.

Since you have asked, you can’t answer truthfully.

Xi'er nodded and said yes.

"Why don't you stuff it into my bowl?"

Xiaobai thought it was amazing how this happy baby stuffed bread under her nose.

"hiahia~ When you were in the tent and told Liliu to wake up."

This little guy sounded very proud when he said it.

Xiaobai really had nothing to do with her. He couldn't hit her again and again, and couldn't bear to scold her. He could only scold her, return the bread to her, and warn her not to make her elder sister unhappy again.

"Eldest sister? Huh, I'm still the eldest sister, I'm the eldest sister~" Xi'er muttered and started to fight with the breakfast on the plate again.

At this time, a heavenly voice told her: "Xi'er, if you can't finish eating, you can give me some duck~"

When I looked up, I saw Shen Liuliu, a good guy from the foodie world.


Xi'er was in a good mood.

However, Liuliu was taught by her mother in the next second that she was not allowed to eat Xier's food.

A breakfast was eaten from 7:30 to 8:30. The sun was already out, and the temperature was rising rapidly.

After breakfast, everyone packed up and headed back home.

I came back happily and relaxed, but there was a child who was nagging and muttering on the way back, complaining that Mother Zhu had forgotten her in the tent and refused to give her breakfast.

"Didn't I give you breakfast?" Zhu Xiaojing couldn't stand it anymore and responded to Liuliu, "Did I make you hungry? I kept chattering all the way, and Zhu Baguai was chanting sutras."

Liliu: "You forgot that I spoke so loudly, hum, I want to tell Dad Zhu."

"It's no use telling Grandpa Pig! It's because you snoozed and stayed up late."

"Then I'll tell my grandparents to go! Humph! Call, call now and file a complaint."

Zhu Xiaojing sneered: "Actually, you are not worried about me not telling you to get up. You are worried about me not letting you eat sausages, right? Hum, I still don't know you."

Liliu: "..."

How come Mother Zhu knows everything!


Li Xiaoxiao, Qiu Daobang, and Su Jiaxuan came to the cafe and met the middle-aged man who defended his rights yesterday.

The other party is thin, somewhat dark, wearing a pair of glasses, and his name is Zhou Jun.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou, I am Qiu Daobang."

Qiu Daobang introduced Li Xiaoxiao to the other party. After the two parties met, they sat down to talk about business.

"Are you familiar with Jiang Ping?" Li Xiaoxiao asked.

She did not ask Zhou Jun if he knew Jiang Ping, but directly asked if they were familiar with each other, which was equivalent to acknowledging that they knew each other, eliminating the possibility of Zhou Jun choosing not to know each other.

Zhou Jun hesitated and said, "I can't say I'm familiar with him. I just know him and have seen him five or six times."

"Where have you seen it? In the company, right?" Li Xiaoxiao asked.

This is an important clue. I have seen it in the company, and it is a supporting material for Jiang Ping's employment.

Zhou Jun nodded, "Yes."

Then, without waiting for Li Xiaoxiao to continue questioning, he asked: "What are you going to do? Protect Jiang Ping's rights?"

Li Xiaoxiao: "Yes, just like you, we have the same purpose, so we can help each other."

Zhou Jun suddenly smiled and said: "I don't need your help. If you want to find a lawyer, I will naturally find one."

After saying that, he wanted to leave.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Zhou~"

Qiu Daobang quickly caught up and said, "Why are you leaving? We have just started talking."

Zhou Jun hesitated and said: "Actually, I'm not familiar with Jiang Ping. I've only met him a few times. I can't provide you with what you want. Also, Jiang Ping has passed away, and his affairs are taboo in the company. , we can’t talk about it, it’s much more complicated than my rights protection. It’s not easy for you to investigate, and it may be dangerous. In the end, their background relationship is much bigger than you think.”

After saying that, Zhou Jun opened the door and went out.

"Mr. Zhou~Mr. Zhou——"

Qiu Daobang shouted twice, but he didn't stop.

Qiu Daobang looked back at Li Xiaoxiao, who said, "Follow me."

Qiu Daobang immediately chased after him...

"Mr. Zhou, we won't ask anymore. Where are you going? I'll drive you there." Qiu Daobang drove and stopped next to Zhou Jun.

It's rush hour now, with cars coming and going on the road, and it's quite troublesome to take a taxi.

Zhou Jun waited for more than ten minutes but still didn't find a taxi, and the online car-hailing queue kept queuing.

He had something to do and had to rush back immediately, so he got into Qiu Daobang's car.

Qiu Daobang did not ask about Jiang Ping again along the way, but only chatted with Zhou Jun.

But after arriving at the destination, Qiu Daobang said: "Mr. Zhou, Jiang Ping has not been treated fairly. Just like the purpose of your rights protection, you are not doing it for the compensation, but just for the tone in your heart. If you don't say that tone, you will never say it." I feel uncomfortable holding it in my heart. If you know something, I still hope you can help us. It’s okay if you don’t come forward and provide us with some useful clues. As for your kind reminder that their background relationship is not simple, don’t worry, we Be mentally prepared and not afraid at all. As long as there is evidence, we can make them pay the price they deserve."

Zhou Jun heard this, thought for a while, and finally said: "You can go find a person named Liu Yu. When Jiang Ping was working, he was in charge of the human resources department at that time. However, he later had a dispute with the company and resigned. Now I don’t know where he went.”

"Okay~" Qiu Daobang's eyes lit up and he asked: "Do you have his phone number? Or address."

"I don't have the address. Let me check the phone number."

Zhou Jun took out his cell phone to check and found Liu Yu's phone number.

He reported the phone number to Qiu Daobang and said, "I don't know if the phone number still works. You can give it a try. I don't know much else and I can't help you. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay. This has already helped us a lot. Mr. Zhou, if you want to hire a lawyer for your case, you can come to me at any time."

"……Okay, thank you."

After Zhou Jun left, Qiu Daobang immediately met with Li Xiaoxiao and Su Jiaxuan and told them what happened.

"I hope the phone is still valid." Li Xiaoxiao said, dialing Liu Yu's number.

The phone beeped, and Li Xiaoxiao was shocked. This meant that someone was still using the phone.

The phone beeped several times, and just when Li Xiaoxiao thought no one answered, a voice came from the other side: "Who?"

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