Dad Academy

Chapter 1409 Three Minutes of Heat


Given Xin Xiaoguang's courage, he wouldn't dare to do anything bad to Liuliu.

He had suffered from the porcelain before. At that time, the porcelain was only three or four years old. As soon as he touched it, the porridge would fall to the ground and scream. He was very good at touching porcelain. He was not someone he could offend. object.

Now that Liuliu has become a big Yanyan, his acting skills have soared. Xin Xiaoguang is very worried that if he says something unfavorable to Liuliu, Liuliu will fall to the ground.

He would never dare to bully Liuliu. He actually came to thank Liuliu.

Kung Fu Panda is so popular among readers that the merit medals have half of the credit of Liuliu.

It's just that Liliu himself doesn't know.

The person involved doesn’t know, but as the author, I can’t help but accept this.

Xin Xiaoguang will definitely repay Liuliu.

He called Liliu into the yard, away from the other children, and asked her what she wanted to eat.

Liuliu thought that Kuangkuang's little light was trying to give her good fruit, so she immediately became wary.

Xin Xiaoguang explained again and again that he really wanted to treat her to something to eat.

"Souchuanchuan!" Luoliu said without hesitation.

She had been particularly craving for Chuan Chuan recently. She had already planned it, so she used the excuse of asking Wang Xiaoyu to do Chuan Chuan and asked Mama Zhu to pay for the treat.

But that melon boy Wang Xiaoyu ran away.

After saying that, Liuliu was a little nervous, her expectant eyes were uneasy, and she was worried that Xin Xiaoguang would refuse.

However, unexpectedly Xin Xiaoguang agreed very simply.

Liuliu was greatly surprised and jumped up excitedly.

Xin Xiaoguang not only invited Liuliu, but also Dudu.

"I called all your little sisters, Xiaobai, Xi'er and the others."

When Liuliu heard this, she immediately pulled Xin Xiaoguang to a more remote place and quietly told him not to call him Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai is a melon kid, a bully. We won't play with her, so don't call her that."

"...But I already called."


"Didn't you tell us yesterday that You and Xiaobai are best friends? I thought you had a strong relationship, but I didn't expect you were just plastic sisters."

Liuliu was a little unhappy and thought Brother Xiaoguang was quite stupid.

But Xiaobai also wanted to come to Suo Chuan Chuan, and she couldn't stop him.

It’s better to choose a day than to hit it. Luliu suggested that tonight, right now, go for it~ Get up!

Xin Xiaoguang originally planned to do it tomorrow so that he could communicate with the parents of the children, but Luoliu strongly suggested that it be done today.

She might be worried that Xin Xiaoguang would regret it tomorrow, so it would be safer to eat it first.

Xin Xiaoguang immediately discussed with Teacher Xiaoyuan, called the parents of several children, and applied to take Xiaobai to have a barbecue.

When she called Zhu Xiaojing, she really wanted to refuse, but she knew very well that if she refused, Luoliu would make a big fuss in the sky at night, lying on the ground crying and making trouble and not going to school.

After obtaining the consent of all the children's parents, Xin Xiaoguang took the children out to have a barbecue at a barbecue restaurant in Huangjia Village.

The following children are: Xiaobai, Liuliu, Dudu, and Xier.

In addition to Xin Xiaoguang, the adults accompanying him were also Zhang Tan.

Liuliu doesn't want to see Xiaobai, but he can't do anything to her, so he can only force a smile and pretend to be a good friend.

Xin Xiaoguang found a barbecue restaurant and ordered a sumptuous table for the children.

Xiaobai rubbed his hands together, excited.

The durian sighed with contentment before eating it, looking forward to it.

Dudu...has already started eating.

Xi'er didn't care, she was here to play.

"Boss, would you like a beer?" Xin Xiaoguang asked Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan said: "Forget it once, just have two bottles. Drink some but don't get drunk."

"Okay, chilled." Xin Xiaoguang said to Liuliu again, "Liuliu, go ahead and eat. I'll take care of you for today."

Liuliu nodded and was already chewing meat skewers. She had no time to talk, but there was no doubt that she would become friends with Xin Xiaoguang.

Not only do you have to eat the pomegranates, but you also have to take photos of them.

She asked Xiaobai to take a photo of her, with all kinds of meat skewers in front of her. She was surrounded by meat skewers. After taking the photo, she sent the photo to Wang Xiaoyu and told Wang Xiaoyu, who taught him not to do it!

The two secretly poking Guawazi actually took photos and sent them to Wang Xiaoyu.

Wang Xiaoyu screamed on the other end of the phone, heartbroken.

He hasn't had the supper barbecue yet. Ever since Liliu told the story, he has been looking forward to it, but he just doesn't have the fate.

After a barbecue, Liuliu and Xin Xiaoguang became good friends and no longer screamed at others.

Dudu no longer calls like that.

Xin Xiaoguang also gave a comic book "Kung Fu Panda" to Liuliu. Liuliu didn't know many words, but after a few glances, she became interested in the pictures, especially the panda learning kung fu.

"Hahahaha, this panda is so funny. Why is it so fat and chubby? Can it defeat a leopard?"

No one else has a say in whether you can defeat the leopard, only you have a say, Xin Xiaoguang said to himself.

Liuliu fell in love with this Kung Fu Panda. She thought the panda was so round and cute and loved to learn Kung Fu, which was very similar to her.

She loved learning kung fu and wanted to be a hero since she was a child, bullying the weak and defeating bandits.

When he returns from school, the first person he has to deal with is Xiaobai's melon boy, and he should also give me a taste of flower arranging.

When she returned home at night and lay on the bed to sleep, Liuliu asked Zhu's mother not to tell her a bedtime story, but to tell her the story of "Kung Fu Panda".

"'Kung Fu Panda'? Oh, it was written by Xin Xiaoguang."

Zhu Xiaojing listened to Liuliu's explanation and found out that Xin Xiaoguang had published a new comic called "Kung Fu Panda" and had given a copy to Liuliu.

It was rare that Liuliu liked reading, so Zhu Xiaojing couldn't help but feel happy and told her the story of "Kung Fu Panda".

She turned a few pages and glanced at it, and the story had just begun, but she had already noticed that this panda looked so familiar, as if she had seen it before somewhere, and that it seemed that it had known her for many years.

It wasn't until her eyes fell on Liliu lying on the bed that she suddenly realized, wasn't this the one? !

She told the story to Liliu. It must be said that the story of "Kung Fu Panda" is very strong and attractive. Not only children are deeply involved in it, but adults like her are also attracted.

She didn't expect that Xin Xiaoguang, who usually didn't look serious, had such a talent! The comics he writes are full of childlike innocence and wild imagination.

It’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance.

Even if he looks ungrateful and behaves like a child, he still has a very bright side. No wonder Madoka-sensei falls in love with him.

After listening to the story, Liliu became more energetic and unwilling to sleep.

Zhu Xiaojing suppressed her forcefully, and Luoliu could only obey and close her eyes in order to avoid becoming a flat Liuliu.

The story of a panda took three consecutive days to finish.

In just three days, Liuliu has become a loyal fan of pandas, clamoring to learn martial arts! You have to go up the mountain to become a disciple and practice the unparalleled magic skills.

"Haven't you practiced before? Didn't you forget? You practiced with Xiaobai. You were too tired and you gave up." Zhu Xiaojing said.

Only then did Liuliu remember that she had indeed practiced with Xiaobai before. She tried all the courses in that training institution and finally found the most suitable wrestling.

But she couldn't finish wrestling practice in the end because she got into a fight with someone.

Liuliu was unwilling to give in. She had been bullied by Xiaobai recently, and after watching Kung Fu Panda, she wanted to take revenge.

If you want to take revenge, you must first practice magic skills. She clamored to learn kung fu.

Zhu Xiaojing couldn't stand the noise, so he took her to a training institution. There happened to be a boxing match there, and a fitness coach came to challenge the boxing coach in the institution.

The fitness coach was taller, taller and had longer arms, but he was still beaten by the boxing coach, and was beaten badly. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he finally lay on the ground unable to get up.

When Liuliu saw this, she stopped yelling immediately and left without saying a word. After the visit, she walked away obediently and stopped mentioning Kung Fu training for a long time.

But in Little Red Horse, she still couldn't help but want to challenge Xiaobai and was eager to give it a try.

Her only sense told her not to do this, but she could hardly bear it anymore...

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