Dad Academy

Chapter 1410: Get beaten and drink a bottle of bears

Liliu is very confident. She is not stupid, but forgetful. She has been beaten and has no memory.

For example, with Luo Zikang, every time she provoked Luo Zikang, she would be chased and beaten and cry on the spot. After one night, she seemed to have forgotten about being beaten and continued to provoke Luo Zikang.

A bit like Erha.

The same goes for Xiaobai.

Obviously, every time she challenged Xiaobai, she failed. She had eaten the flower arrangement countless times, but time could dilute all fears. Gradually, she was ready to take action again and felt that she could do it.

Especially this time, she watched Xin Xiaoguang's "Kung Fu Panda" and was greatly inspired and excited.

Just imagine, a plump giant panda can only cook and not know kung fu, but it can learn martial arts and become a peerless master, defeating giant leopards and becoming a hero.

What an inspiring story, Liuliu was deeply inspired.

She has been oppressed by Xiaobai for a long time. She surrenders on the surface, but in fact she is very dissatisfied in her heart. Her desire to be a big sister will never die.

Now, in Little Red Horse, she is already at the top of the food chain. Looking up, there is nothing but Xiaobai. Looking down, there are a lot of melons, all of which are her dishes.

She desperately hopes to unseat Xiaobai and become a being above ten thousand people.

She bared her teeth and claws for several days, and finally on this dark and windy night, she couldn't help it anymore and moved her hands.

At first, Xiaobai didn't take her seriously. He just thought that Liuliu was cheating every day, so he didn't pay attention to her and just let her crawl away.

Liuliu didn't crawl away. Not only did she not crawl away, she even got closer and touched Xiaobai's watermelon head.

Xiaobai knocked her hand off and threatened her: "Crawl away, don't hit me."

Liuliu put her hands on her hips and laughed: "Hahahaha, I'm going to touch your watermelon head. It's so soft and comfortable."

Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, "Guawazi!"

Liuliu laughed again, "You are Guawazi, Xiaobai."

The villains all seem to like to laugh, and I don’t know why they laugh.

Xiaobai finally took a good look at Liuliu and asked her: "Fat Liuliu, do you want to be beaten?"

Luoliu laughed again, and after he finished laughing, he said: "You just want to be beaten! I'll beat you! Did you see my fist? I'm so powerful. I've learned kung fu, hahaha, I can beat you." "

Luoliu is not only addicted to his mouth, but also shows his teeth and claws, and starts practicing.

Not far away, Dudu and Xi'er, who were sitting on small stools watching a show, were having a heated discussion about how Liuliu would die.

Before the fight even started, the two of them had already reached the unanimous conclusion that if they really wanted to fight, Luoliu would lose miserably and might cry.

"She is a strong little pomegranate." Dudu said, wanting to save some face for the little sister.

But Xi'er revealed mercilessly: "The strong little pomegranate can sometimes be weak."

Dudu fell silent after hearing this.

She looked at Liliu frantically testing the brink of death and did not dare to look anymore. She covered her eyes with her hands and prayed for the little sister, hoping that Xiaobai would give her a gentle beating later.

As soon as she covered her eyes, she heard Liuliu's screams. She knew without looking that Liuliu and Xiaobai were already fighting.

She didn't let go of her palms and still covered her eyes, unable to bear to watch Luoliu being beaten and crying.

But she was very concerned about the lives of her little sisters, so she listened with her ears pricked up. From the sound, she could roughly judge the situation that Luliu was in.

At the beginning, Liuliu's voice was full of energy, and he kept shouting, "Oh!". From then on, it was clear that Liuliu was confronting Xiaobai, and they were evenly matched.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Not long after they were evenly matched, Liuliu's voice began to get angry.

"Ah——'s a duck! Don't pull your cheeks, Xiaobai! Ah~~don't pull your pants~~...Oh, oh, duck..."

From the sound, she could tell that Liliu was collapsing rapidly. Finally, she began to run away and call for help.

"Hey duck, I don't want to play anymore, I don't want to play anymore - help duck~~~ help duck, save my life duck - don't hit me, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, don't hit me~~~~~ Dudu, Dudu Du, come and help me~~~"

Dudu could no longer turn a blind eye. She let go of her hand and looked at the sound, only to see her good sister, Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan, huddled in the corner, holding her head in her hands and begging for mercy.

Xiaobai pulled her up, pushed her to the ground with a twist, then rode up and captured her.

The majestic and high-spirited Liuliu was defeated and returned at this moment. Xiaobai used him as a mount and rode on him, begging for mercy.

Xiao Lizi and Xiao Weiwei came to watch the show. Xiao Weiwei was shocked and a little worried that Liliu would be beaten to death, while Xiao Lizi was holding back her laughter, holding back her laughter... She couldn't bear it anymore, and there was no need to hold it back any longer. She laughed loudly, He put his hands on his hips and almost burst out laughing.

Liliu, you have today too!

Dudu and Xi'er stepped forward to plead for Liuliu.

Xiaobai asked Liuliu: "Guawazi, are you still messing with me?"

"Don't mess with me, don't mess with me, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, we are good friends, we have misunderstood each other."

Xiaobai stood up and put down the pomegranates.

Luoliu got up miserably, her hair was messed up, her face was red, her clothes were wrinkled, her expression was depressed, and she was about to cry without tears.

Dudu stepped forward to help her arrange her clothes, touched her head, and showed concern for her, "Liuliu, are you in pain?"

Liuliu shook her head and said that she didn't feel any pain, she just felt bitter in her heart.

If the uprising fails, it would be good to be alive. From this point of view, I have to say something great to Xiaobai.

Dudu felt sorry for her and said, "You must be good from now on and stop bullying Xiaobai."

"Am I bullying her?!" Luoliu jumped up and anyone with a clear eye could see that she was being bullied by Xiaobai.

However, Dudu wasn't blind just now. He was covering his eyes.

Suddenly, Liuliu looked at Little Plum who had been laughing not far away. He immediately blew his beard and glared, pointed at her and shouted: "Little Plum! What are you laughing at?"

Xiao Weiwei on the side quickly put away her smile, but Xiao Lizi was not afraid at all, and was very upright, "I can laugh when I want to, it's none of your business, Liuliu."

"Are you laughing at me?"

Xiao Lizi shook her head and said she was laughing at Xiao Weiwei.

Xiao Weiwei was confused.

Because Xiao Lizi didn't admit it, there was nothing Liliu could do to her. She couldn't just bully Xiao Lizi without making excuses, right?

Although she really wants to do this, to be a hero who bullies the weak, she must be a good example. This is her emphasis.

Liuliu went for a walk in the yard to relax, with Dudu accompanying her. She was worried that her good sisters would do something bad if they didn't want to, so it was better to keep an eye on them.

Lao Li asked her to come over and drink some tea. The weather was hot and fat people tended to sweat easily, so they needed to replenish water in time.

"It doesn't taste good. Do you have a little bear?" Luoliu was picky. Compared to the little bear, Lao Li's tea was only dregs.

Lao Li doesn't have a bear.


On the balcony on the third floor, Xiaobai shouted to her.

Liuliu raised her head and didn't want to talk to Xiaobai, but Xiaobai threatened her and prepared to be beaten if she didn't answer.

Liuliu had no choice but to ask: "What are you doing?"

The defeated have no human rights.

"Come up quickly." Xiaobai waved.

"What are you doing here?" Liuliu was reluctant. She didn't want to see Xiaobai now, at least she didn't want to see him tonight. It would be best if Xiaobai disappeared far away. If that didn't work, then she would disappear far away. OK.

"Come up here and I'll treat you to a bear drink."

Luoliu was agitated and didn't believe it, but Xiwa appeared on the balcony again, with a bottle of Little Bear in her hand.

"Okay, I'm here~~~" He rushed into the classroom like a storm and didn't forget to call Dudu back.

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