Dad Academy

Chapter 1408 After great sorrow there must be great blessing

"Kung Fu Panda" received enthusiastic market response and sales were very good. The first batch of 500,000 printed copies was quickly sold out. The publisher and the studio discussed and decided to print a second batch of 1 million copies.

Xin Xiaoguang was in a good mood, walking with wind and looking forward to the day. Even his girlfriend, Teacher Xiaoyuan, had spring in his eyes and rosy face during this period.

That night, the evening breeze blew, and the yard was full of chirping melon seeds. In the grove and at the base of the wall, there were the sounds of various small insects playing, playing, and singing.

The evening breeze was gentle and the moon hung low. Xin Xiaoguang walked briskly and came to the little red horse, holding a big bag in each hand.

Lao Li asked: "Xiaoguang, what are you pretending to be?"

"Snacks for children." Xin Xiaoguang replied.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a voice from his feet.

"Brother Xiaoguang, do you want me to help you carry it?"

Which little clever guy is here?

Xin Xiaoguang took a closer look and saw that Miss Zhao was here.

"Forget it, it's quite heavy, you can't carry it."

This was a slight against Miss Zhao. Miss Zhao was very unhappy. She immediately rolled up her sleeves, rolled up her trouser legs, rubbed shoulders, and prepared to fight.

She stopped Xin Xiaoguang to show off her muscles and strength.

Xin Xiaoguang could only give her a try. Dudu grabbed it with both hands and dragged her away.

Good guy!

It is true that people cannot be judged by appearance, sea water cannot be measured, and Miss Zhao cannot be underestimated.

"Dudu, Dudu~~ I'm here to help you, I'm here, let's suffer together!"

You can tell by the sound that Liliu is coming.

Liuliu also heard what Lao Li said, but she didn't move as quickly as Dudu, and arrived after a delay of more than ten seconds.

Although it is late, it is not too late.

Xin Xiaoguang told Liuliu not to steal it.

This sentence made Liuliu unhappy. She wanted to reason with him. How could she talk to a child like that?

Children are here to endure hardship!

Not here to steal it!

Xin Xiaoguang is also very powerful. With just two words, he offended two children. If he hadn't bought a lot of snacks tonight, Liuliu would have turned against him on the spot and ran away singing Bang Bang Bang.

Xin Xiaoguang apologized for this and asked them to carry a large bag of snacks to the classroom. Then, under the arrangement of Teacher Xiaoyuan and Teacher Peng Yi, they began to distribute them to the children.

Dudu was clever. After putting down the snacks, he immediately stood on the spot and got stuck first, occupying the first place without any suspense.

When she saw Liuliu walking away stupidly, she quickly grabbed her to prevent her from leaving.

Stupidly, I just stood there and were number one and number two. Then I walked away and came back. I don’t know how long the queue was.

But she failed to hold Luliu, who acted quickly and left only one sentence.

"Dudu, you stay here, I'll guard that one."

I saw the durian swish, run to another big bag, steadily and firmly occupy the first position, tilting his head and smiling proudly at Dudu.

As if this would lead to more.

At this time, Xiao Lizi and Xiao Weiwei also rushed over.

"Xiao Weiwei, go there!" Xiao Lizi directed. Xiao Weiwei took the position behind Dudu, and she herself happened to be standing behind Luliu.

Pomegranates: →_→←_←: small plums.

Fortunately, the two of them didn't quarrel. They just glanced at each other, snorted coldly, and turned their heads away, not taking each other seriously.

"Why are you humiliating me?"

Liuliu was very unhappy with the little one who always hummed at her. She felt that as the eldest sister of Little Red Pony, she did not get the respect she deserved!

She must have been too kind.

"Hmph hum~~~"

Little Plum raised her chin and snorted three times from her nose, not giving the eldest sister the respect she deserved.

Liuliu showed off his trick: "Let me fart for you to eat, biu~~~"

Little Plum: a(⊙_⊙)?

I have never seen such a childish child, even more childish than my 3-year-old friend.

"Let me fart again for you~"

If one isn't enough, I'll put two in. Liuliu may be planning to stun Xiao Lizi to stun him to relieve his hatred.

But DiCaprio will bounce back.

"Bounce, rebound~~~Stink of yourself!...Ah, it really stinks!"

Pomegranates may have special powers. If you say you fart, you will fart. No joke!

She really farted, and the smelly little plum almost cried.

But she still held back, covering her nose with both hands, occupying the second position unwaveringly, and never letting the snacks slip away.

The other children, on the other hand, dispersed one after another. It wasn't worth it to smell Fatty's fart just to get something to eat.

Finally, teacher Peng Yi brought a mini hand-held electric fan and blew it for a while to make the poisonous gas dissipate quickly.

Peng Yi told Liuliu not to fart again and to be good.

Liuliu promised, "Hand out snacks! Teacher Xiaoyizi, look, Teacher Xiaoyuan has already started giving out snacks."

Teacher Xiao Yuan was in charge of the team on Dudu’s side, and they had already started. Dudu sat aside and started eating with relish, and entered the realm of “I don’t know Liuliu” again.

"Then everyone line up and don't mess around. Xiaobai, don't jump in line! I see you!"

Peng Yi was selfless, even picking up the boss's cubs and training them.

Liuliu turned around and educated Xiaobai: "Xiaobai! Don't act recklessly, you are a good guy! Good guy, you have to line up properly. Only by lining up well can we share the food. Dudu is almost finished!"

Xiaobai left obediently, revealing Shi Baobao with a weak expression behind him, and came to stand at the end of the line.

When Liuliu received the snacks and was happily going to find Dudu, Xiaobai called out to her.

"Come here, come here. I won't eat your snacks. I'm whispering to you." Xiaobai waved to Liuliu. Liuliu felt that Xiaobai was going to be unfavorable to her, so she didn't want to go there.

Either grab her snacks or beat her!

At this time, Xiao Lizi, who had also received the snacks, passed by and taunted Liuliu: "Huh, coward, Xiaobai asked you to go, go ahead! Huh, coward!"

Luliu lowered her head to look at this little guy who was not even as tall as her chin. Isn't this little guy afraid that her iron fist would crush him and make him flat?

Xiao Lizi's provocation method worked. In order not to be looked down upon by her, Liuliu came to Xiao Bai, and then...

"Ah~ It's a duck! It's a duck, you can't play with a duck, Xiaobai! Xiaobai, you can't play with a duck! Ah, I'm sorry, I can't afford it, I can't afford to play with a duck, don't play with me, duck, don't play me!……"

If Teacher Peng Yi hadn't come over, Liuliu would have been even worse.

Even so, in just a few seconds, Liuliu suffered a lot.

At this moment, the only way to relieve worries is snacks.

She found Dudu, wiped the marks on her face, looked at Dudu and smiled.

Dudu: "Liuliu, you are so miserable, Xiaobai bullied you."

Liuliu: "Hey hey hey~~ I haven't eaten my snacks yet, but you have finished yours, hahahaha~~~"

Sure enough, she was a snack foodie, and her good sisters were concerned about her being beaten, but she didn't answer the question because she didn't eat her snacks.

As the saying goes, great sorrow must be followed by great blessing. Before Liuliu finished eating the snacks in her hand, Xin Xiaoguang found her.

"Liuliu, Liuliu~ come here."

Xin Xiaoguang waved to Liuliu to go out and chat.

Liuliu searched around vigilantly, looking for danger.

That's what Xiaobai called her just now, but she was beaten as soon as she passed by.

Now she was much more cautious, watching Xin Xiaoguang warily and not daring to go over.

"Liuli~~~ Come here, don't be stunned, Dudu, come here too."

Dudu is not afraid of this, who dares to bully her!

If anyone bullies her, she will come with a bow and arrow tomorrow.

When Luoliu saw Dudu passing by, he also followed behind.

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