Dad Academy

Chapter 1228 The bestie group at the premiere (1/2 please vote for me)

Chapter 1228 The bestie group at the premiere (12 monthly tickets requested)

Zhang Tan stood in front of the big screen, faced the dark crowd below, picked up the microphone and said: "Welcome to the premiere of "I am Zhan Er". I think all parents must pay attention to the growth and education of their children." We all have times of confusion and frustration. All parents in the world, regardless of whether they are disabled or not, have to face this problem, and the stories of parents with disabilities can show how people cope with these challenges from a unique perspective..."

"Love is an ability. Some people have it and some people don't. People who have this ability are happy and can feel love and give love. From this perspective, Zhan Er is capable..."

"Father's love can be like a mountain, but it can also be as clear as water..."

Everyone listened quietly to Zhang Tan's speech. Little Yuanyuan child sitting below looked at him with admiration on his face, and little Zheng Zheng also had stars in his eyes.

After Zhang Tan finished speaking, the host invited Zhang Yuyan and several other creative staff up, including the child Dayanyan and Chenliuliu.

She thought she had to say a few words, but she was eager to try, but at the same time she was very nervous. Seeing the dark crowd under the stage, she had completely forgotten what Zhu's mother had taught her to say.

It turned out that she did have something to say. The host squatted next to her, handed the microphone to her mouth, and said something, but the children were so panicked that they didn't hear it clearly.

Her eyes were panicked. In her desperation, she caught sight of her best friend Dudu in the audience. She saw the red ribbon wrapped around Dudu's forehead and noticed the four characters "Beautiful, wonderful!" written on the red ribbon. So he said: "Good-looking duck."

There was a burst of good-natured laughter in the cinema. The host said something again and let go of the nervous Liliu.

After everyone briefly interacted with the host for a while, they all left the stage and the movie was about to start.

The lights on the stage went out, and the entire theater suddenly fell into darkness. Then a light lit up on the dark big screen. In the light, a little girl stood up slowly. The fish maw glass bottle she held in her hand kept changing its shape. The red pony in the bottle Rushing left and right, trying to break through, the bottle kept changing its shape. The little girl pulled out the cork and raised the bottle high. The little red horse jumped out and quickly grew in size. The little girl got on the horse, hugged the horse's neck, and with a burst of beeping, broke through the darkness and drove away, leaving the five characters "Little Red Horse Film and Television" on the spot.

In the auditorium below, buzzing discussions could be heard. It was the first time for everyone to see the title of Little Red Horse Film and Television, and it was also the first time to hear about Little Red Horse Film and Television.

Tan Xier, a child sitting in the front row, excitedly told her sister that the little girl riding the little red horse just now was her.

Tan Jin'er glanced at her, hummed twice vaguely, and said to herself, "That's obviously Xiaobai, okay? Didn't you see that the little girl has a watermelon head?" You are not a watermelon boss. But the little sister thought it was her and was very happy.

Not only did they pay attention to the little girl in the opening scene, but several pairs of eyes looked at the child sitting next to Zhang Tan in the darkness. Although only a blurry figure could be seen in the darkness, the silhouette of the Watermelon Head was exactly the same as the one in the opening credits.

The main film of "I am Zhan Er" unfolds. When Zhan Er carefully picked up his newborn daughter in the hospital, the children in the front row were chattering and talking in low voices.

Liuliu tells everyone that this is her.

Dudu asked, why are you so young? Did you start shooting when you were very young?

Liliu said, I will grow up in a while, just wait.

A few minutes later, Baby Zhan in the movie purred and turned into the current appearance of little Liuliu. The children let out an excited wow, and Little Youyou, who was always confused, immediately sent blessings to the young ladies around her. Congratulations and praise her for her excellent performance.

Toot: →_→

Good guy, the show hasn’t even started yet, it just came out! Why do you praise her for her performance? Besides, she's not the baby duck in the movie, she's Liliu!

But Dudu also knew that Xiao Youyou always recognized the wrong person and often confused her with Liuliu, so she didn't say anything and just let this little fool continue to be stupid.

In the movie, the plot advances to Zhan Er taking Zhan Baobao and his group of good friends to the store to buy shoes. They didn't have enough money, so they couldn't get enough of it. Seeing this, the boss waived their remaining money and gave each of them a balloon.

Tan Jin'er immediately discovered that one of Zhan Er's friends was played by Zhang Tan.

He's really good at acting, he's decent, Tan Jin'er thought to himself.

This little plot touched many people.

In the movie, Zhan Baobao invited his classmates to play at home. When the classmate saw Zhan Er's appearance, he quietly asked Zhan Baobao, is your father mentally retarded?

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but feel nervous. They were curious about how Baby Zhan would answer. Should he deny it seriously to protect his father's dignity, or would he explain it away vaguely?

In the movie, Baby Zhan’s answer was what everyone expected.

"He is." Zhan Baobao said as naturally as possible without much hesitation.

She is already a sensible child and knows her father's situation, but she does not feel inferior or dislike her father because of his mental retardation. The fact that she frankly told her friends just proves her cheerfulness, generosity and strength.

"So you are?"

"I'm not."

"you sure?"


"How did you know?"

"He told me."

"But he is mentally retarded."

"It takes a retarded person to recognize a retarded person."

There was a burst of chuckles in the cinema, and everyone couldn't help but secretly applaud Zhan Baobao's wit.

Some members of the media were mentally drafting the film review for the evening. After watching the first 20 minutes, they at least gave the film a passing grade. They were looking forward to what more exciting things there would be in the future.

Time gradually advanced and the plot of the movie unfolded. People in the cinema were already crying secretly, including Zhu Xiaojing, who had crumpled the tissue in her hand into a ball.

Although she was always present when the movie was being filmed, this was the first time she had watched the movie in its entirety. It was surprisingly good and touching. Her daughter Liuliu’s performance was so good.

At this moment, she couldn't help but be proud of Liliu.

Xiaobai, who was sitting next to Zhang Tan, gently asked him several times, did he take this photo? Why does he want to tell the old man's story?

Although the child didn't cry, she could feel the strong father's love in the movie. As she watched it, her heart became soft and soft, as if she was about to float.

The other children were not as strong as Xiaobai. Xiaomi and Xier burst into tears watching this.

The two of them are the most emotional. They may not fully understand the movie, but this does not prevent them from being emotionally infected.

Father's love is something they have longed for but cannot enjoy.

Xiaobai held Xiaomi's little hand tightly, and Dudu also took the initiative to reach out and hold Xi'er hand in hand.

Cheng Cheng looked sideways at Zhang Tan from time to time, his eyes full of admiration.

What she admires most is those who are better at telling stories than she is, and this is Boss Zhang's strength.

Meng Guangxin, who was sitting next to Cheng Cheng, had red eyes. He seemed to see himself in Zhan Er's figure.

While watching, Shi Baobao glanced at his mother from time to time. After many times, Li Yuxiao couldn't help but ask him what was wrong. Shi Baobao asked in a low voice, where is his father? Li Yuxiao didn't know what to do for a while. answer.

Xiaonian was too young to understand the movie, but for some reason, she couldn't help but burst into tears. Little Zheng Zheng held her hand and stood side by side with her.

The children's reactions were basically similar. They were all moved by the movie. They held hands with each other and connected together.

From time to time in the cinema, you can hear the sound of sniffling, which is a mixture of nasal mucus and tears.

Zhang Yuyan and Chen Feiya watched the movie intently. They had already watched it, but after watching it again, they were still deeply involved in it.

Su Lan on the side looked at the movie and glanced at Zhang Tan. It was hard to imagine that this was Zhang Tan's first movie. With such mature and smooth directing ability, he didn't look like a novice at all.

Wang Junhao, who was far away, was busy with his head down. New messages kept pouring out of the mobile chat group, and he was busy replying. In the university class group, everyone had a heated discussion.

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