Dad Academy

Chapter 1227 At the premiere (2/2, please vote for me)

Chapter 1227 At the premiere (22, please vote for me)

Liuliu is enjoying a lot of glory these days. Not only can she meet fans on the subway, but she is also envied and admired by children at Little Red Horse.

On this night, Little Red Horse Academy was as lively as usual, and the children were all playing.

Cheng Cheng was telling a story to a large group of children. Liuliu and Dudu also moved small stools and sat in the crowd, listening intently.

Listening to Cheng Cheng's stories every day has been integrated into their lives. If they don't listen to them every day, the day will feel incomplete.

At the same time, there was a group of children sitting in front of the TV in the distance watching cartoons, including Xiaobai, Xi'er, Xiaomi and others.

At this time, Teacher Xiaoliu came over and said, children, can I use your TV?

The children were chattering and talking about anything. Teacher Xiaoliu assumed that everyone agreed. She found the remote control and adjusted the channel. A variety talk show appeared on the TV, and a male and female host were talking.

"Today we have invited Mr. Zhang Tan, the famous screenwriter and director, and his new film "I Am Zhan Er". Let us welcome Mr. Zhang Tan with warm applause."

Amidst a burst of warm applause, Zhang Tan walked out from behind the scenes and appeared on the TV.

The children were not all fools, there were many smart little ones who recognized it.

"Boss Zhang! Xiaobai! Your boss Zhang!"

"It's Boss Zhang, it's really Boss Zhang!"

"Why did Boss Zhang come to the TV? I just saw him at home. Will he change?"

These little fools were chirping, and Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, but she was not that stupid, she knew it was recorded.

"Don't make any noise - be quiet! Quiet for me!"

Xiaobai shouted loudly, asking the children to quiet down and listen attentively to what her old man would say.

Teacher Xiaoliu is also maintaining order.

On the TV, Zhang Tan was chatting with the host. Suddenly he said: "Please ask my actor team to come out too."

Immediately, several more people came out from behind the scenes, and the one walking in the front turned out to be a child, walking with short legs and looking around.

The children in front of the TV were in an uproar. They were even more surprised than before when they saw Zhang Tan appear. They shouted excitedly, got up from their small chairs, and jumped up and down excitedly.

"Liuliu, it's Liuliu!"

"Liuliu ran into the TV! Why is Liuliu there?"

"Liuliu is there, she's listening to the story!"

"Tianya, there are two durians, which durian is the real one?"

"Come and see the pomegranate duck!"

The children were chattering and talking about anything.

Liliu, who was listening to the story, was attracted by the noise here. She looked over and saw several children waving at her and telling her to come quickly.

She got up and ran over to take a look, good guy, good guy! She's on TV!

"Little friends, little friends! It's me, it's my duck, you see, it's my duck, 6666 duck, why am I such a powerful duck~"

Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan were proud of themselves, their faces glowing red. She waved to Dudu in the distance and told her to come over and take a look.

This pinnacle of life must be shared with good sisters as soon as possible.

Dudu ran over. Not only did she bring her own little bench, but she also brought the porridge's.

The two sat down and watched the variety show on TV. While watching, Liliu proudly introduced it to the children, boasting about how powerful she was.

However, the little friends didn't care about this. Many of them were arguing about which one was the real one, the durian on TV or the one sitting here now.

Liliu: "..."

This night, the porridge almost flew up.

As the premiere of "I Am Zhan Er" is about to take place, Liuliu, as the heroine, will definitely attend. At the same time, many children will be invited. As Liuliu's good friends, they will come to cheer her up. Help out.

When deciding who to invite, Zhang Tan gave Liuliu full autonomy and gave her ten places. She could invite ten children and their parents to participate.

Without saying a word, Liuliu first invited the "girlfriends group who just want to play and don't want to work", then invited Shi Baobao, Xiao Zheng and Xiao Nian, and then invited Xiao Yuanyuan. Finally, there was still one spot left. She thought about it. Go and eventually give it to the annoying little Yoyo.

Little Youyou always stole her snacks and made her cry several times, but...

"Little Youyou is a little duck. She is the youngest little friend. I have to take care of her. We are good friends."

Just like that, the last spot was given to Xiao Youyou.

Because of this, Luliu went to apologize to Lao Li for not being able to invite him.

Old Li Laohuai was pleased that Liuliu was quite considerate.

But he will attend the premiere, and there is no invitation from Liliu. He still has Boss Zhang, and he has Boss Zhang’s back!

The premiere is Saturday night at 7:30 p.m.

Zhang Tan arrived early, and he was responsible for entertaining the guests. He asked Xiaobai and others to come back later and join the Xi'er sisters. However, Xiaobai didn't trust the old man, so he also came and acted as a helper at his feet.

Xiaobai came so early, so Tan Jin'er also came early with Xi'er. Not long after they arrived, they saw Liliu coming with her parents, and not long after that, Dudu came.

Dudu had a red ribbon tied on his forehead, with several big words written on it: Beautiful, wonderful!

Zhang Tan smiled and invited them to come in and take a seat. The ribbon slogan on his pouty head could change at any time.

Many insiders came tonight, most of them were invited by Kuxun Video, some were invited by Zhang Tan, and there were also many media people and fans.

Producer Xie Ou and Zhang Tan went out to greet guests together, and she would introduce them to Zhang Tan if they didn't know them.

Zhang Yuyan and Chen Feiya came, and getting off the bus with them was Su Lan, who was invited to come from Peking.

Zhang Tan stepped forward and asked, "When did you come to Pujiang? I didn't hear what you said."

"I just arrived this afternoon." Su Lan said, "Congratulations, it's your first movie you directed. It must be a very special feeling."

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "Old Zhang and Feiya know this."

Chen Feiya answered: "Zhang Tan has a nickname on the set, called the grumpy little brother."

After saying that, he and Su Lan laughed together.

Zhang Tan was speechless. He knew that he had a nickname on the crew, but he always thought he was someone with more style and awesomeness like the crew tyrant. He didn't expect it to be such a nickname.

At this time, Su Lan saw Xiaobai staring at her behind Zhang Tan, and greeted with a smile: "Xiaobai, do you still recognize me?"

Xiaobai nodded and said, "My uncle posted you on the door."

Bai Jianping, who had just wanted to enter the theater quietly from the side, was so frightened that his legs almost weakened when he heard this. Fortunately, Ma Lanhua helped him, otherwise he would have been embarrassed.

After listening to Xiao Bai's words, Su Lan put her hand on her forehead, feeling like she had a headache, and then smiled and said, "Thank you and uncle for supporting me."

After they entered the theater, they took their seats in the front row. Sitting next to Zhang Yuyan was his partner, Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan.

"Liuliu, you are amazing. You are the leading actor in a movie. You are so awesome." As soon as Su Lan saw her, she couldn't help but praise her.

She and Liuliu may have a connection, but unfortunately, Shen Liuliu and Da Yanyan are too forgetful and have long forgotten her. The way she looked at Su Lan was as if she was saying, is this another one of my fans? Why is she like this?

So Liuliu just glanced at her, bared her teeth and smiled politely, then turned to chat with Dudu.

At this time, someone came over to say hello to Su Lan and others, talking and laughing.

The person coming is Wu Yue. He, Su Lan and Chen Feiya have acted together in "30 Women" and they are all starring roles.

That TV series can be said to be the famous work of the three of them. Since then, the acting careers of all three have improved significantly.

However, the subsequent developments were different. Su Lan's career was steadily rising. Chen Feiya did not often appear in front of the media, but she took it one step at a time, and every step was very practical.

Perhaps, the one with the least favorable development among the three is Wu Yue. But that's a relative term. In the eyes of outsiders, Wu Yue is not doing badly, but he hasn't had any outstanding works in recent years. He once competed for "My Love from the Star" but was not selected in the end.

After Wu Yue left, Wang Junhao also came over to say hello to Su Lan. He and Su Lan were college classmates and hadn't seen each other for many years.

As the staff arrived one after another, Zhang Tan and Xie Ou also entered the theater. The stage was set up among the crowd of people, waiting for them to take the stage.

He didn't know that there was a woman in the lucky audience who had been staring at him and the little white kid next to him.

If Xiaobai looked over, he might recognize the other person, because this was the young lady who gave her and Xier Malatang in the film and television city during the filming of "I am Zhan Er".

After everyone was seated, the host came on stage and began to give a brief introduction, then invited Zhang Tan to come on stage.

In the past, Zhang Tan was a screenwriter, and he didn't like to be in the limelight, so he attended so many premieres, and he just sat down and watched the show, but this time it was different. He was the director, the backbone and soul of the movie. He had to go up to the front and introduce his work to an audience of strangers.

In full view of everyone, Zhang Tan stood up and gently stroked his trouser legs twice to prevent them from getting wrinkled.

He walked onto the stage, took over the microphone, and began to introduce the work "I am Zhan Er" to everyone.

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