Dad Academy

Chapter 1229 Five-star recommendation (2/2 please vote for me)

Chapter 1229 Five Star Recommendation (22 monthly votes requested)

A good movie always makes time pass very quickly. Two hours pass quickly and the movie is over.

The lights in the cinema came on, and many people wiped their eyes with tissues, but soon they put the tissues down and applauded the movie.

The applause was sparse, gradually getting louder and louder, resounding into one.

The applause was thunderous.

“Good duck~”


"Awesome duck~"


The children were the most enthusiastic, clapping their hands loudly. Zhang Tan couldn't help laughing when he saw Dudu with a red band on his forehead, applauding solemnly and shouting "Beautiful, wonderful!".

Ms. Zhao’s prediction was so accurate. She wrote her review before coming here and rated the movie as: good-looking and exciting! Sure enough, she was not disappointed after reading it, and it was worthy of the words "good-looking and wonderful".

When Miss Zhao saw Zhang Tan looking at her, she nodded seriously towards him, clapped her hands louder, and said loudly: "It's beautiful, wonderful!"

Zhang Tan touched her little head and felt a sense of accomplishment when he saw Xiaobai looking at him with admiration.

The host appeared in front of the big screen again and said: "It is a wonderful and heartwarming movie. Let us once again give warm applause to thank Director Zhang and the creative staff for bringing us a wonderful movie."

The applause in the cinema was even louder.

The main creative staff came on stage again to thank everyone, and then the entire premiere ended.

Although the premiere was over, the socializing was not. Many people came to Zhang Tan to talk about the movie with him.

Zhang Tan saw Xiaobai and other children gathered together, chattering, and Zhu Xiaojing was giving them bear drinks and bear biscuits to pacify their bellies.

Zhang Tan asked Tan Jin'er to help take care of Xiaobai, and he would go find them after he was done here.

After a long time, Zhang Tan finally sent the last person away. At this moment, there were only a few people left in the cinema. Xiaobai and the others were no longer here, and they didn't know where they went.

Zhang Tan was about to go find them when he saw Zhang Yuyan, Chen Feiya, Su Lan, Wang Junhao and others waiting for him.

"Do you have anything else to do tonight? If nothing happens, let's sit together." Chen Feiya said.

Zhang Tan first called Tan Jin'er and asked where they had gone, and found out that they went outside to watch the lanterns with other children.

Zhang Tan asked them to go back first without waiting for him.

"Okay, don't worry." Tan Jin'er said, without even asking him what he was going for.

Zhang Tan and others found a quiet bar nearby to sit down and chat. As time passed, Wang Junhao suddenly said: "There are already movie reviews on the Internet!"

"What did you say?" Chen Feiya asked.

Wang Junhao looked at his phone and read: "Zhang Yuyan showed plastic surgery-like acting skills in the new film "I am Zhan Er"! Zhan Er and his friends brought us the purest and most sincere love, which made the audience I suddenly understood that happiness has nothing to do with IQ, but everything to do with the ability to love..."

"It's a very good movie." Su Lan continued.

"We still need to accept the test of the market." Zhang Yuyan said.

Su Lan: "I believe the box office will not be low. This kind of movie about family love is very popular during the Spring Festival."

Then she looked at Zhang Tan and said, "Zhang Tan, are you okay? Why do you feel so absent-minded?"

Zhang Tan thought for a while and said, "I have something to do, so I'm going back first. When you go back someday, I'll treat you to dinner separately."

He left in a hurry and called Tan Jin'er immediately after leaving the house to ask if they had gone back. He learned that they had already arrived at Little Red Horse.

He drove back, parked the car in the parking lot of Huangjiacun, and packed some late-night snacks in a small restaurant by the alley to take back.

It was already 10:30 in the evening. The children had either been taken home or were sleeping in the dormitory, so it seemed very quiet.

Zhang Tan knocked on the window of the guard box. Lao Li, who was drinking tea and watching TV inside, saw that it was him and opened the door remotely and let him in.

"I bought it for you." Zhang Tan placed a late-night snack at the window.

Lao Li didn't ask what it was. He took it with a smile and said, "I read the online reviews and the response to the movie was very good."

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "It's a pity that you said you have to go to work and can't come, so you have to wait until next time. On the first day of the screening, I invite all of you to book the theater to watch."

"Okay, I'll call Xiaoxiao together."

Zhang Tan saw Teacher Xiaoman at the door of the dormitory on the second floor and gave her a late-night snack. He also saw lights coming from Aunt Huang's office. When he went over, he saw that the door was not closed and she was still working at her desk inside.

"It's the end of the year and I'm sorting out the children's files." Aunt Huang said, "How was the response to tonight's movie?"

Zhang Tan said: "It's very good. Everyone cried when they saw it."

"Really? It's so touching, I can't wait to see it come out."

"On the first day of the show, I'll book the theater for you to watch. You must make time then."

"When will it be released?"

"New Year's Day."

When I got home, the lights in the living room were on, but there was no one. The door of Xiaobai's bedroom was ajar, and Xi'er's laughter came from inside.

He opened the door and saw Xiaobai and Xi'er lying on the bed. Tan Jin'er was sitting by the bed and telling them a bedtime story. But the next second, Xi'er got out of the bed with a grunt and jumped on the bed. Huh.


Tan Jin'er wanted to catch Xi'er, but the little friend was very flexible and jumped off the bed, ran out the door and bumped into Zhang Tan's hand.

"Ah—I've been caught!"

Xi'er yelled and was immediately picked up by Zhang Tan and put back on the bed.

The two children couldn't sleep and were in high spirits, so Zhang Tan asked them if they wanted a midnight snack, and the answer was yes.

So the four of them sat at the dining table, and on the dining table were the late-night snacks bought by Zhang Tan.

"Have a bottle of Xiongxiong, old man." Xiaobai suggested.

"Then I'll give you a bottle, but only one bottle. Don't make your stomach bulging. It will make you unable to sleep at night."

Zhang Tan took four bottles, one each for Xiaobai and Xi'er, and one for Tan Jin'er.

Tan Jin'er said: "I don't want it."

Zhang Tan: "Try it, it's delicious."

Tan Jin'er said oh, took the bear drink, and said happily: "There are a lot of movie reviews online now, and everyone's evaluation is very high."

Zhang Tan took out his mobile phone and checked various major websites.

——"\u0026lt;I am Zhan Er\u0026gt;: True wealth is love and companionship"

The content of this new film is not complicated. It mainly revolves around the story of Zhan Er, who has an IQ of only 7 years old, fighting for the custody of his daughter. In my opinion, the great thing about the film is that the director uses a warm and healing story to let the not-so-smart people teach the so-called smart people a lesson, allowing the audience to understand what is the most important thing in life...

Zhan Er’s story reminds the public that we hope that our children’s lives will be rich and colorful, and we hope that our children will see more and learn more, so we spend our time buying toys for our children and sending them to various tutoring classes. We all hope to "raise our children richly", but the film tells us that true wealth is love and companionship... Five-star recommendation, very worthy of appreciation.

——"\u0026lt;I am Zhan Er\u0026gt;: Not only a debut work, but also a stunning work"

Director Zhang Tan said at the premiere that love is an ability. Some people have it and some people don't. People with this ability are happy and can feel love and give love. From this perspective, Zhan Er is capable.

After watching the entire film, I can't think of any particularly profound scene, but I can warmly feel the happiness that pervades Zhan Er, a real person. The character is very vivid and realistic, making me feel that he really exists. Every placed teacup, every neat piece of sugar, every look, profile, and shout fascinates me. A good man who treats the world sincerely, a fool who is clumsy in doing things and can't pronounce words, and a father who loves his daughter with all his energy and emotion, Zhang Yuyan has dedicated his textbook-level acting skills! Five-star recommendation, made me cry.

——""Double Zhang" brings us the tear-jerking drama of the year"

The name Director Zhang Tan may be unfamiliar to many people, but in the entertainment industry, this name is well known and everyone knows it. His fame was built through his own works, such as "The Hidden Corner", "The Silent Truth", "In the Name of the People", "Black Blood", "I'm Not the God of Medicine", etc., all came from his pen. This "I Am Zhan Er" is his debut film, and he teamed up with Zhang Yuyan to bring an annual tear-jerking drama. The film is not deliberately sensational, but it is a film that will make people cry after watching it. The daily interaction between daughter Zhan Baobao and Zhan Er is the most touching part of the whole movie.

The movie does not use any brilliant film techniques, nor does it use any ingenious lens art. Even the editing and use of colors are very ordinary. After watching it, all that lingers in people's minds is this warm and tear-jerking story! It turns out that it's not that the director doesn't know any skills, but that he is so clumsy that he hides all the skills and only serves the storyline. Therefore, the movie is smooth and natural, and it doesn't look like the work of a new director at all.

I give this movie a 9.

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