Dad Academy

Chapter 1127 Li Yuxiao’s proposal

"There is a video called "Mohe Dance Hall". Find it and put it in the recommendation column on the homepage."

""Mohe Ballroom"? I looked for it...oh, I found it, but..."

"but what?"

"The picture quality is not good. It was taken casually with a mobile phone and it is still shaking."

"Hang it up first."


Kuxun Video Company immediately put Li Yuxiao’s concert video "Mohe Ballroom" in the recommendation column on the homepage of the website.

Zhang Tan never warned about this, it was completely a spontaneous behavior of the staff.

After hanging up, someone immediately called Zhang Tan to report and asked if a clear video of the performance could be provided.

Zhang Tan is the director of Kuxun Video and has a position here, but he rarely comes here.


Chen Hu is a factory warehouse manager. He works very leisurely every day, drinking tea, shaking his feet, and doing nothing. But when he got to work today, something big happened in the factory. Last night, the workers processed and cut materials all night. This morning, the person in charge went to check the goods. , only to find that the parameters of the products they made were all wrong, which meant that the workers’ work all night was not only in vain, but also a large amount of raw materials was wasted.

The general manager of the factory has come to the scene and is seriously pursuing responsibility. The heads of relevant departments are also here, passing the blame on each other.

Some people say that it is the team leader's full responsibility. He did not follow the parameters and was negligent.

But the team leader argued that the warehouse management was not in place and raw materials with incorrect parameters were piled in the wrong place, causing them to pick up the wrong ones.

Chen Hu was not the leader, so he observed with a cold eye. After all the responsibilities were cleared, the general manager called him to the office, "Uncle, are you looking for me?"

The general manager motioned him to sit down and asked, "If you were asked to take charge of warehouse management, would you be able to do it?"

Chen Hu's heart skipped a beat and he realized that his uncle was planning to fire the warehouse director.

Although the warehouse director is not entirely responsible for this accident, he is certainly responsible.

After a busy day, he came home. He had his own house with two bedrooms and one living room, and the decoration was OK. Living alone, Chen Hu felt a little lonely. He thought about finding a girlfriend. He had met a few, had contact with a few, and had a few blind dates. But it didn't work. The reasons are very complicated and range from various aspects.

Although the decoration of this house is not very luxurious, the speakers purchased are top-notch.

Chen Hu liked listening to music. He took off his coat when he entered the room and shouted: "Classmate Xiao Xiong, let's play some music."

"Okay, let me play "Fruits of Midsummer" by Li Yuxiao for the master."

Chen Hu has listened to Li Yuxiao's song, "Fruits of Midsummer", which is very famous, and he has also listened to it.

While listening to the song, he went into the kitchen to get something to eat. To cope with his stomach, he ordered a bowl of noodles.

When he came out with steaming noodles, he heard singing in the living room:

"I have never seen a village where the aurora appeared.

I have never seen anyone setting off fireworks late at night.

The evening star is like your eyes, killing people and setting fire

You didn't say anything, the wild wind disturbed me

Three thousand miles away, I met you by chance

In the garden, a skirt is dancing

Under the light, the morning light shakes off

Mohe Dance Hall in 1980


He was stunned, standing there, listening to the song carefully, searching quickly in his mind, and found that he had never heard it before.

but! Surprisingly nice to hear!

"Three thousand miles away, I met you by chance", this lyrics especially kills him!

He once had his first love, whom he met when he first started playing online. The two fell in love online, one in the south and the other in the north. Although they were not three thousand miles apart, they were more than a thousand miles apart.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of the long-lost memory of his first love, and that youthful figure appeared in his mind, "I wonder how she is now? She should be married, right?"

As he thought about it, he felt melancholy and wild thoughts in his heart... It wasn't until he felt pain in his hands that he returned to reality. He quickly put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, his palms hurting from the heat.

He was not in a hurry to eat the noodles. He sat on the sofa and listened to the song carefully. He liked it very much, but he didn't know the title of the song.

He used his mobile phone to search for the lyrics he heard, and the words "Mohe Dance Hall" popped up on the webpage. The singer was Li Yuxiao!

"It turned out to be Li Yuxiao's new song. I just said the sound sounded so familiar. Classmate Xiaoxiong, play "Mohe Ballroom" again."

Chen Hu forgot to eat dinner and sat at home listening to "Mohe Ballroom" over and over again.

There are not many people like him.

The sound source of "Mohe Dance Hall" was quietly launched on the website with lightning speed, and without any publicity, it quickly entered the top ten of the new song list!


No matter how noisy it is outside, it will always be quiet in Little Red Horse Academy.

The moon is high, the moonlight is like water, and the little people below are noisy, running, singing, and chatting.

Xi'er was being scolded by Xiaobai, so she stood still obediently and didn't dare to move, otherwise her face would be pinched.

Next to her, Cheng Cheng was watching a play, but she wouldn't say a word. She just watched the play without saying a word.

It seems that Xi'er is being bullied by Xiaobai, but the reality is...

"If you bully me again, I will give you earwax!" Xiaobai said angrily.

Xi'er saw that Xiaobai was angry and did not dare to speak. She could only shake her head to express that she would not bully Xiaobai.

"Gua Wa Zi, you are a black ass, you always want to ride me, am I your big horse? Really?!!!"

Xi'er nodded subconsciously. Seeing Xiaobai's angry face, she trembled and quickly shook her head.

"Get away! I'm going to be furious when I see you!" Xiaobai waved his hand to Xi'er to get out. This little friend was giving her a headache. She couldn't beat him again and again, so she could only educate her.

Xi'er swooshed and ran to find Cheng Cheng who was standing aside, wanting to hear a story to calm her shock. When she turned around, she saw Xiaobai training a little boy. The little boy stood at attention, as if he were a primary school student meeting his teacher.

Seeing this, Xi'er no longer dared to ride Xiaobai. Her godfather was not at home, and it seemed that she would not be able to catch up with Dudu and Shi Baobao tonight.

Shi Baobao ran so fast, he passed by her in a flash, chasing the Scud child Zhao Chendu behind him. Luliu yelled from behind, telling Shi Baobao not to leave!

Teacher Xiaoliu launched a mobile karaoke machine from the classroom for children to sing and play.

The children immediately swarmed up, grabbed seats, and lined up.

Liliu is passionate about singing. Although her singing is difficult to listen to, she is confident.

She hurried over, only to find that she could only queue at the end of the queue. She stood on tiptoe and looked forward, and saw Dudu and Shi Baobao at the front. Dudu was raising his little hand and applying to Teacher Xiaoliu for the first place. Sing.

"Good guy, good guy duck~~~Pang Dudu, you 6666 duck~~~~" Luoliu said as he came out of the team, trying to fish in troubled waters and jump in the queue, but the children saw through it and shouted "Liuliu" one by one I'm about to jump in line, but look, the injured Liuliu was caught by Teacher Xiaoliu and pushed to the back of the line to queue up again. Instead, he was further back than before! Jumping angrily.

In the studio, Zhang Tan, Li Yuxiao, and Xu Qian were chatting about the song "Mohe Dance Hall".

Now that this song is a big hit, we need to strike while the iron is hot and rush to the top of the charts in one go.

The three of them were chatting and heard the children singing from the yard. They went to the window and looked out, and saw Dudu jumping and yelling in the yard.

"Dudu sings really well." Li Yuxiao smiled.

After Dudu finished singing, he refused to leave and was kicked off the stage by Teacher Xiaoliu.

Then Shi Baobao came on stage.

Good guy, as soon as Shi Baobao came on stage, he immediately compared Dudu to others.

"My Baobao is also a good singer." Li Yuxiao said, and suddenly said to Zhang Tan with interest, "Why don't you form a choir for the children in the academy? Boss, you can also write songs for them, like "Insects Flying", "Little White Boat", and "Jia Sufen" are all ready-made songs. If we make money, we can also earn some subsidies for the children's families."

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