Dad Academy

Chapter 1128 What is the name of the choir?

In the courtyard of Little Red Horse, the children were queuing up to sing karaoke. They were all so enthusiastic that they almost didn’t have stage fright.

Dudu was the first to finish singing, and wanted to hang on, but was kicked off the stage by Teacher Xiaoliu. Suddenly, he ran to the end of the line to line up, ready to sing for the second round. He looked in front of him, hey, this is not fat. Pomegranate?

"Fat Liuliu, why are you here?"

Pomegranates: →_→

Liuliu was in a bad mood and didn't want to talk to Dudu, so he continued to queue anxiously. At this time, he suddenly saw Shi Baobao running over and standing behind Dudu, also in line for the second round.

Liuliu was immediately dissatisfied, "It's a duck, it's a duck, it's bullying the strong little Pomegranate duck. Why don't you let the little Pomegranate sing duck first? Let me sing first!!! All right, Teacher Xiaoliu, all right." Bar……"

Both Dudu and Shi Baobao were ranked in the second round, but she was still far away in the first round.

What does it feel like to be trapped? This is the taste of pomegranate now.

Although Luoliu kept yelling, Teacher Xiaoliu still didn't give her any mercy and asked her to wait in line.

But Liuliu is not a vegetarian, so it was her turn to sing. After singing one song, she couldn't get off the stage. She insisted on singing the second song, and then she rolled off the stage with dignity.

Gua Wazi in the audience accused her one after another, but she didn't care.

I was so cool when I was alive, but I don't care about the flood behind me.

Zhang Tan came out of the studio and walked to the yard to listen closely. He saw Xiaobai chatting with Xi'er and Cheng Cheng. He did not go to line up to sing. He stepped forward and asked, "Aren't you going to line up to sing?"

When Xi'er saw him, her eyes lit up and she subconsciously took two steps over. However, seeing Xiao Bai there, she didn't dare to take the third step and stopped.

"66666~~~~" Pomegranate ran over happily, showing off proudly, "I sang two songs! I sang two songs, and Little Pomegranate was great, hahahaha, Xiaobai Xiaobai, you Not a single song was sung, you are such a poor duck..."

Xiaobai rolled his eyes at her and took the children home to play.

Seeing this, Liliu hurriedly followed because she had a premonition that there would be a bear drink.

Zhang Tan also returned home with them. Xiaobai found a microphone from the TV cabinet, ran to him, asked him to plug it in, and then started singing on the home video system.

Liuliu was dumbfounded, how could he still be like this? How can it still be like this? ! No need to queue up? Why do you have it at home? ? ?

"Hey, hey, hey, can you play with me, Xiaobai?"


"...I am your good friend Ya Xiaobai."

"You've already sung two songs."

"...How do you know?"

"You said it yourself."

"...You can't afford to play Xiaobai."

"Hahahaha~~~" Xiaobai ignored her and asked Xi'er to sing together. Xi'er ran over, grabbed the microphone and sang: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, go up the mountain to fight the tiger..."

Before Xi'er finished singing, Xiaobai disliked her and told her to watch cartoons instead. He said that Xi'er was not suitable for singing, but only suitable for yelling and laughing.

Xi'er: "..."

Zhang Tan glanced at Xiaobai and thought that this classmate Xiaobai was quite good at mocking people. Who did he learn from this?

Cheng Cheng has no interest in singing. She prefers watching cartoons. The storylines in cartoons attract her very much.

She sat and watched TV with Xi'er, who was ridiculed and disliked, while Liuliu came to Xiaobai's side and applied to sing.

Zhang Tan couldn't bear their noise and hid in the study.

Despite this, the children's songs continued to be heard outside the closed door. Zhang Tan told himself to concentrate on doing his own thing, but at the same time habitually raised his ears to listen to the "war situation" outside.

By the sound, he could tell which melon was singing.

"This is Xiaobai and Liuliu. This is Xiaobai and Liuliu. This is Liuliu. This is Xiaobai and Xi'er..."

It wasn't until 9:30 in the evening that the living room became quiet. Zhang Tan went out and saw that Liliu had gone, and Xiaobai, Xi'er and Cheng Cheng were watching cartoons.

They all held a bottle of Bear Drink in their hands, inserted straws into their mouths, and sucked in their mouths, but they forgot to drink, they were all engrossed in watching TV.

A microphone was placed on the TV cabinet under the TV, and two bottles of opened Little Bear drinks were placed next to it.

"Where's Liliu?" Zhang Tan came out and asked.

The three little friends all looked over, and Xiaobai said, "Gua Wazi is leaving, and her mother is here to pick her up."

No wonder the house was quiet. It turned out that the child Shen Liuliu was picked up by her mother.

The three children all turned their heads and continued watching cartoons.

Zhang Tan also sat down and watched it with him, but after a while he became impatient. It is not impossible for him to watch cartoons. In fact, he often watches them at home. On the one hand, it is out of professional habits and he needs to understand the current animation market. The trend, on the other hand, is pure interest, watching animation to decompress.

But the cartoons in front of him were too childish and youthful, and they were not something he could watch at his age.

He thought about Li Yuxiao's proposal to set up a choir, and casually asked Xiaobai what he thought of this idea.

Xiaobai was very in favor of this proposal and was very interested.

"Then give me a name." Zhang Tan said.

Xiaobai said without thinking, her name is Malanhua.

"Malanhua Choir? It's not bad either." Zhang Tan said.

When Li Yuxiao proposed setting up the Little Red Horse Choir, Zhang Tan subconsciously approved of the idea.

On the one hand, Xiaobai and the others like to sing. On the other hand, as Li Yuxiao said, it can bring some subsidies to the children's families.

The financial situation of many of these families is not good. It would be great if we could get some subsidies to help.

The only thing that made Zhang Tan hesitate was how to sing while protecting the children.

The next day he came to the music studio and told them about the proposed formation of the Malanhua Choir and asked them to prepare.

Zhang Tan has to deal with the matter of "Dark Blood". This project has been approved at Pujiang Film Studio, and a creative team will be formed to start casting.

The studio first took the initiative to ask Zhang Tan what he thought of the characters in the script. In fact, it was asking him if he had any recommended actors.

Then Zhang Tan was invited to participate in the actor interview.

What we have to deal with now is to select the actors who come for interviews.

Since the news of the "Dark Blood" project leaked out, many people in the industry have been asking for news.

Zhang Tan’s work!

Zhang Tan has not had any new works for a while, and this time he got one without any warning. Many actors want to get a role in it, maybe his acting career will be completely different from now on!

Pujiang Film Studio has received many self-recommended applications during this period. Some actors' agents took the initiative to contact them, and some actors contacted them personally.

Not only the studio, but even Zhang Tan received some inquiries.

Zhang Tan didn't really want to get involved in the casting this time, but the studio repeatedly invited him to participate, but he couldn't help but keep refusing, so he had no choice but to participate.

He also thought that since he had promised to give Luliu a chance to play a small role a long time ago, he should be able to find a suitable role in "Dark Blood" this time.

PS: At the opening ceremony of this Winter Olympics, there was a children's choir called the Malanhua Chorus.

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