Dad Academy

Chapter 1126 Whimsical

At night, Little Red Horse Academy.

Autumn is crisp, the heat is gone forever, and the weather is starting to get cooler.

If it rains a few more times, the weather will drop quickly.

An autumn rain and a cold.

The Little Red Horse Academy was very lively. Some of the children stayed in the classroom obediently, watching TV and playing games, while some naughty ones ran around in the yard, screaming.

When Tan Jin'er came to the academy, she saw Xi'er running behind Shi Baobao and Dudu in the courtyard, whizzing to the left and to the right, shouting and screaming, running with short legs. Very fast, lagging behind, but at least not left behind.

"Xi'er! Go home and sleep~" Tan Jin'er shouted, this little sister is still so crazy at night, please don't wet the bed at night, it's really worrying.

"hiahiahiahia~~~~" Xi'er glanced at her sister and continued to rush towards the duck, chasing after Dudu and Shi Baobao, roaring all over the garden.

This child is so stupid. He obviously can't catch up, but he still refuses to stop. You must know that the two horses running in front of him are the two fastest horses in the world.

Liuliu is very self-aware and knows that he can't catch up or keep up, so he doesn't run at all. She stayed by Lao Li's side, drinking tea. Although she didn't think the tea was good, she didn't have anything else to eat or drink right now.

Her snacks have been banned by Zhu’s mother for almost two years. It’s hard to remember the sweet things and the bitter things. The days were so happy in the past. You can eat whatever you want and have whatever you want. But now, this Everything is gone. Apart from eating every day, there are only two apples, one orange and one banana, and nothing else!

During this time, she always wanted to fight with Zhu’s mother.

"Come here quickly! Don't run away!" Tan Jin'er shouted. Seeing her fierce face, Xi'er stopped and asked her sister to hold hands and go home.

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving, little friends, goodbye! Goodbye, we'll see you tomorrow, let's go to bed first, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, where are you? I'm going home, my sister is here to pick me up La……"

Xi'er was held by her sister's hand and walked out of the academy. She turned around and said goodbye to every child who passed by.

It was just a matter of going home to sleep. It felt as if we were going to be separated forever. Tan Jin'er was speechless. Does the sense of ritual need to be so heavy?

On the way home, Tan Jin'er asked Xi'er if the concert today was good.

"hiahia, sounds good!" Xi'er said with a smile, looking around with big eyes, looking at the small upper bunks on both sides of the alley and the cats on the wall.

"...No more?" Tan Jin'er was waiting for Xi'er to tell her more details, but the child said something nice and stopped talking.

"hiahiahia~~~" Xi'er pointed to a door and said, "Sister, look at that cat. It's black. Is it called Xiao Hei? Does she know Xiao Bai?"

"What will Xiaobai think when he hears this?"


"Do you want to have your face pinched by Xiaobai?"


After returning home, Xi'er immediately ran to ride her papa horse. She sat on it and swayed wildly, as if she was riding a real horse running wildly in the ravine.

"Drive, drive, drive~~~ Run, little horse, we have to catch up with Dudu and Baobao!"

The child was still worried about being unable to catch up with Dudu and Shi Baobao in the academy, so when she returned home, she asked Pa Pa Ma to help her out.

"Xi'er, tell your sister about today's concert. She wants to hear it." Tan Jin'er came to her and asked.

"If you want to hear it, just ask your godfather. Xi'er is very busy."

"what are you busy at?"

"Ride a big horse."

"Don't ride yet. Let's rest for a while and chat with my sister."

"I'm busy."

No matter what Tan Jin'er said, the child Tan Xier refused to get off the horse and rocked crazily on the papa horse, mumbling that he wanted to catch up with Dudu and Baobao.

The child was stunned.

Tan Jin'er couldn't help but think to herself, Xi'er wouldn't have been chasing Dudu and Baobao tonight but failed to catch up. This is how much resentment she has accumulated.

Tan Jin'er became a little angry and threatened: "If you don't tell your sister, she won't sleep with you tonight. You can sleep alone. You are already a big child anyway, right?"

Xi'er nodded and said crisply: "Yes, Xi'er is already a big child, and big children have to sleep by themselves!"

"Then you go to sleep."

"I also want to ride a horse."

"No more riding. You need to take a shower."

Little Tan Xier had to dismount her horse and go to her small room alone in high spirits, preparing to sleep alone tonight.

Now that she has a godfather, she is becoming more and more powerful and feels like she can fly.

Tan Jin'er said behind her: "Then you must be strong tonight and don't sneak into sister's room."

"Okay! I am a strong little pomegranate."

"Huh? Isn't the little pomegranate a pomegranate?"

Xi'er's big eyes rolled around and hiahia smiled awkwardly.

She entered the room, turned around, smiled at Tan Jin'er, and took the initiative to close the door.

"Close the door..." Before Tan Jin'er could finish her words, the door that had just been closed opened again instantly, and a small figure jumped out like a flying figure, rushing straight into her arms in a panic.


It was Xi'er who shouted, and Tan Jin'er hugged her, "What's wrong?"

"I saw Xiaoqiang crawling on top of me." Xi'er said with a panicked expression. She was really shocked just now.

Tan Jin'er looked at her and comforted her: "No more, no more, Xiaoqiang ran away."

"It's still in the room."

"Let's go take a look."

The two sisters entered the room and turned on the light. Xiaoqiang flashed past the wall, hid in the gap and disappeared.

"There, they're running away!" Xi'er pointed at the gap and shouted.

The light in this room is not good, and it rains sometimes, the air is humid, and the temperature drops. The air in the room is not very good, and it is a bit stuffy.

Tan Jin'er said: "Let's sleep with my sister tonight."

Xi'er nodded quickly. She didn't dare to let her sleep alone now.

Tan Jin'er looked at Xi'er's room. It was very small. The walls were covered with wallpaper, which she had put up to cover the mold spots on the walls.

If the weather is good tomorrow, I will take out the quilt to dry it and do a big cleaning.

However, Xiaoqiang's vitality is very tenacious and he hides very covertly, so it may be difficult to prevent them from coming.

Tan Jin'er took Xi'er to take a bath. After working for a while, she finally lay comfortably on the bed.

Xi'er was sleeping softly next to her, her mouth chattering. This time, Tan Jin'er didn't ask, so she took the initiative to bring up the concert.

The child couldn't explain things smoothly. He was hoeing here and there in bits and pieces. As he continued to talk, he talked about chasing Dudu and Shi Baobao.

Only this time, the silly child finally realized that riding a paupa horse was useless, so she asked her sister if her godfather could catch up with Dudu and Shi Baobao tomorrow.

Tan Jin'er was speechless. The little sister was so whimsical that she mourned for Zhang Tan for a second in her heart.

The reason why it only lasted for one second was because Xi'er's imagination opened up again and jumped to "Sister, why don't you make Xi'er run faster?"

"You were not born by my sister!" Tan Jin'er corrected her.

"You are." Xi'er believed stubbornly.

"I'm not. We are sisters, not a mother and daughter relationship."

"..." Xi'er's eyes rolled around, and she suddenly turned half a circle on the bed, "Oh, I didn't even know I was talking about you."

Tan Jin'er: "..."

I also learned how to speak like a novice.

Tan Jin'er knew that it was hopeless to expect Xi'er to tell her about the concert, so she took out her mobile phone to check the news.

"Please sing "Mohe Dance Hall" by Li Yuxiao at the concert~"

"Requesting "Mohe Dance Hall"."

"What is "Mohe Dance Hall"? Is it a song?"

"Why are there so many "Mohe Ballroom" suddenly?"

"Is this song good?"

"Who sang it?"

As soon as I swiped my phone, a lot of news about Li Yuxiao and "Mohe Ballroom" appeared.

Tan Jin'er was curious, clicked on it and browsed quickly, and roughly understood that the new song Li Yuxiao sang at the concert was "Mohe Dance Hall".

She really wanted to hear it, but after searching for a long time, she found a video with rough quality. At a glance, she knew it was recorded with a mobile phone in the crowd. The picture kept shaking, and there were sounds of the audience talking around her.

But, at least I can hear the song.

Tan Jin'er only listened to two sentences before quitting and continued to browse the web. Unexpectedly, the encyclopedia already had an introduction to the song.

She immediately looked at the column of lyrics and composers, and sure enough, it said "Zhang Tan"

Two words.

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