Dad Academy

Chapter 1044 Returning like an arrow

Baijia Village, early morning.

White morning mist floats over the village, and the surrounding mountains and forests are particularly quiet. A golden light is gradually coming out of the clouds on the horizon. From time to time, three or two birds fly up in the mountains, passing through the sky, and then quickly fall into another forest. Or in a field that has just been harvested. Dogs barked in the village, and faint green smoke rose from the chimneys.

Dunzi woke up early and was full of energy. He got dressed himself, got out of bed and opened the door. The living room was very quiet and groggy, with a call hen buzzing. He came to the kitchen, but there was no mother there. Then he went to the master bedroom and pushed the door. The door did not open. Dunzi's mother was still sleeping and had not woken up.

The wall clock in the living room made a clicking sound, and the hands showed that it was only half past five.

Dunzi came to the door, stood up on tiptoes, opened the latch, and pushed the door open. The morning light flooded his little body and spilled into the home.

He came to the yard, stood on the big stone pier, and looked towards Xiaobai's house not far away, hoping to see Xiaobai, but he saw nothing. The yard of Grandma Jiang's house was also quiet, and in the distance A cowherd boy passed by on the field ridge, and an old cow slowly chewed the grass.

Dunzi learned last night that Xiaobai was coming back today. He was excited in the middle of the night... He still slept soundly, but he woke up extra early. He jumped up and down in the yard and couldn't stop. From time to time, he looked at the road at the entrance of the village, hoping that Xiaobai would think about it at night. If Bai could suddenly appear, he could immediately run to greet him.

When Dunzi's mother got up, she found that the door was open and Dunzi could no longer be seen in the yard. She washed her face, went out and walked along the field ridge, crossed the small bridge, and passed the village. Along the way, she asked the visitors if they had seen Dunzi. I was told that Dunzi was under the big willow tree at the entrance of the village, and I found it there as expected.

She was funny and distressed. Of course she knew why Dunzi came here. His little playmate Xiaobai was coming back, and she couldn't calm down her excitement.

"Xiaobai didn't come back so soon. Go back and have breakfast first. Mom will accompany you here to wait." Dunzi's mother said, taking Dunzi home, having breakfast, and changing Dunzi into a new set of clean clothes. There is a picture of a little tiger. Dunzi likes this little tiger very much. It is walking around in new clothes and giggling.

The two of them went out and first arrived at Teacher Jiang's house. Teacher Jiang was preparing chickens in the kitchen. Yesterday, she killed one of her own chickens and was going to make Bangbang chicken. Xiaobai liked to eat it.

There is a basket of fresh chestnuts on the table, which Teacher Jiang picked up in the mountains these days. Chestnuts generally don’t mature until September or October, but chestnuts in the mountains are a bit early-maturing. Teacher Jiang picked them up and brought them home. The fresh ones can be used to make chestnut chicken. Xiaobai likes to eat chestnut chicken, and the rest can be made into candied chestnuts, which can be eaten all autumn. and winter, fragrant and nutritious.

"They arrived in Chengdu last night, right?" Dunzi's mother asked.

Teacher Jiang said: "Yes, we arrived at ten o'clock last night. Zhang Tan had to rush back all night. The road was not easy to walk. There were many mountainous roads and it was too dangerous. I asked them to stay in Chengdu for one night first. There is no rush at this hour and a half." Engraved."

Dunzi ran from the living room to the kitchen from time to time, with an anxious look on his face. Dunzi's mother said: "Wait a minute, don't be impatient, it's not so fast, it's only eight o'clock in the morning, hold on tight."

Dunzi said anxiously: "Xiao, Xiaobai is coming back~"

Dunzi’s mother: “We’ll go in half an hour.”

Dunzi looked around anxiously, and Teacher Jiang said, "You can go now. Zhang Tan and Xiaobai may come back very early."

Dunzi's mother heard this, stood up and left: "Let's go, Dunzi~"

Dunzi was so happy and full of energy that he ran out first, ran all the way out of the yard, and rushed onto the small bridge. His mother shouted from behind, slow down, slow down, but Dunzi just looked back and continued to lead the way, and soon It turned into a small dot running across the field and disappeared.

When Dunzi's mother appeared at the entrance of the village, she found a car parked under the big willow tree. She was stunned for a moment, thinking that it couldn't be possible. She quickly came over, took a closer look, and saw Dunzi, and there was a child beside him, shoulder to shoulder with him. Putting his hands on his shoulders, he looked like a good buddy.

Good guys, Xiaobai and Dunzi were about the same height during the summer vacation, but now Xiaobai looks half a head shorter than Dunzi.

"Hahaha, Dunzi, your mother is here." Xiaobai was the first to notice the arrival of Dunzi's mother, said with a smile, and waved to say hello to Dunzi's mother.

"Xiao Bai is back, so early~" Dunzi's mother said, and then smiled and said to Zhang Tan, "You guys came so early. I said you should have to wait a while to come here now, but I didn't expect you guys to have already arrived."

Zhang Tan responded: "Xiaobai couldn't sleep at night. He woke up before five o'clock and drove here without even eating breakfast."

Dunzi’s mother: “Then go back quickly and go home for breakfast.”

"Get in the car."

Dunzi's mother subconsciously sat in the back seat, but a small figure squeezed into the car ahead of her, and it was Dunzi.

"Mother Dunzi, please sit in front." Xiaobai said.

Dunzi's mother glanced at Dunzi, who was sitting next to Xiaobai, and could only sit in the passenger seat.

Zhang Tan drove into Baijia Village. It was less than 8:30 in the morning, but people in the village had already had breakfast and were going out to work one after another. When they went to the fields or mountains and forests, they saw a car. Cars drove by and people stopped to watch.

Zhang Tan rolled down the car window and greeted everyone passing by.

"It's Zhang Tan~"

"Zhang Tan is back!"

"Little flowery old man! How is my man doing in Pujiang?"

"Little Huahua's old man! Is Xiaohuahua back?"

Xiaobai stretched out his little head from the rear window, waved happily to the villagers, and said loudly: "I'm back, I'm here, hahahaha~~"

Some people were on the other side of the car. Dunzi imitated Xiaobai and waved his hands and said loudly: "I'm back, I'm back~~"

The car drove over the small bridge and stopped at the foot of the hill. Teacher Jiang stood at the door of the courtyard and looked at this side with a smile. Xiaobai quickly jumped out of the car, ran away, called grandma, and threw herself into her arms.

Zhang Tan got off the car with his luggage, and Dunzi helped him hold Xiaobai's bag.

Teacher Jiang and Xiaobai were whispering and had no time to talk to Zhang Tan. Zhang Tan smiled, said nothing, and went home.

After a while, Teacher Jiang and Xiaobai came back. Teacher Jiang greeted Zhang Tan and asked them if they had not eaten breakfast. She had already prepared it and asked them to sit down first while she went to bring it.

She guessed that Zhang Tan and Xiaobai might arrive very early today, but it would be after ninety o'clock anyway. However, she still prepared breakfast for three people, just in case.

Xiaobai followed suit and became a follower. He also wanted to follow him to the kitchen, but was driven back by Teacher Jiang. She opened her mini suitcase and took out the gifts she had prepared. Dunzi had some, Dunzi's mother had some, and grandma had even more. One for each of them, as she wished.

"I have one too? Haha, thank you, Xiaobai, you love me so much." Dunzi's mother happily took the gift handed over by Xiaobai, opened it and saw that it was an orange floral dress!

Dunzi's mother couldn't put it down and looked at it over and over, but she was also worried whether it would cost too much.

"It's not a waste, you love me so much." Xiaobai reciprocated the love and didn't hesitate to give praises. Dunzi's mother was very happy, "The little mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

Dunzi's gift is a set of sportswear, which makes you feel special when you wear it.

Xiaobai held the gift for grandma and couldn't wait to run into the kitchen, first showing her great love.

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