Dad Academy

Chapter 1043 Planning for demolition and setting off on the journey

Before taking Xiaobai back to Sichuan, Zhang Tan took the children to his uncle Zhang's home. It was rare for Zhang Hui to rest at home, and Qin Huifang was also there. No need to guess, Zhang Mingxue was definitely not there. Usually when her parents are at home at the same time, she rarely shows up and runs as far away as possible.

Qin Huifang left Zhang Tan and Xiaobai at home for lunch. She even wanted to keep Xiaobai for a few more days, but Xiaobai said her old man wouldn't let her.

Zhang Tan: "..."

Whose fool did you learn from this? He has never said such a thing, okay? ! !

Zhang Tan told Qin Huifang that he and Xiaobai were going to Sichuan in the evening and would visit them when they returned.

Zhang Hui is serious and majestic. Both his daughters and grandson Wang Xiaoyu are afraid of him, but he is very kind to Xiaobai. He always has a smile on his face. When he speaks, he smiles. His voice is no longer loud and low. Soft and gentle, the tiger sniffs the rose, as if if it were harsher, it would blow away the little person in front of him.

Xiao Bai didn't think there was anything scary about Zhang Hui. He just thought he was an old man with a bit of gray hair. He spoke and smiled secretly. He always felt that he was being tricked and had to be on guard at all times.

During lunch, Zhang Mingxue still didn't come back. She called and said she was eating out with friends. Qin Huifang was dissatisfied and asked Xiaobai to say some harsh words. Xiaobai hesitated and did not answer the phone and said, "Isn't this good?"

What she said didn't work. Zhang Mingxue didn't care about children at all.

After lunch, after sitting for a while, Zhang Tan took Xiaobai to leave. Qin Huifang remembered something and asked him to wait, telling him that Huangjia Village was planned to be demolished.

"Partial demolition? Or the entire demolition?" Zhang Tan asked.

Qin Huifang glanced at Zhang Hui, who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. Zhang Hui coughed, stood up and called Xiaobai to go to the yard to practice Tai Chi.

After he left, Qin Huifang said to Zhang Tan: "It's the whole thing, consider everything."

Huangjia Village is very, very large. The Pujiang Municipal Government has been planning to demolish it for a long time, but it is only a partial renovation, bit by bit encroached upon. Nowadays, if all demolition is planned, the cost will be too high, the impact will be too great, it will affect the economy and people's livelihood, and it will not be easy.

Those old white people from Baijia Village work at the construction site in Pujiang, which is a construction site in Huangjia Village, which is a peripheral part.

"I'm just telling you this news, so you know it well. It hasn't been announced yet, and the plan hasn't been finalized yet. It's a big deal and it's not that easy. There are countless games involved, and the interests involved are too many and complicated." Qin Huifang said, "But don't worry, aunt will help you fight for your interests, and no one can touch it. If aunt can't do it, there will be your uncle! We will never let you be bullied or wronged."

Zhang Tan nodded, indicating that he understood. If Huangjia Village is demolished as a whole, his family's ancestral home and Little Red Horse will be affected.

Not only that, there is an alley in Huangjiacun, and the houses on both sides belong to his family. If it is demolished, at least he will have to divide it into dozens of commercial houses. This is what Qin Huifang is referring to, because he is involved in too many real estate properties, and someone might interfere with it and cause trouble.

However, Zhang Tan was not worried. First of all, he had all the procedures in place and had a real estate certificate with his name clearly written on it. Moreover, Zhang Hui and Qin Huifang were standing behind him. He was not afraid of anyone. Anyone who dared to reach out would be caught.

"Thank you, auntie, Xiaobai and I are leaving~!"

"Be safe on the road and take good care of Xiaobai."

"Know it."

Zhang Tan went out and came to the yard and saw Zhang Hui doing Tai Chi. Xiao Bai stood in the shadow of an ivy to avoid the sun. He stared at Zhang Hui boxing with his eyes wide open and his mouth open. , looking very surprised.

"What's this expression?" Zhang Tan asked with a smile.

Xiaobai pointed at Zhang Hui and stammered, saying that the uncle didn’t know what he was doing.

"What are you doing with a stick in your hand?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiaobai threw away the stick and rubbed her little hands. She was embarrassed to say that she thought she was fighting with Grandpa!

She was ready to use the kendo she had learned to compete with her uncle, but he ended up struggling with the air for a long time.

Zhang Tan: "Quickly throw away your rebellious thoughts, say goodbye to Grandpa, and let's go."

Xiaobai immediately waved goodbye to Zhang Hui, went out, and whispered to Zhang Tan, "Grandpa is so pitiful. He has no one to play with him, so he just plays with the air by himself. It's so miserable."

Zhang Tan thought this was funny at first, but after thinking about it carefully, it really made sense.

Zhang Hui is in a high position, not to mention trembling with fear, but at least he is walking on thin ice, cautious in starting and ending, and does not dare to be careless at all. After all, it is very cold at high places. At home, even his daughter and grandson are afraid of him and don't want to be alone with him. Indeed, there is no one to play with him, which is quite pitiful when you think about it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tan said to Xiaobai: "Then you come to Grandpa's house more often and talk to Grandpa more often. He likes you very much."

"Okay~" Xiaobai nodded and agreed readily, "Wang Xiaoyu doesn't want to play with grandpa?"

Zhang Tan: "Wang Xiaoyu is timid, he is afraid of grandpa."

"Hoo ho ho, coward Wang Xiaoyu, let me call Wang Xiaoyu."

"What do you want to do? Don't do this, it will hurt Wang Xiaoyu's face..."

After returning home, the two packed their things, left Little Red Horse in the evening, and set off for Sichuan.

Not long after they left, Xi'er hurried over, entered the yard and shouted to Xiaobai, is Xiaobai there?

"Xiao Bai is not here." Lao Li told Xi'er, "She and your godfather just left and went to Sichuan."

Xi'er was stunned for a moment, said oh, shook the snack box, and said a little aggrievedly: "My sister and I are making dumplings for Xiaobai to eat~"

Because I was making small dumplings, I was a little late, and Xiaobai left.

Lao Li comforted her, saying that she would be back in a few days.

After hearing this, Xi'er became happy again. She sat on the steps and carefully opened the food box. A smell of fragrance wafted up. She inhaled it intoxicatedly and ran to offer it to Lao Li for a taste.

Lao Li ate a small dumpling and boasted that it was very delicious. Xi'er laughed and said that she would give it to whichever child came next.

"Did you eat it yourself?" Lao Li asked her.

Xi'er shook her head. She didn't have time to eat, so she hurried over to give it to Boss Zhang and Xiaobai.

"Then don't you try it yourself?" Lao Li asked.

Xi'er hiahia smiled, said nothing, just smelled the fragrance without moving her mouth.

A second child came in right next to Xiao Hong, and a small figure appeared at the entrance of the courtyard and looked towards her.

"It's Xiaonian~" Xi'er waved happily and called Xiaonian to come over and eat the dumplings, "Here you go, have a taste."

Xiaonian stared blankly at the food box that was handed over. There were eight white and tender dumplings neatly placed in the food box. A smell of fragrance floated on the tip of her nose. She asked Xi'er in disbelief, did she really give it to her? Does she eat it?

"Eat, hiahia, I'm giving it to you." Xi'er said.

Xiaonian quickly wiped his little hands on his body and reached out to pick up the dumplings, but found that his hands were even dirtier. When he lowered his head, he saw yellow mud on his clothes.

"You have to wash your hands first." Xi'er said, "Xiaonian, Xiaonian, have you been playing in the mud?"

Xiaonian said weakly that she had pinched the clay doll.

"Huh? Clay doll?" Xi'er was curious.

Xiaonian nodded, and when the topic of clay dolls came up, her eyes suddenly shone and she became more confident.

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