Dad Academy

Chapter 1045 Not Mom

Early in the morning, Teacher Jiang not only prepared Zhang Tan and Xiaobai's breakfast, but it was also very rich. She stewed half a chicken and used chicken soup to make millet porridge, which was Xiaobai's favorite.

Dunzi looked on helplessly, his eyes widened, and he kept swallowing saliva. His mother asked him to go away, but Dunzi had no eyesight, and he stayed motionless in place, and even wanted to move into the small white bowl.

When Teacher Jiang found out, she served him a bowl with a smile and said softly, "Eat it."

Previously, Dunzi's mother specifically said that Dunzi had already eaten breakfast and asked Teacher Jiang not to prepare it for him, but the child didn't give face to it. After eating breakfast, he still couldn't help but smell the aroma, so he could have another bowl.

Two children were sitting on the threshold, holding small bowls and eating happily. Zhang Tan called them to sit at the dining table. Xiaobai couldn't stop laughing, saying that it was not as comfortable as sitting here.

Teacher Jiang sat at the dining table and chatted with Zhang Tan every sentence, but his eyes kept falling on Xiaobai. He looked at Xiaobai again and again, not wanting to miss a second. He said that Xiaobai was fatter, taller, and whiter. .

Of course, the most obvious change is that the Sichuan accent is no longer so strong. Words that used to be in Sichuan dialect are now in Mandarin.

Dunzi's mother stood aside, fidgeting, glancing at Zhang Tan from time to time. Teacher Jiang knew what she was thinking, and took the initiative to ask Zhang Tan if Dunzi's father was doing well in Pujiang.

Dunzi's mother looked at Zhang Tan longingly. She and Dunzi's father often talked on the phone, but when the man was away, he often reported good news but not bad news. When he encountered something difficult, he often didn't talk about it and just carried it by himself. Every time he talked on the phone, he was very nice. very good.

Of course she hopes that her man is really good, but she even wants to know what is "bad" about him when he is away from home.

She wanted to hear some truth from Zhang Tan.

The construction site where the men from Baijia Village worked was in Huangjia Village. It was on the edge, to the east and west of Little Red Horse. Zhang Tan rarely went to the construction site. Bai Jianping often went there. After work in the evening and the construction site stopped, he would carry Big Bear wine, some braised pork head meat, fried peanuts, or salted peanuts and spiced edamame bought in the alley, and spend a lot of money. For some, buy meat skewers and beef in sauce for 100 yuan, or pickled pepper chicken feet and spicy chicken crispy bones that Sichuan people love to eat. They are spicy enough. He could yell with these old brothers all night long. It was not until late at night that the old brothers who had worked hard all day couldn't bear it anymore, and he slowly returned home with satisfaction.

Zhang Tan occasionally heard Bai Jianping talk about some things on the construction site. So-and-so was sick, so-and-so had his wages deducted, so-and-so was injured, his arm was cut, so-and-so had a conflict with the contractor...

Dunzi's father is relatively familiar to Zhang Tan, so I will focus on it. Some time ago, Dunzi's father fell on a construction site and injured his back. Fortunately, no bones were injured, it was just a muscle problem. He drank medicinal wine and rested. I resumed work in two days.

Zhang Tan thought of this, but did not say this. Instead, he talked about the men in Baijia Village who went to the Bund to play, take photos, and climbed up the Oriental Pearl Tower last weekend. They all blushed and had thick necks with excitement, like some old boys.

Dunzi's mother happily said that she knew. She saw the photos and videos they took, and they all looked like idiots.

Dunzi's mother laughed and didn't ask any more about her man.

After breakfast, Xiaobai and Dunzi disappeared without a trace. They didn’t know where they went. Zhang Tan walked around the house and couldn’t find them. Teacher Jiang said it didn’t matter. They would come back when they got tired. Dunzi’s mother He said he went to her house, but she didn't know what he was doing. It was very mysterious.

Zhang Tan packed his luggage. In addition to the gifts Xiaobai brought for everyone, he also brought them himself and took them out one by one to give to Teacher Jiang and Dunzi's mother.

"Yuxin's grave is at the back of the mountain. When will you go up there?" Teacher Jiang said suddenly. Dunzi's mother had just been praised for her dress with a smile on her face. After hearing this, she immediately stopped and became serious.

Bai Xinyu is considered a taboo topic in Baijiacun, and everyone has a tacit understanding not to mention it.

Zhang Tan said, "I think I'll go in the morning, and I'll find Xiaobai."

Teacher Jiang was silent for a while, nodded and said, "Speaking of which, when Xiaobai was two years old, she went to visit her mother's grave, and she never went there again after that."

Zhang Tan said: "He's 2 years old, he still can't remember anything."

Teacher Jiang: "She has grown up now and is quite sensible. She knows she misses her mother and wants to visit her mother's grave. She is a kind and loving child."

She got up and went back to the house to change clothes and said, "I'll go up with you. The mountains are covered with lush vegetation and it's difficult to walk through the road."

Zhang Tan went out to call Xiaobai back, and happened to see two small figures running over from Dunzi's house, one after the other running on the field ridge. The farmland where the rice has just been harvested has not yet been planted with rice seedlings, leaving only a stubble of straw. The two little ones are running very fast. Xiaobai's watermelon head is flying wantonly. His face is full of energy, letting himself go. Maybe she is here. , is the real her, but in Pujiang, she is always tied up.

"What are you doing here?" Zhang Tan asked the rosy-faced Xiaobai and helped her fix her hair.

Xiaobai happily said that the bamboos and flowers she and Dunzi planted last time have grown up and are taller than she and Dunzi combined. She immediately pulled Dunzi to show his height, put her hand on Dunzi's head, slowly moved it horizontally, but kept moving down, until it reached her shoulders, laughing and poking secretly. Dunzi also giggled.

During the Spring Festival last year, she and Dunzi planted a bamboo tree in the backyard of Dunzi's home. It was now three or four meters high. When the summer vacation just started, they teamed up with Xi'er and planted wild flowers beside the bamboos. The wild flowers also bloomed, with small pink and white flowers blooming one by one, so cute.

"We are going to the mountain." Zhang Tan said.

Xiaobai asked confusedly, why are you going up the mountain?

Zhang Tan hesitated and said, "...sweeping mother's grave."

Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and the smile on his face disappeared: "Oh, my mother is on the mountain."

Teacher Jiang was already prepared and carried a hatchet. It was inconvenient for Dunzi’s mother to go, so she gave Zhang Tan a hoe and put a hat on Xiaobai.

Dunzi didn't wait for her to say hello, he had already put on his sleeves, held hands with Xiaobai, and was about to go up the mountain, without giving her a chance to speak.

It's midsummer now, and the mountain flowers are blooming romantically. The mountain road is winding and winding all the way up the mountain, but it's fairly flat and the walk is not that strenuous. There are lush vegetation on both sides of the mountain road, and you can often see some unnamed wild flowers in the bushes, mostly white, red, yellow, pink, purple, or multiple colors.

Xiaobai was like a little tit, chirping, and running back and forth with Dunzi without stopping for a moment, looking very happy. She was very interested in the wild flowers on the mountain roadside. Not long after walking, she had already picked a large handful of wild flowers of various colors. She kept smelling them while holding them, laughing, and asked Zhang Tan if they looked good.

Zhang Tan said it looked good, took out a red one, clamped it on Xiaobai's ear, and said, "It looks better this way. Your nickname is Xiaohuahua. It's really appropriate."

"Hmph!" Xiaobai ran away again and caught up with Dunzi in front of him, "Dunzi, where do you live?"

Dunzi stood on the side of the mountain, looking at a bush next to him in a daze. He pointed and whispered: "There are pheasants."

There was a cooing sound in the bushes, but it was only heard but not seen.

Zhang Tan and Teacher Jiang caught up, and Teacher Jiang said, "Let's go, don't scare the little animals in the mountains."

Xiaobai nodded and asked Dunzi to go with him, saying not to scare the little animals. They might also be looking for their mother, just like her.

After walking for more than half an hour, the mountain road gradually deepened, and the bushes on the roadside lay across the road, blocking the way, and needed to be pushed aside with a hatchet. Zhang Tan took the hatchet from Teacher Jiang and took over the job. Xiaobai and Dunzi couldn't run away, so they could only follow him obediently and look around curiously.

The trees are deep and only a corner of the forest can be glimpsed through the mountain road. There is a more wild side in the distance and unseen places.

When Zhang Tan cut down a bush of thorns again, he saw a tomb on the side of the road. The tomb was completely covered by bushes. If there wasn't a tombstone standing in front of it, it would be difficult for people to know that this was someone's final destination.

Xiaobai was not afraid. He went over to look at the tombstone and said to Zhang Tan, "It's not mom."

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