Dad Academy

Chapter 1032 I don’t want your dirty money

"It's a big bird!" Xi'er was extremely excited when she saw the parrot parked on the horizontal pole in mid-air. "What's its name?"

Xiaobai told her: "That's a parrot, it can talk."

Xi'er was so surprised that she raised her little head and said to the proud parrot: "Parrot, can you speak? Let me listen to you."

When the big parrot saw someone talking to it, it lowered its head and looked at the little human. With disdain evident, it withdrew its gaze, raised its head, raised its chest, lifted its brightly colored tail, and said imitatively: "Quack, he's a child."


Xi'er underneath was extremely surprised and jumped up and down excitedly. This was the first time she saw a talking bird. She had only seen a talking bird. The world was so magical that it was beyond her imagination.

Xiaobai also came over and looked at the parrot with his head raised. He acted "calm and composed", as if he was a well-informed young lady, but he could not hide the surprise and excitement in his eyes. She just wanted to act like a little sister in front of Xi'er.

She talked to the parrot. Although the parrot was indifferent, it would occasionally reply, seeming aloof but not rejecting people thousands of miles away.

Obviously, this artificially bred parrot is about to become a sperm. It is very good at arousing the interest of the audience. It must have been specially trained.

The more superior it behaves, the more people pursue it, because it is so special. Even if it is aloof, it is still enthusiastically pursued by two children, regardless of its cold attitude.

"Parrot, parrot, what did you eat today?" Xiaobai asked enthusiastically.

The parrot said, "I ate a bag of worms."

Xi'er was surprised and told Xiaobai that the parrot said it had eaten a pack of worms, as if Xiaobai couldn't understand the bird's language.

Xi'er immediately told the parrot not to eat bugs, as it would make it sick, and the bugs would give birth to babies in its belly.

The parrot ignored her, so Xiaobai told Xi'er that birds eat bugs, and they won't get bugs after eating bugs.

"Yes~ Xiaobai." Xi'er was naive and insisted that if you eat bugs, you will get bugs and die.

"No!" Xiaobai insisted.

"Yes, you will die if you eat it."

"I know how to give you a hammer~"


"You know how to use a hammer!!"

A weird voice sounded. Xiaobai and Xi'er both looked over, and it was the parrot who interrupted.

"It's learning how to speak like you, Xiaobai." Xi'er said in surprise.

"How can it learn how to talk like me?" Xiaobai was surprised. So far, only Xi'er has learned a few words in Sichuan dialect. Even Dudu, a little friend who goes around learning what people say and do, hasn't learned it yet. You can't learn the essence if you learn it. Unexpectedly, a parrot learned it after meeting it for the first time. It sounds quite similar.

"Are you trying to imitate me?" the parrot repeated.



The two children were very happy.

Suddenly, the parrot said condescendingly: "You guys are laughing like a hammer!"

Xiaobai + Xi'er: "..."

Xiaobai was amazed and pointed at the parrot and asked Zhang Tan: "It, it, it can imitate me in talking, what's the big deal~"

Zhang Tan was also very surprised and asked the parrot: "How come you can speak Sichuan dialect?"

"You know a hammer~" The parrot rolled its eyes at him and turned its head, saying that it didn't want to look at him because it was too ugly.

Zhang Tan: "..."

"Why are you staring at me??" The parrot looked like it needed a beating.

Zhang Tan threatened: "Niao, if you talk like this, you will die early. Don't be too harsh."

The parrot turned its head, looked at him, and said disdainfully: "I'm so scared, come and bite me."

Zhang Tan: “#@!”

He couldn't help but spit out a national curse.

"He cursed! He cursed!!!"

The parrot screamed, attracting the attention of everyone around him. Zhang Tan was a little embarrassed and said, "I didn't curse! I didn't curse!"

"You are cursing! You are cursing!!!" the parrot continued to shout.

Zhang Tan said that he didn't curse, but Xi'er suddenly interrupted and said that he did curse.

Zhang Tan lowered his head to look at the little boy, but at the critical moment he stabbed him in the back! ! ! Is it so uncomfortable not to tell the truth? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a big horse for you to ride? Is there a bear drink for you to drink? Isn’t it sweet? ?

Zhang Tan: "I really didn't curse anyone, I cursed a bird, a bird, you know?"

Xi'er thought for a moment, nodded, and said, "I know, my godfather did not curse anyone, he was scolding a bird, but it's not right to curse a bird."

Zhang Tan was speechless, where did this little guy come from? He was standing up for them.

The bird trainer came over and told Zhang Tan not to be angry, saying that this bird was very naughty, so he caught it for a show, and that good-natured birds were flying freely in the jungle and falling in love.

After Zhang Tan heard this, his mood suddenly improved a lot, and he sympathized with the parrot and said, "You are so miserable~ It's true."

The parrot rolled his eyes, "What a hammer, come and bite me, come and bite me if you can."

The bird trainer patted the bird's head to shut it up, and then explained to Zhang Tan that these birds were brought from the Sichuan Zoo. They grew up there and their accents have not been corrected yet and it will take some time. .

Xiaobai heard this and happily volunteered: "Ha, I am also a Sichuan baby."

The bird trainer complimented her on how cute she was.

Seeing this, Xi'er smiled and said that she was also a Sichuan baby.

Please praise me.

Xiaobai exposed her: "You are not."

Xi'er insisted: "I am!"

"you are not!"

"I'm already 8 years old, am I still not acridine?"

The two little fools quarreled, and Xiaobai said that he could not communicate with Xiwawa, which made Xiwabao very angry.

Xiaobai tapped Xi'er's little head and said, "You have such a broad mind!"

The parrot fluttered its wings and flew away, landing on the bird trainer's shoulder.

Zhang Tan took Xiao Bai and Xi'er away and found a seat near the front to sit down. He and Tan Jin'er were on both sides, with two children sitting in the middle.

On the stage, the bird trainer took out six horizontal bars and placed them side by side on the stage, and then asked the parrot to do 360-degree rotation gymnastics.

The parrot said: "I won't do it, I won't do it."

The venue is a small theater with about 200 seats. Less than half of the seats are now sparsely occupied. It is too early and it is a working day, so there are not many viewers. Most of them are parents bringing their children.

Hearing the parrot talking at this moment, the children on the scene exclaimed in surprise. They had never seen the world, including the little friends Bai Chunhua and Tan Xier who were beside Zhang Tan. Although they had just had a quarrel with the parrot, they still had a lot of respect for the parrot. Amazing to be able to speak.

The parrot refused to do gymnastics in a circle, and acted like a cold little fairy. No matter how much the bird trainer tried to persuade it, it was in vain.

At this time, the bird trainer took out a grain of corn and shook it in front of the parrot, and then drew a circle in front of the horizontal bar.

The parrot's eyes were straight, and his eyeballs followed the corn kernels in the bird trainer's hand.

When the bird trainer drew a circle in front of the horizontal bar, the parrot immediately skillfully held the horizontal bar in its mouth and rolled its body forward in a 360-degree rotation.

There was warm applause.

The bird trainer gave the parrot a grain of corn, and the parrot was very happy.

After that, he did six 360-degree rotations on six horizontal bars in one breath.

Sitting below, Xiaobai and Xi'er watched with great interest and concentrated on it.

Xiaobai patted Xi'er, whose eyes were almost straight, and asked her if she could spin like a parrot.

Xi'er hiahia smiled and said she could.

Xiaobai took out a boiled peanut from his pocket, put it in her hand, and said it was a reward for her to eat.

Xi'er was stunned for a moment, then smiled happily, peeled off the peanut shells happily, took out the peanuts, and asked Xiaobai if he wanted to eat. Xiaobai didn't want to eat, so she ate it herself, and couldn't help but sigh, "This is so good." Eat it, hiahia.

On the stage, the bird trainer told the audience: "If anyone has a heart, if you hold a one-dollar note in your hand, the parrot will come and peck it away."

The curious audience immediately took out a dollar and raised it. Sure enough, the parrot flew over and stood on the audience's arm, picked up the money in its beak and slowly flew back to the bird trainer's hand.

"Old man, old man, give me a dollar!"

Xiaobai hurriedly asked Zhang Tan for a dollar, which was a coin. He raised it high. The parrot that had just taken the one-dollar note back did not stop. It immediately flew back, landed on Xiaobai's arm, and took the coin away. .

"Hey! Xiaobai, the parrot likes you!" Xi'er said in surprise.

Xiaobai also felt that the parrot liked her, so she said reservedly: "Hoo ho ho, this is my strong point."

Suddenly, the parrot flew back and landed on the back of the chair in front of Zhang Tan.

"Bah~" it spat out the one-dollar coin, "Give it back to you! I don't want your two stinky coins!"

Make up for yesterday's

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