Dad Academy

Chapter 1033 Dizzy with happiness

Zhang Tan looked at the one dollar coin that fell at his feet and was furious!

A bird actually despised him to his face? ? ?

He really wanted to let this bird know the dangers of the human world immediately. He was sure that he could reach out and catch it immediately before it flapped its wings and ran away.

However, he immediately warned himself that there was no need to be angry. This was a bird, and being angry with a bird would not make him look inferior.

He smiled and asked Tan Jin'er for a paper towel and picked up the coins with the paper towel. Xiaobai wanted to take it away, but Zhang Tan said: "Don't take it. This bird picked it up with its beak. It's very dirty and contains bacteria. I'll give it to you." You’re a clean coin.”

Tan Jin'er smiled. Boss Zhang was obviously deliberately retaliating against the parrot. Unfortunately, the parrot didn't understand and flew away proudly.

The performance continues... Just now it was a solo performance by this Sichuan parrot, and then there was a group performance by several parrots of different colors.

Because the Fart Black Parrot is not gregarious, has a naughty personality, and is a typical thorn, so it cannot participate in group performances. After its performance, it was taken backstage by the bird trainer and disappeared. As it walked, it quacked that it wanted to eat bugs. To eat big bugs.

Xiaobai and Xi'er were still waving to it stupidly, looking reluctant to leave.

After the performance at the Bird Hall ended, Zhang Tan found out that there was a performance at the General Hall at 10:30, including bears.

They planned their time and went to the zoo first, arriving on time at half past ten.

Everyone dispersed. Next to the bird museum was the monkey garden. Zhang Tan and Tan Jin'er were debating whether to take the children into the monkey garden or watch from the outside. Suddenly, there was a thumping sound above their heads. Zhang Tan looked up. He saw a colorful bird flying by, almost brushing against the top of his head. As it flew, it kept quacking: "I'm coming~I'm going to run~~~~"

Zhang Tan was disgusted. It was the parrot again. Why did it follow him?

The parrot landed on the wall of the monkey garden, looked around, looked up at the blue sky and white clouds, and felt that he was finally free, and couldn't help laughing.

The bird trainer ran out, stood at the foot of the fence and said, "Come down, baby!"

The parrot chuckled and said: "If I don't come down, I won't go to work today~~~"

Bird trainer: "It's dangerous for you to stand here. The monkeys will eat you."

"Quack quack~~~"

The parrot laughed, not taking his words to heart at all, thinking it was to scare it. However, when it looked back, it was frightened and almost fell off the fence. I saw several densely packed rows of monkeys standing in the monkey park, squatting on the ground in neat rows, staring up at it! In fact, a few monkeys have quietly approached from both sides, trying to climb up the wall and give it a try.

It fluttered its wings and jumped to another place, which was even more difficult to climb, away from these monkeys with ulterior motives.

The bird trainer told it to fly down and eat the corn kernels, but this parrot was a monkey spirit and would not be fooled. He only gave it a little bit of corn kernels and was not full at all. It should not be deceived several times.

Suddenly, the bird trainer nervously asked the parrot, where was the bunch of keys that it had held in its mouth before? Why don't you scream?

His voice was tense, and it was obvious that this bunch of keys was very important and must have been stolen by this parrot.

But now, there is no key in the parrot's mouth!

The parrot chuckled and said that he had thrown away the key. As for where he threw it, he didn't know where it was. It just flew away and threw it away.

The bird trainer was furious and threatened to sell the bird unless it found the key.

The parrot was not threatened and stayed on the wall of the monkey park for a while. After resting for a while, it fluttered its wings and flew over the monkey park, squawking and cursing at a group of monkeys below who were looking up at it and salivating. The nearby tourists were eye-opening, while the park staff were busy. Someone came to the net and wanted to catch the parrot, but the parrot was very vigilant and immediately flew farther and higher without giving the staff a chance.

So someone brought a hunting gun and aimed it at the parrot.

The parrot shouted: "Don't shoot! Don't kill me, I surrender~~~~"

It thought it was going to kill it, so it flew around in fear and said that it wanted to surrender, but it was too late. The staff shot it with a bang. The parrot screamed and said that I was going to die, and then it was shot. The small net bag that came out was caught in it, and it fell straight from the air and was hung in the monkey garden. The monkeys around him heard the wind and swarmed away.

The parrot that had not been shot to death was just thankful. Seeing this situation, it screamed in fright and almost fainted. Fortunately, the staff was well prepared and picked it up before the monkeys did and put it in a cage.

The parrot was safe for the time being. Looking at the monkeys all around, he said in shock, "It's so dangerous, I almost got eaten by the monkeys."

The bird trainer picked it up and asked it again where the key had been lost. When the parrot said he didn't remember, he really didn't remember. The bird trainer was furious and said he would sell it this time and never keep it.

A voice immediately sounded: "Sell it to me."

The bird trainer and the bird both heard the sound and looked over, and immediately recognized that it was the one from the show before. There were two little girls beside him. They really liked parrots.

Sure enough, the little girls looked at the parrot in the cage with bright eyes.

Zhang Tan said again: "Sell me this parrot. My children like it very much. I will take it back to my home to raise it."

The bird trainer hesitated for a long time and looked at the parrot in the cage. The parrot screamed, begging for mercy and not selling it.

But after thinking about it, the bird trainer shook his head and sighed: "It's not that I don't want you. When you made mistakes in the past, I would speak up for you and excuse you, but it won't work this time. This time you throw away the bunch of keys." You've gotten into a big trouble and I can't save you. The best result is to sell you to a good family so that you won't suffer in the future."

The parrot looked at Zhang Tan and shouted: "He will eat me~~"

Zhang Tan quickly promised that he would never eat it. He is not the kind of person without love. "I bought it for my daughter. They like parrots very much, right?"

Xiaobai and Xier said crisply that they were right.

The bird trainer was moved, and amidst the whining of the parrot, he expressed that he would go back to discuss it, and asked Zhang Tan to go with him.

Xiaobai and Xier jumped up and followed, very excited.

Zhang Tan fell at the end, and happened to meet the eyes of the parrot in the cage who was looking back. He smiled extremely tenderly, revealing two rows of white and neat teeth. The parrot was so frightened that it screamed, flapped its wings in the cage, and wanted to Fleeing, I was even more panicked than when I was surrounded by monkeys just now.

This time, the parrot not only lost his skin, but also made a big mistake. He lost a bunch of important keys in the zoo and could not find them. In addition, he had a previous criminal record. He often committed crimes and was a habitual offender. The management staff of the zoo After review, it was deemed that it was irreversible and difficult to correct its evil ways. It was completely useless and could not become a good bird. It was a completely bad bird. It might lead to the destruction of other good birds in the bird management system. If we don't take action now, how long will it take? ? So he readily agreed to sell.

They were afraid that Zhang Tan would change his mind, so they said the price was negotiable, so they gave him a bargain price of 100 yuan.

"No, don't betray me, I don't want to go with this person, he will eat me!" The parrot whined feebly, but no one paid attention to it. Its words were just background sound, adding to the atmosphere, and no one cared.

Xiaobai and Xi'er squatted by the cage and watched, commenting on it, looking happy.

"Bah! Don't touch me!" The parrot was unhappy with Xi'er reaching out to touch its feathers, and said angrily. Xi'er's hand trembled in fright, and she quickly retracted it, laughing awkwardly.

Xiaobai laughed and comforted Xi'er not to be afraid, it's up to her.

She came to show Xi'er how to touch the parrot's feathers.

When the parrot saw this, he didn't give any face. He scolded Xiaobai and said she was a melon. Get away and don't touch me.

Xiaobai showed no sign of weakness, stared at it and said, "I'll make two nests for you with my great brain!"

The parrot was furious: "Am I afraid of you? Come and bite me! Come and bite me!"

Xiaobai was furious, grabbed its wings, pulled it domineeringly from one end of the cage to the other, and stuck it against the cage, "Hey, I'll give you two earwax!"

The parrot screamed in fright: "Good boy, good boy, good boy, my good boy~~~Are you serious?"

The wind changes direction very quickly, and he belongs to the wallflower group.

Xiaobai did not hit it, but let Xiwawa touch its feathers.

Xi'er was still a little scared, so Xiaobai comforted her and said, "Don't be afraid, it won't scold you. If it scolds you, I will give it earwax."

Parrot: "You touch my dear, I won't scold you. You are so cute, my God."

Xier happily touched two handfuls, and hiahia laughed and was very happy.

The parrot immediately asked Xiaobai aggrievedly if he could let it go.

Xiaobai said he couldn't do it yet, so he touched a few handfuls before throwing it away.

The parrot regained his freedom and immediately ran to the other side of the cage, away from Xiaobai! It was so scary. Thinking of the fact that this child was about to be sold to this family, it could already imagine its tragic fate in the rest of its life. It was so frightened that it screamed and was unwilling to sell itself. But in its eyes, it saw The stinky man handed a note to the birdman. It knew what it meant, and it suddenly fainted with a cry.

The moment it fainted, it seemed to hear the smelly man talking, "Sell me the cage too, this bird fainted with happiness."

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