Looking at the slashes coming at him at high speed, Zoro narrowed his eyes slightly, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He gently waved the sword in his hand, and instantly released a powerful sword energy, rushing towards the slashes like a torrent.

The sword energy and the slashes collided in the air, making a sharp sound.

However, these seemingly fierce slashes had no resistance in front of Zoro's sword energy, and were easily resolved!

"Is this the extent of your ability?" Zoro shook his head, with a hint of disdain and disappointment in his tone,"That's really disappointing!"

Hearing Zoro's ridicule, Eric's face became very ugly, and he gritted his teeth and shouted:"Damn it! Don't be so complacent! Watch this!"

"Scythe - Whirlwind!"

As his voice fell, Eric crossed his hands in front of his chest and swung them quickly.

In the blink of an eye, countless sharp sword qi emerged from his ten fingernails at the same time, like lightning in a storm, slashing towards Zoro fiercely!

These sword qi were densely packed, interweaving into a deadly net, as if to completely engulf Zoro.

However, facing such a fierce attack, Zoro remained calm.

He flashed and easily avoided the attack of the sword qi, then swung the sword again, and another powerful sword qi shot out!

"Damn it! How can you be so powerful?"After narrowly avoiding Sauron's attack, Eric asked Sauron!

"It’s not that I’m strong! It’s that you’re too weak!" Zoro shook his head and said to Eric!

"Damn it, you dare to look down on me! Have a taste of my power! Take this! Prepare to die!"

Accompanied by a roar, Eric waved his hands rapidly in front of him, as if weaving a storm. A steady stream of wind blades shot out from his fingertips, like a group of hungry beasts, pouncing on Zoro with bared fangs and claws.

These wind blades intertwined and merged with each other, and finally gathered into a powerful force, forming a small tornado, sweeping straight towards Zoro with a fierce momentum!

"Hahahaha......! It finally makes sense.!"

Facing such a fierce attack, Zoro not only showed no fear, but shouted excitedly.

He held the knife tightly with both hands, and his eyes flashed with determination. Just as the tornado was about to reach him, Zoro swung the knife in his hand

" One knife flow - sword energy - a flash!"

In an instant, a dazzling white knife light flashed through the void like lightning.

This knife light was as fast as the wind, as powerful as thunder, and with unparalleled power, it fiercely chopped at the wind blade tornado in front of it.

There was a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and Zoro's knife energy easily tore open the wind blade tornado and completely shattered it.

However, this slash did not stop there, it continued to move forward and slashed at Eric with a devastating force. Eric was hit by this powerful force before he even had time to react.

Suddenly, a bright red blood flower splashed on his chest, and then a long blood mark ran through his entire chest!

Eric's body involuntarily stepped back a few steps, his face full of disbelief.

He looked down at the wound on his chest, his heart full of shock and fear.

After Zoro finished this blow, he did not look at Eric, but saw him silently sheathing the knife! Turned and walked towards Xu Haifeng and others!

""Okay! Now the only one left is our admiral!"

Xu Haifeng saw that Sauron had easily dealt with Eric, and then turned his gaze to the admiral of the navy beside him.

"Humph! Humph! I advise you not to act rashly."

Hearing Xu Haifeng's words, the admiral showed no fear, but showed an extremely arrogant expression and said to Xu Haifeng.

At this moment, a large number of warships approached quickly, and the densely packed navy on the warships rushed to the main ship where the admiral was like a tide.

In the blink of an eye, Xu Haifeng and others were once again trapped in the tight encirclement woven by the navy with guns.

"Damn pirates, raise your hands immediately and do not harm the admiral!"

With angry shouts, countless black gun muzzles were pointed at Xu Haifeng and his men.

"Hahahaha! Kill them for me!"When the admiral saw his men finally arrived, he immediately shouted loudly with great excitement. His face was full of pride and arrogance.

"Put your hands up! Put down your weapons and surrender immediately! Otherwise we will shoot!"

However, the naval lieutenant did not shoot directly, but tried to make Xu Haifeng and others surrender.

"Damn it! How dare you, you idiot, disobey my order? Shoot now!"

The admiral was furious when he saw this. He widened his eyes and roared at the lieutenant commander.

"Attention everyone! Raise your guns and get ready! Listen to my command, shoot!"

Faced with the angry admiral, the major looked at him helplessly, but finally chose to obey the order and gave the order to his naval soldiers to open fire.


As Xu Haifeng uttered a word, an invisible force instantly enveloped all the naval soldiers present.

Just as the sailors were about to pull the trigger, they suddenly found that their bodies were like being cast into a spell and they had completely lost control.

No matter how hard they tried, their limbs were as if frozen and they could not move at all.

Faced with this sudden change, the sailors showed horror on their faces.

They widened their eyes and opened their mouths, but could not make a sound. This weird situation made them fall into extreme panic, and they had no idea what was going on. The admiral standing by, roared with an angry face:"What are you doing?���"Shoot me!"

He roared, waving the paper fan in his hand, trying to drive his men to continue the attack.

However, no matter how the admiral urged them, the soldiers still couldn't move even a finger.

They could only watch Xu Haifeng with fear and helplessness in their hearts.

At this moment, they finally realized that this seemingly ordinary man in front of them actually possessed such terrifying strength.

"Today, I will spare you because you are just following orders. However, I still hope that you can truly practice the so-called"justice" concept of your navy in the future! Try to be a kind and upright navy soldier!"

"However, for you! I really can't imagine how someone like you can live in this world!"

After saying that, Xu Haifeng activated the powerful electromagnetic force fruit in his body and instantly suspended the admiral in the air.

Then, he mercilessly fired a powerful Qigong cannon at the opponent. In an instant, a loud bang was heard that shook the sky. Under the onslaught of this extremely terrifying Qigong cannon, the huge admiral was reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye, without a trace!

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