After Xu Haifeng and others drove away the navy, they took Long Ye to the east of Gunkanjima at lightning speed.

They stood there quietly, staring at the sea in the distance, as if expecting a miracle to happen. As time passed, everyone became more and more anxious.

Finally, after a long wait, the Dragon Cave slowly emerged from the turbulent seabed like a mysterious island!

This spectacular scene shocked everyone.

At this moment, a large group of thousand-year-old dragons suddenly flew over the horizon.

They were covered with green feathers, and their wings flashed with dazzling light, like a large group of green giant birds.

These thousand-year-old dragons landed on the Dragon Cave one after another, as if to welcome Long Ye's return.

With everyone's concerted efforts, Long Ye finally arrived at the Dragon Cave.

However, due to his advanced age, Long Ye was ultimately unable to resist the erosion of time and passed away quietly.

Abis was distraught. She hugged the body of Long Ye tightly, tears pouring out of her eyes like a flood. The cry echoed between heaven and earth, which was heartbreaking.

Xu Haifeng witnessed all this, and his heart was filled with pity.

He walked silently to the dragon's cave and picked up a thousand-year-old dragon egg that was emitting a faint light.

Then, he concentrated his mind and continuously injected the powerful divine power in his body into the dragon egg.

As the divine power penetrated, the dragon egg began to tremble slightly, as if life was gestating in it.

Gradually, a layer of strange light appeared on the surface of the dragon egg, and then a small and exquisite thousand-year-old dragon broke out of the shell.

It blinked its smart big eyes and curiously observed the world around it.

Xu Haifeng gently stroked the little dragon's head, feeling the vitality surging in it.

At this moment, he knew that he had successfully given this little dragon new life and wisdom.

"Abis, don't be sad anymore! Dragon Lord was able to leave in his hometown, so he must have no regrets."

"You see, although the life of Lord Long has ended, this cute little fellow has just started his journey!"

Xu Haifeng gently stroked the feathers of the little thousand-year-old dragon, and then carefully held it in front of the sad Abis.

He looked at the little thousand-year-old dragon in his arms tenderly, his eyes full of love and hope.

Then, he raised his head, stared at Abis's sad face, and comforted her softly:

"This little dragon is like the continuation of Lord Long's life. I have helped this little guy open his intelligence and injected him with divine power. His IQ will be very high in the future and he will be able to awaken some powers that other thousand-year-old dragons do not have!"

Abisi stared at the small and exquisite little dragon in front of her quietly, with an indescribable warm emotion surging in her heart.

She knew very well that this little dragon was not just an ordinary creature, but also the continuation and inheritance of Lord Long's life.

As if sensing Abisi's inner expectations and sustenance, the little dragon blinked its smart eyes and gently swung its tail, as if conveying some kind of message to her.

Abisi smiled and reached out her hand, gently stroking the little dragon's feathers, feeling its weak but firm heartbeat

"From now on, let it grow up with you instead of Lord Long!" The members of the Sea Straw Hat Pirates came over to comfort him, their eyes gleaming with hope for the future.

"When you all grow up, you can jointly protect this mysterious and precious dragon cave, so that the power of dragons can be continued here."

Abis nodded slightly, looking into the distance with a firm gaze. She knew that she had a great responsibility, but at the same time she was full of confidence and courage.

In this way, the Straw Hat Pirates set out on their journey to the Grand Line again under the watchful eyes of Abis and the villagers!


""Nami! How long will it take to enter the Grand Line?"

Luffy stood at the bow, put his hands on his mouth, and shouted to Nami who was busy at the stern.

At this time, a day had passed since the Straw Hat Pirates left Gunkanjima, but for Luffy who couldn't wait to enter the Grand Line, this day was longer than a year.

Hearing Luffy's shout, Nami didn't look back at him, but continued to lower her head to sort out the nautical chart in her hand, and said perfunctorily:

"We should be able to enter today, don't bother me anymore, I'll tell you when we're almost there!"

However, Luffy didn't seem to take Nami's words seriously, and continued to shout:

"But I can't wait any longer! Nami, tell me now!"

Seeing Luffy pestering her, Nami finally stopped what she was doing, turned around and yelled at Luffy:

"Luffy, can you be quiet? I'm very busy now and don't have time to mess with you! If you continue to disturb my work, I will throw you into the sea to feed the fish!"After being yelled at by Nami, Luffy suddenly became honest. He shrank his neck and muttered:

"Got it... I won't bother you.……"After saying that, he turned back to the cabin.

"Xu Haifeng! You...! Are you free? I need your help!"

Just as Xu Haifeng was sleeping comfortably on the recliner, Usopp suddenly came to him and asked hesitantly.

Xu Haifeng was slightly stunned and looked at Usopp in confusion:

"Uh! Usopp, what do you want me to do for you? Just tell me, as long as it is something I can do, I will definitely do my best!"

He muttered to himself, not knowing why Usopp wanted his help at this time.

"That's it...! Um, do you have any way to help me improve my strength?"

Xu Haifeng was slightly stunned, and then he showed a thoughtful look.

He had already roughly guessed Usopp's intention. After all, since Usopp joined the Straw Hat Pirates, he witnessed with his own eyes that the Straw Hat Pirates members have greatly increased their strength with his help, but Usopp's strength has never improved much. He knew that Usopp's strength has always been at the bottom of the Straw Hat Pirates, which made him feel more pressured when facing strong enemies.

""Uh! This! Let me think about it!" Xu Haifeng pondered for a moment and finally spoke. He knew Usopp's potential very well, but he just needed an opportunity to stimulate it.

After hearing this, Usopp was nervous and expectant. Since the battle of Gunkanjima, he has deeply realized the gap between himself and his partners.

At that moment, he felt as if he had become a burden to the pirate group and could not contribute his strength to the team.

This feeling of powerlessness made him suffer, so he made up his mind to improve his strength.

If Xu Haifeng wants to help Usopp improve his strength now, he really doesn't know what to do! But Xu Haifeng knows that at this time, he needs the help of the system!

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