"Oh! These navy ships are planning to use 'Iron Chains Across the Sea' on us!"

Looking at the warships connected by iron chains in front gradually surrounding the Merry, Xu Haifeng joked with a smile!

"Let's go! Let's go play across the street!"

"Yoshi! Charge!"

After saying that! Luffy and his companions flew directly towards the opposite warship!

"Report, Major, our shells can't hit the pirate ship on the opposite side!"

A navy officer on the warship ran up to the lieutenant commander and said to him!

"What's going on? Why can't we hit it?"After hearing this, the major looked at the navy in front of him angrily!

""Reply to the major! The pirate ship on the opposite side seems to have a protective film to resist the attack of artillery!" When the navy saw the angry major, he immediately stood up and shouted!

"Damn it! Attack as hard as you can! I don’t believe you can’t blow it up!" the major ordered angrily!


After saying this, the navy ran to convey the order to others!

""It's not good! It's not good! Sir Admiral, it's not good!"

On the navy's main ship, a navy with a panicked face rushed to the admiral and shouted!

"What happened? Did you bastards hurt my Millennium Dragon?"

When the admiral heard this, the first thing he thought of was the Millennium Dragon. He had spent a lot of effort to find the Millennium Dragon!

"No, Admiral, it’s a few people on the opposite pirate ship flying towards us." Seeing the admiral who misunderstood his meaning, the navy hurriedly explained!

""You are so scared when a few people come. You are a piece of trash and you are not worthy of being my subordinate. Take him out and kill him! As long as Millennium Dragon is fine, nothing else matters!"

The admiral was immediately angry after hearing what the navy said! He only cares about Millennium Dragon now!

"Wow! This big lump is the legendary admiral! It's really disgusting!"

At this time, Xu Haifeng's voice came from the mast of the navy ship!

"Hahaha! It's disgusting, just like a pig!" Luffy laughed when he heard Xu Haifeng's words!

"Damn it! That damn guy is talking, come out!" The admiral was so angry when he heard someone insulting him that his face turned red and he looked around!

"It's up there!" Seeing that the admiral had not seen him after looking for a long time, Xu Haifeng was speechless!

After hearing the voice, the admiral turned his head with great difficulty to look at Xu Haifeng and the others because he was too fat!

"Hey! Be careful, don't break your neck!"Looking at the admiral's dangerous actions below, Xu Haifeng was worried about him!

"Damn it! Damn pirates, come here! Kill them for me!" The admiral was so angry with Xu Haifeng that he lost his mind!

"Luffy, Sanji! Go down and get rid of these bastards!"Xu Haifeng looked at the large number of navy soldiers rushing towards them, and immediately and decisively released Luffy and Sanji!

"Hahaha...! Then I'll go first!" After saying that, Luffy jumped off the mast and knocked several marines off the mast!

"Then I'll go too!" Sanji said and jumped down to join the battle!

"Then I will go down and help them too!" So Sauron planned to go down and help!

"No! You don’t have to go down, there will be a devil fruit user for you to deal with in a while! The two of them are more than enough to deal with these people!"

Xu Haifeng saw Zoro was going to help and immediately stopped him, because in the original anime, there was another Eric with the ability of the Itachi sickle fruit coming over in a while! Just let Zoro go when the time comes!

"Oh! Then I won't compete with them for the small fry, I hope this fruit ability user won't let me down!"

When Zoro heard that a master would come over soon, he immediately became interested! He decisively gave up competing with Luffy for the head!

At this moment, on the warship below, Luffy was fully displaying his unique fruit ability and integrating his own powerful energy with it.

At the same time, Sanji also used his superb kicking skills without showing any weakness, combined with the power of energy he controlled.

Together, they launched a fierce offensive against the navy group below! The navy was beaten without any power to fight back, and could only keep retreating.

Luffy and Sanji's cooperation became more and more tacit, and their attacks were as fierce as flowing water, making it impossible for the enemy to stop them.

"Hahaha, it feels so good!" Luffy shouted excitedly.

"These guys are too weak."Sanji dodged the enemy's attack easily.

Just when the two thought the battle was about to end, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them. This person was Eric, the user of the Itachi Kama Fruit.

"Finally, an interesting opponent has arrived."Zoro's eyes lit up and he tightened his grip on the sword.

"Wait a minute, Luffy, Sanji! Let Zoro deal with this guy!"

Just when Luffy and Sanji were about to deal with this guy who suddenly appeared, Xu Haifeng interrupted them!

"Why? I haven't fought enough yet."Luffy immediately said with a dissatisfied look on his face when he heard Xu Haifeng's words!

"His fruit ability can help Zoro hone his swordsmanship, so just let Zoro go!" Xu Haifeng explained to Luffy with a smile!

"Well then!"

Luffy heard that this guy could help Zoro, so he didn't continue to fight for the head!

"Midorinuma, don't be defeated, or it will be a disgrace to us!"

After hearing what Xu Haifeng said, Sanji stopped fighting, walked up to Zoro and said to him!

"Humph! I can't lose to this kind of person!"Zoro jumped onto the warship and said confidently to Eric on the opposite side!

"Eric! Kill them all for me, as long as you can kill them, I will let you be my deputy!"

At this time, the admiral who was unable to move on his own suddenly shouted madly at Eric!

"hehe��……No problem! I will take care of them for the admiral right away!"When Eric heard the words of the admiral, he immediately looked excited!

"Come on! You guys who don't know your own limitations! It's better for four of you to come together! So as not to waste my precious time!"

Eric looked at Luffy and the others with contempt, with a disdainful smile on his face.

""Hmph! Stop looking down on me!" Luffy shouted angrily,"We are not afraid of you!"

"Hahahahaha...this is ridiculous!" Eric laughed:"Do you think you can scare me like this? Let me tell you, none of you will leave here alive today!"

"I am enough to deal with you alone!"

Zoro pulled out a knife from his waist, held it tightly in his hand, and said with a firm look in his eyes:"Let me see how capable you are! Let's see if your strength can satisfy me!"

"Arrogant boy! Since you are so eager to die, I will grant your wish! After I get rid of you, I will slowly deal with the others!" Eric said gritting his teeth. As soon as the voice fell, Eric quickly activated the ability of the Itachi sickle fruit. His fingernails were like several extremely sharp sickles, flashing with cold light.

Then, he waved these sickles, pounced on Zoro, and at the same time made several fierce slashes!

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