
Xu Haifeng, covered in blood, lay on the beach and gasped for breath. After an unknown amount of time of suffering, Xu Haifeng finally felt his body slowly recovering!

"Damn system, come out here! I'm going to kill you!" After recovering, Xu Haifeng shouted at the system!

"Congratulations to the host, the blood fusion is complete! May I ask what the host wants me to do for you?"The mechanical voice of the system sounded in Xu Haifeng's mind!

"Why didn't you tell me that blood fusion is so painful? Do you know that? I just wanted to die!…………"

Hearing the system's words, Xu Haifeng's defense broke down immediately! He stood up and spoke madly to the system! He hoped to vent all the pain he had just suffered!

"Please be careful with your words. If you make personal attacks on the system, I will punish you!"

"If you have the guts, come and punish me. I'm not afraid of death, so why should I be afraid of punishment?……"

As soon as Xu Haifeng finished speaking, he immediately fell to the beach with convulsions all over his body. Now his whole body seemed to be electrocuted by tens of thousands of volts of high voltage!

"Is the host calm now?"The system's electric shock came and went quickly, and after just a dozen seconds, the system stopped torturing Xu Haifeng!

"Huh... Huh... Breathe"

"Is your system poisonous? You said you didn't warn me, but now you use electricity to shock me. How can you be a system like this?"

Xu Haifeng felt that his life was really too miserable. He actually encountered such a pitfall system. Other people's systems treat the host as a master, but his system not only pitted him, but also shocked him when he scolded it. Xu Haifeng was really speechless.

"The system had already warned the host that it would be a little painful before the first bloodline merged, so the system couldn't be blamed. The second reason for the electric shock to the host was because the host had just completed the fusion of the advanced bloodline, so the electric shock to the host could help the host quickly adapt to the changes in the body!"

"Uh! So I blamed you wrongly? Although you did say that, I didn't know it would be so painful. You should have explained it to me clearly at that time!"

After hearing the system's explanation, Xu Haifeng found that the system seemed to have reminded him. But at that time, he didn't think it would be so painful. Moreover, he knew that he would soon become the legendary Super Saiyan, so he was so excited that he didn't take the system's words too seriously!

"So, host, even if I told you that the fusion process would be extremely painful, would you give up on the fusion?"

"Uh! I definitely won't give up!" Xu Haifeng answered without hesitation!

"So may I ask what the host is still talking about?"


Xu Haifeng was speechless after being confronted by the system. Suddenly he realized that the system seemed to be doing things for his own good from the beginning to the end!

"Uh... I'm sorry! System, I misunderstood you again just now!" Xu Haifeng walked into the water and used sea water to wash the blood and sand that had just covered his body, while awkwardly apologizing to the system!

"Humph! This system is a big man who doesn't bear grudges, so I won't bother with the host any more."

"Hehehe...thank you system then,"

Xu Haifeng came into the water and washed his whole body carefully. After washing, Xu Haifeng saw a person with short black hair and a slightly immature face, but handsome features reflected in the water! The muscle lines of the body are relatively thin, but it looks full of strength! Looking at his current appearance in the water, Xu Haifeng felt very satisfied!

Just as Xu Haifeng was admiring his new body with satisfaction, he suddenly felt as if there was something more in his body! As a result, when he touched behind him, a fluffy tail appeared in his hand! He was startled at the time, but after thinking about it carefully, he roughly understood what was going on!

"System: Is this tail I grew because of the fusion of my bloodline?"

"Yes, host!"

"Oh! Does that mean I will turn into a gorilla when I see a full moon in the future?"

"Yes, host! Because all Saiyans are like this, and the host is a real Saiyan after the fusion of blood, so the host can also transform!"

"Oh! Then if I become a gorilla, will I also lose my mind?"After hearing the system's explanation, Xu Haifeng became a little worried again. If I lose my mind, it will be very troublesome!

"Please rest assured, host, because the host has taken the spiritual liquid, so the current soul power can fully control his body, so he will not lose his mind. In addition, the (divine cultivation method) that the host has drawn will continuously enhance the host's soul power, making the host more rational."

"Oh! I feel relieved now. By the way, if you hadn’t mentioned it, I almost forgot that you haven’t given me the martial arts system yet?"

"Host, please get ready. Now start transmitting the skills.……"

"Hiss...Fuck...Here we go again……"

Xu Haifeng only felt a sharp pain in his brain, and then he knew nothing!


After a long time, Xu Haifeng woke up slowly on the beach. After waking up, Xu Haifeng carefully sorted out the exercises in his mind.

The beginning of this exercise is relatively simple. It mainly strengthens one's soul power through meditation to gain divine power to improve the godhood. In the later stage, you will start to learn to control the laws of heaven and earth. If you want to control the laws of heaven and earth, you must first understand the laws of heaven and earth! So it is more difficult to practice in the later stage!

"Okay system, I have received all the rewards. Please help me call up my personal panel to take a look!"

"Okay, host!"

"Host: Xu Haifeng"

"Sex: Male"

"Age: 13"

"Skills: None"

"Abilities: None"

"Gongfa: Divine Position Cultivation Method"

"Bloodline: Legendary Super Saiyan Bloodline"

"Power: 20000"

"Divine Power 0"

"Comprehensive evaluation: The host is already a top-level strongman in this world."

"Mission: Help the members of the Straw Hat Pirates improve their strength and make them the strongest pirate group in the world of pirates! Rewards: Get rewards based on the completion percentage of the host's mission."

"Hahaha… Great, I, Xu Haifeng, am really going to take off!"

Looking at the combat power value on his panel made Xu Haifeng very excited. 20,000 combat power may not be enough in the (Dragon Ball) world, but in the (One Piece) world, it is almost invincible!

And don't forget, even if the legendary Super Saiyan bloodline has never been practiced, it can increase combat power every day!

In addition, the legendary Super Saiyan bloodline is difficult to die.

Broly in the original (Dragon Ball) world cannot be killed whether he is hit in the volcanic magma or in outer space.

Moreover, the legendary Super Saiyan's adaptability is very strong.

Broly was thrown into a planet with a harsh environment as soon as he was born.

He did not die and finally became extremely powerful!

From this, it can be seen that Xu Haifeng does not have to worry too much about his life in the future!

You can go out and have fun with confidence!

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