"Hmm! Delicious... delicious, really delicious!"

In a restaurant in the town of Shields, a large group of people are looking at a ragged teenager who looks about eighteen or nineteen years old with shocked faces as if they are looking at a monster. There are two piles of half a meter high of empty bowls and plates piled up next to the table where he is sitting, and he is still constantly putting the food on the table in front of him into his mouth!

"Boss, serve the meat quickly. I want to eat meat.……"

At this time, two teenagers in their teens walked in from outside the restaurant. The one in front was wearing a straw hat, a red vest, and blue shorts. He must have found the restaurant, so he looked excited and shouted as he walked. Behind him was a boy with pink hair, glasses, and a timid face!

"Uh! Sorry, customers. We have no more ingredients in our store today!"

The lady boss of the store saw the two customers coming in and hurriedly went up to them and said to them with an apologetic look on her face!

"Ah! How come there is no food?... I am so hungry now! Please ask the boss lady to make me something to eat!"

"Uh! Sorry, sir, it's not that I don't want to cook for you, but all the ingredients in our store have been almost eaten up by this customer!" The proprietress said with a wry smile on her face, pointing at the person who was eating frantically!

Luffy looked at the dining table where the proprietress pointed, and saw a boy about the same age as himself with a mouth full of food, looking back at him! And he was surprised to see the dishes piled next to his table!

Luffy walked to the table of the person who was eating, looked at him and said,"Si Guoyi! You are amazing. You can eat more than me! Hahahaha……"

Xu Haifeng looked at Luffy in front of him:"This is our protagonist, the lucky boy of this world, Straw Hat Luffy!’


That’s right, the one who is eating like crazy is none other than our host Xu Haifeng, who has traveled to this world for six years!

In these six years, Xu Haifeng has been living a life like a savage on that isolated island.

In fact, he could leave the island at any time to find a place where people live, but because he had been living in a bustling city in his previous life, he now feels very comfortable living on this uninhabited island!

Moreover, on such an island without humans, he can devote himself to practice wholeheartedly.

So Xu Haifeng has been living on that island for six whole years, until today when the system actually issued a task to him, and that’s why he is here today!

Xu Haifeng smiled and replied:"Hahaha... yes! My other skills are average, but I am not inferior to anyone in eating!"

Luffy:"Haha��……I can eat a lot too, we both can eat a lot, you can be my partner!"

Xu Haifeng pointed at the food in front of him and said with a smile:"Hahaha...Okay! Then you can come and eat with us!""

"Really? Thank you so much! I won't be shy then!" After saying that, Luffy sat down at the table, grabbed the food on the table and ate like crazy!

Xu Haifeng:"You're welcome! After all, we will be partners in the future!"

Luffy kept nodding while eating:"Hmm... Hmm... Hmm"

Xu Haifeng looked at Coby standing aside:"Come and eat something too!"

Coby looked around and said timidly:"Are you talking about me?"

Xu Haifeng nodded and smiled:"Yes! Aren't you hungry?"

Coby:"Ah! Thank you……"

Xu Haifeng:"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Xu Haifeng, and I'm a world traveler! Can you introduce yourselves too?"

Luffy swallowed his mouthful of food with difficulty:"Hmm... Hmm... Hello! My name is Monkey D. Luffy! I'm the man who wants to become the Pirate King! Please give me your guidance in the future!"

Coby:"Hello... Hello, I... My name is Coby. My dream is to become a navy!"

Xu Haifeng:"One wants to be the Pirate King, and the other wants to be a navy. You two are a strange combination together!"

Luffy:"Because I heard that there is a very powerful swordsman here, I want to see if I can make him my partner. And Coby wants to come here to join the navy, so the two of us are temporarily together!"

Xu Haifeng:"Oh! Then you guys eat quickly, after dinner I will go with you to see our future partner!"

In fact, Xu Haifeng had stopped eating when Luffy and Coby sat down to eat. In fact, he can control his appetite now. He ate so much before because he hadn't had this kind of food properly in the past six years!

"Madam boss! Come over to pay the bill!"

Seeing that Luffy and the others had almost finished eating, Xu Haifeng called the madam boss over!

"OK... OK, here I come! Your total consumption is 500,000 Baileys! Please take a look!"

Hearing that Xu Haifeng wanted to pay the bill, the proprietress secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Before, when she saw Xu Haifeng's dress and the way he ate, the proprietress was really afraid that Xu Haifeng would run away after eating! Now that she heard that Xu Haifeng wanted to pay the bill, she was finally relieved, and she hurriedly handed the bill to Xu Haifeng!

Xu Haifeng directly took out one million Baileys from the system space:"No need to look, here is one million Baileys, you can use the rest of the money to buy ingredients and make them, we will come back to eat later!

" The reason why Xu Haifeng has so much money in the system space is because Xu Haifeng now has divine power!

And according to the system, divine power can be exchanged for anything in the current world at the system!

That's right!

It's anything!

As long as you have enough divine power!

And after these six years, Xu Haifeng's system panel is also very different!

"System! Bring up the character panel!"

"Good host! The character panel is as follows:"

"Host: Xu Haifeng"

"Sex: Male"

"Age: 18"

"Skills: Perception and use of Qi! Observation Haki maxed out! Armament Haki maxed out! Conqueror Haki maxed out!"

"Abilities: telekinetic control, soul power control! Mental power control!"

"Gongfa: Divine Position Cultivation Method"

"Bloodline: The legendary Super Saiyan bloodline!"

"Power: 50000"

"Divine Power: 499/500"

"Deity: King Yama - 500/1000"

"Comprehensive evaluation: You are already the most powerful person in this world!"

"Mission: Help the members of the Straw Hat Pirates improve their strength and make the Straw Hat Pirates the strongest pirate group in the world of pirates! Reward: Get rewards based on the percentage of the host's mission completion."

This is the result of Xu Haifeng's six years of practice. The reason why Xu Haifeng's combat power has only increased by 30,000 in the past six years is because Xu Haifeng has not taken the initiative to practice physical strength in the past six years. Instead, he has been practicing divine power!

And all of Xu Haifeng's skills and abilities were obtained after he practiced divine power to reach the level of a god! When Xu Haifeng's divine position reached the level of a god, he was surprised to find that he could use his soul power to sense almost the entire world! At that time, he began to learn some useful combat skills in this world!

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