"Congratulations to the host for obtaining:"

"Gongfa category: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the (Dragon Ball) anime world godhood cultivation method"

"Bloodline: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the legendary Super Saiyan bloodline (in the Dragon Ball world)

"Spiritual Medicine: Congratulations to the host for obtaining a bottle of"Spirit Cleansing Liquid" from (Xiu Xian Anime World)"

"Oh my god... the legendary Super Saiyan! Am I seeing that right? This is an awesome bloodline that has a combat power of 10,000 at birth! And it can continuously increase combat power without training! Isn't this directly invincible? Hahahaha……"

Xu Haifeng laughed excitedly when he saw the rewards drawn by the system! Among the three rewards, Xu Haifeng liked the second one the most, and it was the second one that Xu Haifeng knew best!

"May I ask if the host is now going to draw the reward from the fusion?"

"Uh! Wait a minute, the system will explain these three rewards to me first! I know what the second one is, but I have no idea what the first and third ones are!"

"OK, host:"

"The first one is"God's Position Cultivation Method". This method is to cultivate the power of God according to the (Dragon Ball World). It not only improves one's own position of God, but also achieves the purpose of controlling the laws of heaven and earth. The higher the host's position of God, the more laws of heaven and earth he controls, and the stronger the host will be."

"At present, the nine positions of gods (in the Dragon Ball world) are: Earth God - Hades - King of the Underworld - Great King of the World - King of the World - God of Destruction - Angel - High Priest and the last King of All."

"The second one (the legendary Super Saiyan bloodline) is one of the most powerful bloodlines in the Dragon Ball world. However, it is precisely because its bloodline power is too strong that if it is not controlled by the equally powerful soul power, it may become a madman controlled by the power!"

"Uh! Wait...wait! What do you mean by saying that if a Super Saiyan's bloodline doesn't have a strong soul fusion, he will become a madman? The most important thing is, will I become a madman if I fuse it?"

When Xu Haifeng heard the system introduce the second prize, he couldn't help but interrupt the system in a hurry. This second prize was the reward he valued the most. If the fusion of this reward would make him a madman, then what's the point of playing!

"Yes, host. If you fuse your blood with your current soul power, it will not turn you into a madman, but it will make you become irritable and easily angered!"

"No... then what's the point? Currently, only this one can make me stronger immediately, and this has side effects. The other two can only become stronger through long-term training, which will take a long time!"

Hearing the system's words, Xu Haifeng's heart sank. He was just thinking that he would be invincible in the world soon, but he didn't expect that he could only watch in the blink of an eye! This made Xu Haifeng really unacceptable!

"Humph! Idiot host, can you let me finish introducing the rewards? Don't make it sound like your parents have died, okay?"Looking at Xu Haifeng's expression, the system said very humanely!

"Hmm! System, are you saying that there is still hope? Why didn't you say so earlier?"

"Nonsense, who told you to interrupt me just now!"

"Uh! I'm sorry... I'm sorry, it was all my fault just now. Big brother System, please don't bear grudges. Tell me what to do quickly?"

"Hum! Listen carefully,"

"The third item (Soul Cleansing Liquid) comes from a Chinese cartoon about cultivating immortals. This elixir can not only cleanse the body, but also greatly strengthen the soul of the user!"

"Well, system, you mean that as long as I take this (Soul Cleansing Liquid) and fuse the Super Saiyan bloodline, nothing will happen, right?"

Looking at the introduction of the third reward given by the system, Xu Haifeng's eyes immediately lit up, as if he understood it all at once! Isn't this specially prepared for his bloodline fusion?

"Humph! At least the host is not that stupid. Yes, as long as the host fuses the blood immediately after taking the (Soul Cleansing Liquid), not only can the host's body be better cleansed, but the host's soul can also be much stronger than the body! In this way, the host will not have any side effects at all!"

"Oh! That's great! The system is really good to me! It has thought of everything for me! Haha……"

"Humph! Good to know! Does the host need to withdraw the reward now?"

"Well! Then system, please extract the (Soul Cleansing Liquid) for me first!"

"OK, host, please receive it."

As soon as the system's voice ended, Xu Haifeng's right hand flashed with white light, and an exquisite white jade porcelain bottle appeared in his hand.

"System, is this all drunk directly?"

Xu Haifeng looked at the jade bottle in his hand, and gently opened the stopper with his left hand. He saw that the jade bottle was full of milky white liquid. If he got closer, he could smell a faint fragrance! This made Xu Haifeng have an urge to drink it all up immediately, but Xu Haifeng decided to find the system to confirm it!

"Yes! Host. When you finish drinking, you can immediately fuse your bloodline!"

After hearing the system's answer, Xu Haifeng did not hesitate at all. He directly picked up the jade bottle and drank all the spiritual liquid in one breath. The spiritual liquid tasted slightly sweet in the mouth, and it also had the fragrance of flowers. It made Xu Haifeng feel a bit like drinking nectar from his previous life!

""Okay system! Help me fuse the Super Saiyan bloodline now!" After drinking the spiritual liquid, Xu Haifeng couldn't wait to fuse the bloodline quickly!

"Okay, host! However, this fusion process may be a little painful, please be patient."

"Oh, it's okay, I can still bear a little pain!" Xu Haifeng replied nonchalantly!

"Then please prepare yourself, host, and start the blood fusion now.……"


As soon as the system finished speaking, Xu Haifeng felt a sharp pain spreading rapidly throughout his body. This stinging pain was as if there were tens of millions of ants biting in his flesh and blood!

Xu Haifeng was seen lying on the beach with veins bulging all over his body, his face twisted, his hands clenched tightly with fists, and punching the beach one by one! After a while, Xu Haifeng began to roll on the beach in pain!

Slowly, blood began to flow from Xu Haifeng's skin all over his body! After a while, Xu Haifeng was dyed into a bloody man! Xu Haifeng really hoped that he could faint now. Originally, such pain could make Xu Haifeng faint. However, the (Soul Cleansing Liquid) he had just taken also began to take effect at this time. (Soul Cleansing Liquid) is now constantly strengthening Xu Haifeng's soul power.

This will make Xu Haifeng feel more and more awake. When he first heard the words of the system, Xu Haifeng didn't take it seriously at all. He thought it was just a simple pain that would pass, but he didn't expect it to be such a feeling worse than death!

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