Crimson Servant

Chapter 94 Goodbye

I am the deep tide of blood, I am the origin of disaster.

I heard thunder in the place where blood and tears were about to cover the earth.

I am a vortex of blood that will inevitably drag those around me into the abyss, so I should walk alone and face my pain. If they help me, they hurt me; if they save me, they kill me.

"This is the path that the son of Nora Sebas walks alone. Anyone who has nothing to do with it should leave as soon as possible."

John Camp could already vaguely see the brilliant light in the distance. In the depths of the woods and mist, a strange rhythm that made people couldn't help but listen attentively was spreading in their ears. For those who are exposed to sacred natural sites for the first time, this peace of transcending life is no different from the piety of pilgrimage.

There is the Pearl Sanctuary, the home Nora longs for.

"It's really... uncomfortable and gives me goosebumps."

"Is there no way to return Weathert's amulet?" The magician suddenly thought that when he kicked the paladin off the cliff, he had not yet taken off the amulet necklace around his neck.

It's really a mistake, just say that I was cheated by Karl.

John continued to move towards the halo, and the discomfort in his heart became more and more intense. The power of crimson really hated the Pearl Sanctuary, and this barrier gradually became obvious on the skin.

He had already seen the white stone dome in the distance, its full arcs connecting into waves floating in the air. Looking closer, John saw the slender branches crawling in the gaps of the relief. They were like ink dots naturally dotted on the mural, complementing each other and integrating seamlessly.

At first, John admired the druid's ingenious plant gardening, but later he realized that it was the sculptor's ingenuity. It’s not that plants match buildings, but that buildings match plants.

When the view widened and John could see the middle window lattice of the white tower, he had to stop.

He was discovered by the Woodland Guards, who saw the amulet around John's neck, and the six protected the Warlock in the middle, leading him in another direction, away from the location of the Pearl Sanctuary.

John was quietly relieved at this. It was not easy to suppress the Crimson Power's hostility towards the sacred natural site.

John was taken to a lively simple camp. Outside the Pearl Sanctuary, groups of rangers were training their skills on the shooting range. Three or two druids wearing tree crowns were walking in a hurry. They were preparing for war. People's faces turned pale. The tension showed that things were not going to be easy.

"I was surprised when Weathert read that name to me. Now, seeing your appearance, I realize that I was surprised a little too early."

John looked at the source of the sound, his pupils shrank, and a familiar face appeared in his eyes.

Nora Sebas's face. Her hair was mixed with silver strands, and there were subtle wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. She showed a peaceful smile, and her blue eyes were tired and alert. The Druid put one hand on his hip and was almost as tall as John.

She is a human, she is the original body of Nora's transformation, and she is Nora's adoptive mother.

Carly Sebas.

"Come here, young man, your smell will cause trouble for others."

John followed her into a cabin. The rich herbal smell and the light burnt smoke increased the sense of difference between her and Nora, making John feel novel.

After closing the door, Carly Sebas began to look at the warlock. Her eyes kept moving on John's face, as if peeling the bark of a tree over and over again.

John felt uncomfortable with this offensive and weird sight, but Carly's identity made him suppress his annoyance.

"I'm here for Nora Sebas."

"Yes, I already know." Carly took out a bottle of herbal juice from the closet, bit off the stopper and pressed it to her lower lip, "So, who are you to Nora? Her husband outside? Her lover ?”

"Her adopted son."

puff! Cough cough cough!

Carl Sebas began to cough violently, and the refreshing sap from his mouth fell into the fire under the cauldron and hissed out. The druid hurriedly rekindled the fire. When the process of refining the medicine returned to normal, she turned back and looked at John with complicated eyes.

"Has she grown to this extent? I...I'm not mentally prepared for this."

Carly Sebastian's attitude towards John changed from mild hostility to anxiety. She probably never dreamed that such a big man would be her grandson.

"What's your name, child?" The druid's awkward tone brought the topic into a strange atmosphere.

"John Camp."

"John? John." Carly said with a little dissatisfaction and nostalgia, "Can she still not forget the pet lobster? It's her style. Camp? Camp? I have never heard of this last name. It seems Your adoptive father is a foreigner."

John pursed his lips and waited until Carly finished the second sip before continuing: "That was given to me by my other adoptive mother."

The druid didn't have to drink any more. Her medicine bottle fell to the ground and shattered.

"Another adoptive mother?" Carly Sebas' eyes widened, and John could easily hear the tremor in her voice. She muttered in a low voice, "She likes women?", "She really doesn't like men very much. ", "But why? Is it my fault?", these words lead to self-doubt.

John coughed twice to rescue Carly from some crazy mood.

"Our relationship with Nora is...complicated."

"You're right." Druid was a little frustrated. "It's a luxury to expect her to live a peaceful and normal life... But, these have nothing to do with me."

Carly closed her eyes and completely sealed some emotions in her heart.

"Nora Sebas was exiled by the Pearl Sanctuary. She can't come back here or get close to the Pearl Sanctuary. As her adopted son, John, you can't either. Not to mention the power in you makes me feel uneasy, John. .”

"I will not enter your sanctuary, that is not my purpose. I just need to come here and wait for her here."

Wait for her?

Kali Sebas leaned against the wall and said with some excitement: "No, you should not interfere with the Pearl Sanctuary, and neither does she. You have nothing to do with this place anymore. You should leave, you all should leave."

John didn't answer because he already had the answer in his heart.

The silence turned the woman's figure into a rickety shape. She bent over slightly, no longer as calm and composed as she was when she faced John.

Maybe his arrival was bad news for her, John thought apologetically.

It's time to find a topic to divert attention, the warlock thought.

A strange doubt immediately emerged in John's mind, about Nora's lobster lover. If Carly could accept that Nora liked a lobster, how could Carly react so much to Nora liking a woman. She also thinks Nora Sebas is just an innocent adopted daughter?

John thought of Carly's hostility towards him, which he had initially misunderstood, and lightning flashed in his mind. Does she really know about Nora's lobster lover?

With some dark impulse in his heart, John Camp asked Carly Sebas.

"Is the lobster named John really Nora's pet?"

Carly was stunned for a moment.

"Of course, what else could it be but a pet?"

She didn't know, Nora didn't tell her, but she told me. He conceals his forbidden love affair from his parents, but brags it like a great achievement in front of the children he considers himself to be. Nora, you guy...

John raised his head and saw Druid Carly Sebas looking at him with a peaceful smile.

"Why are you laughing? Carly." John was a little confused.

"Yes, why?" Carly stretched out her finger and gently poked John's cheek with a smile, "I still want to ask you."

John reached out and touched his face, and then he felt that the corners of his mouth had turned up, and he was laughing because of Nora's embarrassment.

"John." Carly Sebas maintained a loving smile, and the palm caressing the warlock's cheek moved to his head, stroking gently, "Leave here, take Nora with you, good boy."

"Yeah." John had a sunny smile on his face.

John's response made Carly feel good, and she continued to rub his head and say goodbye.

"If Nora is an unfit mother, please forgive her, John. Because the person who raised her was also an unfit mother."

"She's good enough for me. Same for Carly, too."

"May Mother Melikai of the Forest protect the peace of your soul."

"Thank you goddess." Warlock Vertis said softly.

John Camp left the Druid camp, and Carly Sebas stood in her cabin, her head lowered, her expression hidden in the shadows under her hair.

The warm smiling face has become a faded framed oil painting, and the sadness in the silence is like a lingering fog.

"You little liar."

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