Crimson Servant

Chapter 95 Red Priest

Several armed men wearing plate armor surrounded a sword-holding statue. They placed their swords and weapons in front of them, prayed to the faith in front of them, and imbued the weapons with magic.

The surrounding environment cannot be called peaceful at all, with the noise caused by the movement of troops and the noisy roar of forging in the scorching forge. The devout battle priests turn a blind eye to everything around them, squeezing the tight time during the march to perform their work.

The great priest Klaus Ondagon is a short-sleeved old man who is over fifty years old. His back is straight, and his loose priest robe is held up by the chain armor inside. He approaches the small circle formed by the prayers and smiles. Look at the kneeling Imperial Knight in front of you.

Pietrus Dragneel, this muscular warrior with straight black hair, is the legion commander of an Imperial Knight and the leader of the vanguard for the remainder of this war. At the same time, he is also an apprentice of Klaus and a student of tactical deduction.

Klaus noticed the sudden change in Pietrus' momentum, and the alert legion commander had noticed himself behind him.

"It's rare that you have the heart to participate in prayer, but now that you are on the front line, you should focus on the war."

The Imperial Knight Commander finished his prayer, turned around, and gave a military salute to the high priest.

"The general ordered me to report to you the military plan on the front line, High Priest."

Klaus thought of the angry-eyed Imperial general who was similar to himself in age. He recalled General Maximov's vigilance and hostility toward him, and his smile faded slightly, but it still maintained an intriguing arc.

Klaus nodded slightly, motioning for Pietrus to continue.

"General Massimov appointed three army commanders including me as the vanguard to penetrate the Druid's line..."

Klaus rubbed his chin, and following Pietrus' concise description, a rough sandbox diagram formed in his mind.

The high priest put forward his opinions without hesitation.

"Too conservative is not efficient. Massimov is a little too cautious about those druids whose details we have discovered. He will slow down the pace of victory. Is this showing something?"

High Priest Klaus looked at the imperial knight Pietrus whose expression remained unchanged, his sharp eyes like piercing spears.

"According to the general's arrangement, the battle priests and red priests were placed behind the line..." Klaus could have been more rude. He said that the priest system he represented had been kicked out of the battlefield by the general.

Pietrus bravely faced Klaus's questioning and answered in a completely business-like manner: "The general believes that the druids of the Pearl Sanctuary are vulnerable to the iron hoof of Ephesa and do not need your intervention at all. "

High Priest Klaus laughed, his skin wrinkled due to his overly arrogant expression. He patted the legion commander's shoulder armor affectionately, tilted his head and whispered softly into Pietrus's ear.

"Is this really what the general means, or are you using his words to express your thoughts?"

Pietrus replied fearfully, "A humble man would never dare to have such an arrogant idea."

Klaus slapped Pietrus on the shoulder armor hard, seeming quite pleased with his response.

The high priest turned his head and glanced at the battle priest who was still praying, and looked outside the camp with some emotion. Eversa's army was equipped with sophisticated equipment and looked like a silver beach.

"Masimov is not having an easy life. My presence, and your great potential, my clever Pietrus, and our abilities are trapping him from both sides in a canyon called the Restless. He is in dire need. Achievements and glory to prove one's worth to the emperor, power and lust, are turning a general into a pathetic political creature."

The commander of the Imperial Knights remained silent and waited for the next step.

"The future of the empire will belong to you, my clever student, and the emperor will give you ample opportunities to show your talents."

"You are right, Pietrus. The Pearl Sanctuary is not worth mentioning to us. This war does not even require any tactics or strategies. Let a military strategist charge at the front as the leading soldier. General Massimov looks down upon you."

Pietrus breathed out, as if taking off his disguise, and smiled helplessly at his teacher.

"I am an imperial knight, and it is my bounden duty to obey orders." Pietrus did not accept the hint that the high priest wanted him to withdraw the vanguard. "A lion must fight a rabbit with all his strength. I will do my best for the victory of Ephesa." Go all out, Great Priest."

Klaus looked at his pride, then encouraged his student with a smile on his face, and escorted him all the way until he left the Red Priest's military tent.

"Pitrus, do you remember Tempus's admonishment?"

"I have never forgotten, teacher."

"Have you never forgotten? Very good."

When the high priest came back, most of the praying war priests had completed the weapon enchantment. Only one person remained where he was.

Alessandro Keda, War Priest, his youngest and last student.

"Alessandro, you heard everything. Now, tell me your opinion. How do you understand all this?"

The war priest's eyes were empty and he bowed his head humbly to the high priest.

"You must have your own deep meaning in doing this."

Klaus curled his lips in distress and stretched out his withered fingers to hit his disciple.

"In terms of experience, you are not as good as Maximov, and in terms of wisdom, you are not as good as Pietrus. Apart from enthusiasm, you have nothing to offer."

"Alessandro, as a student, you are a little too perfect."

"Perfect students cannot become excellent strategists. You should be like them and think more about yourself."

Alexandria put the blessed black sword into its scabbard. He remembered every word of Klaus Ondagon's words in his heart. He was not good at conjecture, but he had a terrible intuition of finding answers from existing clues.

Klaus's hint was already quite obvious.

"General Massimov was trying to drive a wedge between the legion commander and you. He threw out part of the bait, which was eaten by my senior brother. Pietrus hid his ambitions and pretended not to understand the general's intentions. , floating between you and the general, he is growing his power and is very good at packaging himself. And you acquiesce to all this, you are always willing to create disputes around you, just like the god of war who is eager for struggle .”

The High Priest Klaus smiled and stroked Alessandro's head, and told him again what he had said to Pietrus.

"The future of the empire belongs to you, Alexandria. You will be the best general in Ephessa."

The young war priest was unconvinced by the high priest's encouragement. He rubbed the sword hilt with his palm for a moment, and there was an intelligent flash in his eyes.

"You once suggested that the Imperial Knight withdraw from the vanguard, knowing that he would never give up, but you said that. Do you want to protect him? Are there any variables in your eyes in this war with a huge disparity between the enemy and ourselves? ? Is it the high-level paladin in the rumored intelligence? Your goal is to guard against that kind of variable?"

High Priest Klaus Ondagan did not answer. Instead, he asked a question.

"Alessandro, do you remember Tempus's admonishment?"

"Of course, the holy sound echoes in my ears all the time."

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