Crimson Servant

Chapter 93 Sun Team, disbanded

The illusion dissipated before my eyes, and those images and sounds turned into mist that dissipated in my ears. John maintained his gesture of reaching out to touch the Seed of Puzzle, and the image of Nora crying still stayed in his mind, making people sigh.

John put down his hand, and his infatuated emotions quickly dissipated in the cold low temperature environment. He turned to look at the banshee standing next to him. The time had not left any trace on her appearance, and neither did Nora.

"Bensie..." John read out the name of the banshee. He saw the banshee's lips tremble slightly. She might not have heard this name for a long time.

John sorted through the memories in his mind, and he gradually understood the reason why the Banshee invited him into the lair.

He is a sign, a sign that Nora is back. The banshee who has been waiting for a long time urgently needs to know this and get hope from her own mouth.

John laughed, trying his best to maintain a warm smile, and said to the banshee: "Yes, Nora is back, and we will all see her soon."


She must have known her name from the paladin's repeated chanting. The Banshee clung to the warlock's body and whispered softly into his ear. Pointing her pale finger at the seed of confusion, Bansy gained hope. She no longer needed illusions to maintain her obsession. With the help of the warlock, this gem that belongs to Nora is returned to her. This is what Bansy hopes to see.

"No, let her get it herself." John knew the consequences of plucking the seeds of confusion from the roots. The old memories would disappear and the records would start again. The new witness shouldn't be him, and John didn't like this feeling.

When Bansy sent John out of the lair, the two happened to see the Paladin holding a pile of firewood and throwing it to the edge of the lair. He was not kidding, Carl was really going to burn it.

"You are faster than I thought." Karl dropped the firewood in his hand and looked at the firewood pile he had worked so hard to set up with a little regret. Bansy destroyed his masterpiece with a wave of his hand, and the dry and cold wooden strips were sealed into the ice.

After John and Bansy said a brief goodbye, the two left the misty forest. They remembered the instructions of the woodland ranger Weathert and headed east. As soon as they left the fog of the forest, the wooden amulets tied around their necks glowed faintly, and the grass buds and leaves that were illuminated by the light twisted and twisted themselves. The tips point in a common direction.

The talisman guided them to the bottom of a cliff. The terrain difference was about twenty feet. Looking left and right, they saw no shortcut suitable for passage.

"Do we have to climb up?" Carl muttered dissatisfied. He would rather consume energy with a certain jungle beast.

"Obviously." The warlock cannot be as light as the ranger, but he has a more direct method, "Azames." The crimson lightning emerged from John's body, transformed into a pseudo-dragon, and bit the warlock's Hood, flapping its wings desperately, took John to fly up.

"Cunning guy!" Carl shouted at John, who was flying higher and higher. He put away his weapon, tried to grab the protrusion on the rock, and crawled upward. That dwarf-sized pseudo-dragon couldn't drag a heavily armored paladin, they had tried before.

Karl was muttering about all the evil deeds of the man above him as he climbed up. This sound seemed to give him the strength to move forward.

A blood-red chain hung from Karl's side. The paladin raised his head and looked at John on the cliff. His head covered the sun and his whole body seemed to be glowing.

"Your mysophobia has been cured, right?"

Carl grabbed the chain and held on for dear life. He had to admit that even though his friend had many shortcomings, his flaws were not concealed.

"I'm ready! Can you let your wonderful dragon-binding magic drag me up! I know it has this ability!"

"I don't know, I've only touched bodies with it before and it was literally dead people's blood."

Talking about the disgusting paladin, John's spellcasting movements were smooth and quick, and within a few minutes, the two of them climbed up the cliff.

"Where to next? Follow the mark and keep going?"

John looked in the direction they had come from, the unnatural flow of magic heralding their arrival.

"You know what? Carl, I have a feeling one of us is going to be in trouble down the road."

Karl also noticed the approaching movements, his face became a little ugly, and he heard the sound of horse hooves.

"I sincerely hope it's for you..."

"Karl Demiras!!!" The female mage on horseback held the reins. Her scream frightened the birds in the forest and made the body of the paladin high up tremble.

"Evelin?" Karl couldn't believe his eyes. He was very happy to see this lady again in a strange place, but not at this time.

Levene Akela came to Evelin's side and looked up at the paladin above with a look of wonder.

"Boy of the Demiras family, you should be glad that it was us who found you first, rather than an elite force of imperial knights. There is a rumor circulating in the army camp of Eversa! A high-level paladin with the same name as you has annihilated Without the empire's scout team, this deadly jungle can indeed make people lose their minds."

Carl tried to correct her.

"No, that's me..."

Evelin raised her staff, she interrupted Karl loudly, staring at the two people on the cliff.

"We must not allow imposters to falsely accuse the eight major families of their loyalty to the empire, Carl Demiras. Now, please fulfill your obligations as a Demiras noble and go back with me to testify and expose the lies of those who are interested. Immediately, Come back with me right away! Raedel Assert was attacked by the rangers and is about to become seriously ill. It would be a great misfortune for Eversa if the reputation of the Demiras family suffers again."

John walked to Karl's side and glanced at the few people under the cliff. They were well-equipped, had enough horses, and strong personnel.

"It happened to you."

Karl nodded and said firmly: "Demiras is not so weak. My father is a great nobleman. Groundless rumors cannot defeat him. Evelin told a lie. I know it is for my own good, but My actions are just, and justice does not need to be hidden. John, I must let the people of Ephesa see the truth of the matter. There is no justice in Ephesa's aggression. I will not give up my rights just because of a few words. Justice, even what Evelin said is useless..."

"Obviously she wasn't talking to you."


Red lightning jumped on the paladin's armor, and Wiltis' violent lightning retaliated harshly on the paladin who killed the red dragon. His burly body was paralyzed by the electric current, and he was unable to make any effective resistance in a short period of time.

John pushed him.

The Knight of the Sun fell off the cliff like a weight. Evelin quickly waved her staff and applied the Feather Falling Technique to the falling Paladin. Then she directed two of her men to tie up the immobile Karl with hemp ropes. .

Evelin nodded to John on the cliff.

"You despicable guy!!!" The Paladin recovered as quickly as they expected. Karl looked angrily at his companion who pushed him off the cliff. This behavior had touched the sensitive nerves of the Paladin.

The evil warlock faced Carl's wrath with ease.

"We are far away from the underground city of Optitdam, young paladin. The oath of non-betrayal has long lost its effectiveness. You should have thought that we would have this day sooner or later. This is the difference between good and evil. . You will be tied down by morality and other things, but I, I enjoy the freedom to do whatever I want. From the first moment I saw you, I didn’t like people like you. We are naturally at odds. Look at you now You look like that, so go home, your dear sir, your father is still waiting for you to inherit the family business."

After being tied into a rice dumpling and thrown on the horse, Karl turned his head and yelled in the direction of the magician.

"No! I don't agree with what you said at all."

"Crenzo! Remember! Justice is never weaker than evil! It is not a hypocritical decoration, not a despicable hiding. Justice is a belief, a power to get out of desperate situations. Crenzo!!! Countless people believe in justice not because they are weak, but because they have been in the quagmire. Evil will not lend a helping hand to those who are suffering, but justice will be the light that ends the darkness!"

"Crenzo, I know that deep in your soul, there must be a light like mine. This guidance puts us on a common path, which allows us to accept each other! My friend, please do not forget this Strength, if you are in jail in the future, evil will not save you, but justice will!!!"

John Camp looked at those stubborn eyes, paused for a moment, and shrugged slightly, as if revealing a long-planned prank.

"Actually, my last name is not Crenzo."

The paladin's eyes widened, an expression that made John Kemp feel happy.

"It's fitting that our adventure begins with a lie and ends with betrayal."

"See you later, Carl Demiras."

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