Crimson Servant

Chapter 77 Withered and Pierced Heart

The shield parried the Wendigo's maul, and the strong wind from the bombardment made Carl kneel down on one knee. He gritted his teeth, terrified by the Wendigo's strange power. Karl was mentally prepared before charging. That tall physique must contain terrifying power, but he didn't expect that he would be beaten to his knees with just one confrontation. Encountering someone who suppressed him in a head-on confrontation for the first time, the Paladin did not dare to be careless and directly activated the full armor of the Breaker. The power of the mechanical drive made Karl stand up and gradually compete with the Wendigo.

"Be careful, you will be cursed with weakness if you come into close contact." John, who used spell support, noticed the black air on the paladin's joints. The Wendigo's curse has become instinctive, and dispel spells cannot be wasted on such weakening. Go up, can only let Karl hit hard.

The surrounding fanatics found an opportunity to attack and rushed toward Karl's side. Faster than them are arrows. The arakkoa's accurate shooting skills are equipped with sunlight arrows. Any evil that dares to approach the paladin will turn into a wailing torch within a few steps.

Druid Saiman was about to reinforce him, but a whip of thorns stopped him in his tracks. The dwarf rushed forward, "Your opponent is me, Saiman!"

The interrupted Saiman roared, and his ferocious right arm attacked Jurgen. The razor-like claws slapped the dwarf's body. The druid took the opportunity to roll and escape.

"You shouldn't have come, old man!"

Jurgen held the long staff tightly, "No one can stop a father from seeing his rebellious son, not even the devil!"

Saiman waved his arms impatiently, and the twisted joints squirmed like vines, conjuring a forked spear.

"Then this time, I will use all my strength to kill you, Jurgen."

"Ha!" the dwarf spat, winking and taunting the old man with Qilin Arm, "Do you want to say that the previous failure was just a sign of mercy? Saiman, you are really not ashamed to lie like a child."

The sharp spear stabbed quickly, Jurgen's body shook, transformed into a snake, twisted its body, and fled at the tip of the spear. A sweeping blow threw away the poisonous snake that had climbed up the gun shaft. The dwarf transformed back into its original form in mid-air. Large and small purple-black patches appeared on his skin, and poison and curses were eroding his body.

Jurgen stared at the deformed arm with lingering fear, but said unforgivingly, "Your prosthesis is too ugly, Saiman, I will never bury it with you."

Saiman's magic arm blocked the piercing of the light arrow and the crimson chain, and he said with a calm expression: "You are already old, old thing."

"You too, kid."

The sacred sword cut open the body of the cultist. In the rain of blood, Karl's heart tightened. Loti's shield automatically unfolded its wings of light, and the cursed power in the blood foam formed a blood spear to bombard the light shield. Karl's steps were messed up, and the afterimage of the mallet swinging appeared in his mind.

The chains of sin sprang out from the ground. The dense chains blocked the hammer slightly, and then broke quickly, lasting only a second. But in just one second, it was enough for the well-trained paladin to escape from death. Karl turned around and avoided the terrifying power.

[Ah, what a pity. 】 Wendigo let out a sinister laugh, got closer again, and the dancing mallet turned into a violent storm of attacks. For a moment, the paladin could only take a beating and was unable to fight back.

Those fanatical believers were also cursed by the Wendigo. After their death, the curse in their bodies would condense into flesh and blood to attack the enemy. It was extremely evil.

John, who was assisting in the attack, took a breath of cold air and began to intentionally use chains to throw away the enemies around Carl instead of tearing them apart.

[It really surprises me that the Beloved actually has a paladin friend. How do you tolerate him? 】

The Wendigo's big mallet pressed forward, and the fishy smell under his big mouth spat onto Karl's face.

"True faith unites us, you monster!" Karl took the opportunity to withdraw his strength, and the long sword in his hand condensed the light blade and left wounds on the Wendigo's skin.

The holy power of the Holy Slash made a burning hissing sound on Wendigo's body. This time, the self-healing of the wound took more time. The Holy Light had a restraining effect on Wendigo. In fact, Karl was surprised that his attack actually Only this effect was achieved.

[You must not know what our beloved has done? What he had done cannot be covered up by any belief. 】

Karl listened to Wendigo's deceptive words. His heart was filled with anger, and the holy flames on the sword in his hand also burned brightly. "My friend will not tolerate your slander. I believe in my own eyes, not you." The dirty words that got into my head!"

The Wendigo laughed in triumph, snapping his fingers, and the curse lurking on the Paladin suddenly erupted. Karl was vomiting blood, his eyes were black, and the restless cries of crows and the monster's evil laughter were mixed together.

[He must be like me, a fool who enjoys teasing you and enjoys chatting. 】

The Wendigo's huge claws stretched out towards the Paladin's head, letting the sunlight arrows penetrate his palms. He grinned ferociously and crushed the Paladin's head.

The burning light blade pierced the Wendigo's palm and sliced ​​his palm open. Karl's face was sullen, his eyes were clear, and red mist precipitated from the gaps in the armor. This was obviously prepared in advance.

Karl snorted coldly, "You followers of the Crimson God are just as bad. This trick has been used before, you arrogant big guy."

Long before that, John had predicted that Wendigo, who was good at telepathic transmission, would definitely have means of mental interference. He let Vertis's red mist hide on Carl in advance, and relieved the negative effects he suffered after the Paladin was attacked. For a surprise attack.

The power of the Holy Light inhibited the regeneration of Wendigo's limbs. There was still a trace of flesh attached to his left palm. Wendigo looked at the fracture and looked quite surprised. The paladin actually cooperated with the sorcerer Veltis. This kind of thing even the shrewd Wendigo could not imagine.

He stretched out his hand to a fanatic believer next to him. The touched body of the man in red swelled into a ball and exploded. A ray of twisted life force penetrated into Wendigo's palm to repair his injury.

John has seen this kind of recovery method before. Some mages used corpses to repair their own flesh and blood golems. These twisted creations have transcended the existence of life. Unexpectedly, the Wendigo actually reached the level of corruption under the power of crimson. To this extent.

"Lightning, switch opponents. I'll help Jurgen quickly deal with that Druid, you guys hold on for a while!" After saying that, John turned to the Shadow Druid, preparing to defeat Saiman first to reduce the number of people.

The Crimson Chain launched a more intensive offensive towards Druid Saiman. Lightning put down its bow. The Sunlight Arrow had suppressed the fanatic believers, and there were not many left. The piercing power of the Sunlight Arrow was not effective on the Wendigo's recovery ability, but the incision of the Holy Flame was better.

The Crow Ranger took out his scimitar and dagger, took out the sand blessed by the Crow God from his pocket, and sprinkled it on the blade.

"The sun is up!"

"For Lottie!"

Lightning and Karl let out a war cry simultaneously, using the paladin's body as a shield, the arakkoa's dancing scimitar drew a dance of death around the Wendigo. The reflective feathers showed the luster of the blade, and this deceptive blade dance , the Wendigo's powerful and heavy attack fell into the air.

Whenever the Wendigo caught the arakkoa's flaw, the paladin's shield would stand in front of him again. A heavy hammer could not kill Carl. The arakkoa's attack made the Wendigo gradually irritable. Each wound was not deep, but the holy light attached to it made Wendigo's spirit sting.

【enough! 】

The frustrated Wendigo exploded with his own power, and the shock wave of crimson power spread in all directions, trying to push away the lightning that harassed him.

Karl seized the opportunity for Wendigo to cast a spell and his body stiffened. He stepped forward sideways and raised his shield to face the shock wave.

"Lotti!" The light shield that had been accumulated for a long time cut through the shock wave and blocked the repulsive force.

Carl took off his shield. Under the shield, the arakkoa holding the blade launched a fatal blow at the Wendigo.

【Already expected it. 】

The Wendigo's maul lay horizontally in front of him. Lightning's long-awaited attack only pushed away the Wendigo's defense, but there was no frustration in his eyes. The feathers that were ruffled due to the fighting fever were retracted. Lightning's size showed Go up and shrink in a circle.

It also reveals the warlock hidden under the feathers.

【What! 】

The Wendigo was less than a stone's throw away from John Camp. At this distance, the warlock stretched out his palm.

"Veltis' violent lightning."

The roaring dragon thunder destroyed the Wendigo's heart.

Standing behind Jurgen, the supporting "Warlock" shattered into ribbons, and the red mist dispersed. It was a realistic illusion. The crimson chain's suppression of Druid Saiman has not stopped. John Camp's crimson spell is alive, and it does not actually require a spellcaster in the standard sense.

In this place rich in crimson power, John Camp's identity as the Beloved is more than just a simple title.

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