Crimson Servant

Chapter 78 Taking root and sprouting

The burning coke fell from the gap, pulling down a trace of adhering flesh. The dark blood evenly spread on the cross section. They did not drip, but flowed on the wound, as if it was alive.

The Wendigo's heart was pierced by crimson lightning at close range. In the original chest cavity, only some organ fragments with a dark curse were left, and a disgusting burnt smell poured into the nasal cavity.

John and others immediately retreated. The Wendigo, who had lost his heart, still had an evil red light shining in his eyes.

【It hurts. 】

The free red mist swam toward the Wendigo's wound, like there was an eye of the storm inside. Soon, Karl saw the flesh and blood at the gap begin to tighten, filling the entire hole. Wendigo stroked his intact skin and proudly showed off his abilities to Carl and others who looked horrified.

[You guys cooperated very well, but it’s still a bit lacking. 】

Carr felt regretful, raised his shield, and faced the Wendigo's heavy attack again. John had mentioned the possibility of the Crimson Wendigo overcoming its heart weakness during the plan, so the Sun Team was mentally prepared for this situation and would not be in a panic.

The Wendigo's attack fell on his head, and Karl blinked. It seems a little lighter? Karl was pleasantly surprised to find that he felt a little more relaxed facing the Wendigo. Although the monster's attack was still like a violent storm, he now had the strength to stand firm in the storm.

"His momentum waned."

The warlock who was most sensitive to the power of crimson discovered Wendigo's decline. After absorbing the red mist to repair the injury, the pressure on Wendigo's body dropped a bit. Obviously, the previous heart attack was not in vain. This was discovered by the members of the Sun Team one after another. They felt a strong fighting spirit in their hearts and suppressed the Wendigo fiercely.

Crimson lightning flowed in the air, and the dragon thunder roared at the tall Wendigo. The prepared Wendigo did not give John another chance to kill with one blow. While suppressing Carl with his strange power, he could always use his protective power to protect him. The red mist around his body cut down Long Lei's attack, and in the end he only sustained some minor injuries to his flesh.

[Is this the new spell you got from that red dragon? What a disappointment. 】

The Wendigo was responded to by more rapid thunder. Azames seemed to understand the monster's words and followed John's instructions to continuously attack the Wendigo. Vertis's violent lightning had an unprecedented desire to attack the Wendigo. It surged so high that for a moment there was only violent lightning around Wendigo and Carl.

"Your master doesn't look too good!"

Jurgen got up from the ground. His antlers crown had fallen to an unknown place. There were five or six bleeding wounds on his arms. One of his ribs was broken. He spat out a mouthful of blood. The healing spell consumed seventy-seven or eighty-eight dollars. .

Saiman dodged the arakkoa's scimitar, took half a step back, and the cursed arm hit Lightning's waist and abdomen at an inhuman angle. The battle situation came to a stalemate, and the shadow druid, who had become inhuman, widened the physical gap between him and the adventurer. Roots grew from his body and pierced into the wendigo's arm, absorbing the energy for its activities. The old dwarf was tired due to his injuries, and the young sun priest was not much better.

"Don't be fooled by appearances, Jurgen, this is what you taught me," Saiman calmly blocked the attack of the crimson chain, "Just think about it, I can rely on it to do this, the real owner of this arm There is so much energy hidden in the body."

"The Beloved is on your side, which really surprises me, but he can't compare to his. My master is more pure than the Beloved who accompanies you in the adventurer game. He is obsessed with evolution and transforming into a higher life. .”

Jurgen looked to the other side, and the Wendigo was being sealed in the thunder and lightning cage. Both John and Carl were focused on their enemies, and they could not tell whether there was a hidden threat from any angle.

"I don't know what profound thoughts that forbidden book has instilled in you, child, but you shouldn't make yourself miserable for the sake of things that don't belong to you. Stop it, Saiman!"

The Shadow Druid threw out the spikes. The arakkoa hurriedly dodged but still hit two of them. The paralyzing toxin on them had already entered Lightning's body and began to take effect.

"There is no reason for a loser to stop a winner. What doesn't belong to me? No, old man, what I got is mine. Think of those people in the woods, they hide in the deep mountains and old forests behind closed doors to maintain the natural order. We Having experienced it together, we know that everything outside the forest is changing with each passing day! You are indifferent to all that and want to hide in your own tree hole!"

"Father, this will be the last time you stop me."

Saiman's cursed arm swelled as if out of control under his chant, and the five fingers at the front deformed into entangled roots. The degree of corruption further deepened, and traces of erosion appeared on the right chest of the Shadow Druid. A life-stealing curse formed on his twisted fingertips, and Saiman pointed at the dwarf.

The rampaging roots expanded crazily towards the cone-shaped area in front of Saiman. These vicious tentacles chased the dwarf, trying to give the old man a fatal touch. Everything that stood between them was shattered by the advance of the tentacles. Jurgen looked at the twisted life blooming in front of him, and he smelled the breath of death.

Sadness appeared on the face of the dwarf druid. He took off the bottle that he had prepared and let the seed germinate under his own stimulation.

The plump seed bloomed into a small blue flower, which was delicate and fragile under the contrast of the twisted tentacles, as if it would break at a touch. After the druid's attunement, the plant stretched out its young branches and leaves and explored Saiman's transformed roots.

"Parasite him, [Tree Mother]."

A magical plant created by the ancient Asht wizard, the lord of the third level, the embodiment of twisted vitality. Jurgen harvested its seeds from the heart of the dead tree. This forbidden plant is like a greedy and hungry hunter of plant life. In the short time of recovery, it has a desire to absorb nutrients.

The branches and leaves penetrated those cursed roots, forcing reverse parasitism under the influence of the curse. Saiman was right. This arm contained powerful vitality. The moment the tree sprouted roots, it expanded to a diameter of two meters. Its roots were still expanding and rushed towards Saiman on the other side.

The entire deformed cursed arm bloomed with bright flowers, and these plants stretched out uncontrollably towards the vegetative Saiman, taking back all the little life force the Shadow Druid had absorbed. The Tree Mother replaced Saiman as the largest parasite on the Wendigo arm.

Jurgen pounced on the original little blue flower. He covered the petals and twisted the flower into a small bud. The entire plant fell into sleep under the influence of the druid and stopped its tendency to continue to expand.

The dwarf stepped forward, looked at his child sleeping among the flowers, and touched his wrinkled face.

"My child, your eyes have been looking into the distance for too long."

"Forget the ground beneath your feet and your true heart."

"I taught you all this, but obviously you forgot."

"You are far worse as a plant than you are as a human being."

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