Crimson Servant

Chapter 76 The Hunt Begins

The Sun Team, which landed in the corridor, had just gained a foothold and immediately started running towards the interior without stopping. The falling yellow sand was only one step slower than them, and the sand pouring into the corridor was swallowing up the space behind them. They ran in the tunnel for twenty minutes, turning four corners, until the terrifying rustling sound completely disappeared behind them.

Jurgen had transformed into a black panther and was lying on the ground breathing heavily. Lightning was holding on to one side of the wall and retching. The psychological shadow caused by the free fall was greater than he expected. Maybe he spit out all the air in his body when he screamed during the fall, and now he can still vomit from his beak. Some sand. Karl took the lead and rushed to the front. Now his cheeks were red, like a dead dog that had lost its strength. John Kemp's expression remained as usual. The dragon's blood-enhanced body had some movement ability, and he had used crimson chains to bind his companions into one body. The reins of Paladin Carl Demiras had only been lifted for a few seconds. Release before.

"Despicable warlock..." Carl was so tired that he couldn't even lift his fingers, but John believed that he would be full of energy again after a few minutes of rest.

John put the dragon-shaped lightning back into his body and bowed to thank Mr. Mount, "My physical strength should be used in more critical places. Come on, I'm not half as heavy as the armor you are wearing."

The arakkoa looked at the corridor behind them, and it was quiet now. Those passages filled with sand would no longer be open.

"We made a lot of noise."

"We must be more than just the ones who can hear the noise." Jurgen returned to his human form and looked forward, "Those cultists must have noticed it too. I hope the ones who were alerted can't speed up the ritual..."

"I hope so." John could vaguely feel that they would be able to catch up, and the Wendigo would let them catch up. That monster was so clever and arrogant that he would not let John miss this important ceremony. The arrogant monster who thought he was sure of victory must be looking forward to defeating him, the favored one of Vertis, openly and honestly. That arrogant brute would love to prove his superiority in front of the Crimson God, and John knew this would be an opportunity for Team Sun. Veltis's blessing gave him wisdom and new weaknesses in the Wendigo, and the Crimson God shrewdly balanced power and cost.

Karl stroked the shield in his hand. The aegis hosted by the Crow God was releasing halo rhythmically, talking to the paladin.

Jurgen was a little worried that the god of the sun had objections to John's previous landing plan, and that Wiltis' favored person had copied his attitude towards using the demon god to other gods.

"Does the Crow God have any instructions?"

He noticed that Carl's eyes became strange, and Lightning rolled his eyes as if in anticipation.

"Lotti said He would do it again, He likes excitement."

The crow god seems to be a restless, trouble-making master.

"Go on, those madmen are waiting for us." John secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Lottie's blessing was one of their main forces against the Wendigo. He also counted on the knights of the sun to fight against the cursed monster.

Heading towards the center of the Philosopher's Gate, Team Sun doesn't have to worry about getting lost.

Dire omens were guiding them. The increasingly eye-catching crimson traces clinging to the stone wall, the gloomy chill in the air, the smell of blood that gets stronger the deeper it goes, and the diffuse red smoke depict a horrific sacrificial scene in the mind of the adventurer. Jurgen and others felt their hearts tightening, and several people felt a sense of depression more or less. The divine power and the power of nature were weakened in the red mist here. The Crow God, who was still excited, now became depressed. silence.

"It's okay, our warlock has also entered his home court." Jurgen forced a smile.

He's right.

John Kemp felt very good. His magic partners were all very active. The crimson chains had seeped into the floor tiles and spread around where few people could see. The magic red mist had formed before Carl and others were aware of it. They formed a protective circle and prevented the crimson power from corrupting them. John suppressed the rage tumbling in his heart. He would not let his enemies realize his trump card before they died.

The red mist climbed up the warlock's neck, and an illusion formed in his mind. In the huge circular stone formation, the magnificent power of magic has not been completely eroded by the power of crimson. The crimson Wendigo stands in the center of the stone formation. Around him, dense crowds of red-robed people are kneeling down to worship this damn monster. In his hand is the Holy Symbol of Channeling Power.

"I found him." The blood-red eyeballs seemed to be burning, and the blood ribbon pulled the warlock to float. He looked back at his companions. When his companions were stared at by those evil eyes full of hatred, they all raised their weapons nervously. . John couldn't control his fearful aura and could only remind himself to look at them less.

"Follow me." John was led towards the depths, advancing quickly without caring whether they followed.

Carl shrugged.

"Well, I underestimated his evil." He rushed into the red mist and followed the red chain to leave.

"I'm glad that it's my friend who masters this power, not my opponent." Lightning took out the enchanted silver arrow and recited the name of the god while the feathers glowed with silver light.

Jurgen smiled boldly and followed up on his short legs with his young comrades.

"Save a few for me, you brats!"

The Sun Team passed through a straight tunnel. The crimson power here had completely eroded the walls of the tunnel. The active magic power in the red mist seemed to be roaring. The magic power of the Philosopher's Gate was accumulating under the stimulation of the ostentatious guests.

John rushed out of the last door and looked towards the center of Stonehenge, towards the monster that deserved to be chopped into pieces. Just like him, the eyes in the deer bones were burning with magic flames, and they stared at each other, one with hatred, the other with ecstasy.

[Offer your loyalty to the great red mist, servants. 】

[The ceremony begins. 】

The hoarse spiritual voice carried the alluring and depraved magic power. Under the guidance, those fanatic believers who had already surrendered raised the ritual daggers they had prepared and slit their own throats.

Blood flowed, and ominous whispers came from the grunting bubbles, as if evil things had commandeered their slit throats to whisper.




In the center of Stonehenge, a ring connecting the void is slowly opening in the blood flow, and the gaze of the crimson god descends.

"The sun is up!"

"O God of Crows!"

"For the Oak Father!"

Team Sun roared with courage as they charged towards the enemy. Those fanatics who stood in Stonehenge and sacrificed themselves were not all. Just outside the Stonehenge, a dozen fanatics who were not qualified to participate in the sacrifice cast spells one after another.


The faster cultists were killed by their own spells, and the slower ones had blood gushing from their mouths and noses, looking at the magician floating in the air in horror. His personal crimson power, the power of the Beloved, was controlling the battlefield. Those gifts from the crimson god, those powers obtained through begging for mercy, were plundered in an instant and became the accomplices of the enemy.

"Loving One, why!!!" Some crazy believers couldn't believe all this, and John kindly stopped them from thinking.

John countered some of the crimson spells, but his strength was limited and he was still wary of the leading Wendigo. Some cultists survived and held daggers to block the stone circle.

"Saiman." Jurgen stared at the druid among the cultists. He changed his arm, an abominable arm full of curses and corruption.

【Use your loved ones, fight against your loved ones. 】

Wendigo turned his fingers, and several lines of concentrated crimson power emerged from the holy symbol and poured into the body of the cultist. They ecstatically praised the crimson god, their faces ferocious.

"Do you just expect to kill me with these scum?" John stared at the monster. He only had Wendigo in his eyes. For others, short-term blessings were not as good as long-term accumulation.

The crimson monster opened its mouth, revealing a mouth full of fangs.

[The Crimson Ceremony cannot be disturbed]

The Wendigo walked to the edge, stepped over the corpses whose blood was being drawn, and took a step toward the descending steps.

He walked out of the ceremony!

[But I am not the host of the ceremony. 】

During the advent ceremony that was being performed, the holy symbol floating in the air was still glowing.

[Come on, beloved ones, the winner takes all. 】

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