Crimson Servant

Chapter 56 Underground Deer Herd

John gained more knowledge from the experimental records than this. Although it is far less efficient than directly sacrificing an Asht mage, John was able to figure out the general operating procedures of [Philosopher's Gate] from the gossip in a large number of experimental records. With the help of [Crenzo's Silver Key], he was confident to control this An ancient device without an owner.

These operating skills obviously did not need to be introduced to his fellow adventurers. In order to satisfy their curiosity, John threw out some more suitable content, plus a piece of bombshell news about the destruction of the ancient mage empire.

"The fourth floor we are on is actually the former experimental area. Those Asht wizards once conducted various magic experiments on this stable building floor. The building materials on the fourth floor are mixed with a kind of material that can anchor the space. Magic crystals, celestial crystals, are also the main materials that constitute [Philosopher's Gate]. These crystals enable the fourth layer itself to resist the distortion of time and space brought about by [Philosopher's Gate]."

"In other words, after entering this channel, we will no longer be affected by the chaotic dimensional shock wave (distorted moonlight). The cause of the chaotic dimensional shock wave comes from the intermittent leakage of accumulated energy that exceeds the threshold."

"The underground city of Optitdam has been left unattended, but its excellent energy supply system has still been operating for hundreds of years. The accumulated energy has had nowhere to be consumed, causing overload effects in many places."

Carl began to regret his decision to try to understand John's interest, shaking his head to shake off the drowsiness.

"No matter what, we just need to keep exploring. As long as we keep going, we will always find the right path."

Team Sun returned to the fork and headed for another road they had not yet explored.

They passed through many branch rooms, most of which were worn out due to age, and some were blocked by sand and soil. Searching them was just a waste of time. It was very quiet here, except for the breathing of the four people. Although the spacious passage is dark and lightless, it is quite safe and there are no traps. This makes the paladin who holds the key ready at any time feel a bit disappointed.

Boredom has become the main theme of adventure, but after the next interesting news happens, all the patience is worth it.

There was a loud sound of knocking stone bricks in the passage in front of them. The sound was quite crisp and leisurely, and it slowly approached them.

The druid judged that it was a small, light creature and signaled his companions to stop and wait. Creatures of this size were usually timid.

Perhaps attracted by the light of the fire, John saw the creature walking out of the shadows, its hooves tapping on the floor tiles, its small dark eyes staring at the torch in Karl's hand, and then at the group of four people.

It was a devil-antlered deer, so named because its strange antlers resembled those of a devil. But in fact, they are more closely related to the devil than goats, and some unscrupulous traders will use this kind of antlers to pass off as rare alchemical materials. Later, some purgatory creatures would also use this creature name to describe some weaklings with low abilities and cowardly character. Yes, this word is even more despicable than the lemure.

The Suns team remained motionless, Karl just rolled his eyes and spoke softly.

"Is this a trap?"

Obviously not.

Jurgen squatted down slowly, calming the animals in front of him with slow movements and a calm expression. The corners of his eyes began to glow, trying to communicate with the animals in front of the little creatures.

Jurgen failed. The moment his eyes glowed, the little devil-horned deer turned around and ran away, leaping into the darkness behind. The dwarf could only feel the smell of panic it emanated. The dwarf sighed with pity: "Maybe I'm not very popular with little things."

John comforted the dwarf.

"Don't be depressed, my old friend, you are already the most friendly-looking among the four of us." The sturdy paladin, the pale-skinned warlock, the arakkoa ranger, and the dwarf druid knew that he was right.

"Follow the traces it left. There is no danger."

While moving forward, Jurgen was still worried that the little devil-horned deer without dark vision would accidentally hit a wall and die. In fact, the animal seemed to be quite familiar with its surroundings. Following the trail beneath their feet, Team Sun saw the source of the light.

Plants with a pale blue gleam grew on the walls, their rhizomes reaching up to the six-foot-high dome. A ribbon-like pink plant hangs from the roof, with five-petaled flowers growing from the hanging ends, and its stamens have a bright red luster. Different species of luminous plants squeeze the darkness into the narrow gaps, and the air is filled with the fresh breath of life.

Carl covered his nose.

"Oh, it smells like feces."

Jurgen looked at the charming scenery in front of him and was immersed in this special natural environment. The life brought by the shift in time and space has tenaciously taken root in this desert, establishing a unique natural harmony in the face of impossible adversity.

Lightning saw the little guy they were following. It was biting leaves from the roots on the wall and chewing them carefully as if no one else was watching. Without the main body, the leaves no longer shine. What produces light are the veins that transport nutrients.

John saw more than one devil-horned deer living here, and several larger and more mature deer standing not far away. One of them, an adult deer with huge antlers and shiny hair, was staring here intently, its eyes sparkling. It glows with blue light, seeming to contain knowledge and wisdom.

"Nora?" John tentatively called the woman's name with strange thoughts. It was not unheard of for Nora Sebas to transform into a silly roe deer to trick herself.

The deer didn't respond.

Jurgen waited for a few minutes until the deer herd became less wary of the adventurers, and then slowly approached the devil-antlered deer that looked like the leader.

This time, the druid managed to establish contact with the beast.

"Hello, my name is Jurgen Mercer."

【Oh my God! Why can I understand you? Why can I speak? ! 】

"Take it easy, tall beast friend, this is a miracle of nature. Do you have a name?"

[Do I have to have it? 】

"...No, but names can help us distinguish each other and allow us to communicate better."

[I can tell other deer apart by smell. 】

"Yes, but I need a name to call you, beast friend, as a courtesy."

[Then will I be able to speak in the future? 】

"No, our ability to communicate is just the effect of the spell."

[I can’t speak, so why should I be polite? 】

"...You convinced me that you have a gift for speaking."

[Thank you, Jurgen. 】

The dwarf twitched his lips, feeling like he was being teased by a fool. [Animal Communication] will simulate an exclusive communication personality based on the animal's thinking, and the devil-antlered deer in front of you is a special kind of animal.

【Have you got a meal yet? 】

"not yet."

【why do not you eat? There is food everywhere. 】

Jurgen realized that he had to take the initiative, otherwise the conversation would be endless.

"Okay, okay, my natural friend, do you have any special message for me?"

[What is a special message? 】

"Something you are afraid of, or a humanoid creature like me. Some strange movements, unusual winds..."

【What is it like to be like you? 】

"... walking on two legs, one head, two hands, hair on the head or hairless, alive. Before I came, we were not included."

【No. 】

"Thank you for your help, beast friend."

Jurgen paused, looked at the wise beast in front of him, and said again.

"My beast friend, do you see that big golden thing?"

[The one who came with you? Isn't that your kind? 】

Jurgen patted the devil-horned deer on the shoulder with sympathy and said softly: "Same kind? He is not my kind."

"He eats venison."

Feeling the surge of fear in the animal's heart, the dwarf lifted the spell with satisfaction.

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