Crimson Servant

Chapter 55 Ancient Archives

The collapse caused John and his party to fall into the tunnel excavated by the sand worms. They slid rapidly along with the soft sand. In the darkness, the bumpy adventurers were not sure how long they had been sliding.

When the kinetic energy disappeared and the brain recovered from the coma, the Sun Team found that they had entered an ancient and dark ruins. The four people combed through the staggered corridors and finally stacked together. Jurgen, who was pressed at the bottom by Karl, let out an overwhelmed voice. cried out in pain.

They were now under the yellow sand and stood up one after another, maintaining their formation habitually. The torch was lit, and the beeping sound from the burning occasionally overwhelmed the breath. Stepping on the old masonry floor, the Sun Team cautiously explored the unknown ancient ruins that they accidentally broke into.

This is a spacious passage made of large stone bricks. The air is dry, and a cool breeze blows from the darkness at the other end. There are slender black marks between the cracks in the walls. When I get closer to the torch, I realize that they are some tiny Crystals.

The Sun Team advanced for more than ten minutes. John felt something. He raised the torch and walked towards the wall of the right fork. He stretched out his fingers to wipe the dust on the wall, and a special symbol appeared in front of several people.

John stared at the symbol in a daze, as if there was endless mystery in it. Carl looked at his companion in confusion, and exchanged glances with Lightning.

Jurgen patted John on the back to make sure that the young man was not possessed by some evil spell. He coughed twice, and the dwarf's rough voice echoed in the narrow fork in the road.

"Do you recognize this symbol? John."

John's eyes were shining, with strong desire hidden deep in them. He has seen this symbol many times, and every extension of it depicts a vision of knowledge and satisfaction. John firmly believed that this adventure would eventually pay off, but he still didn't expect it would come so quickly.

"This symbol represents the 'Philosopher's Gate'."

The Sun Team was not surprised that John knew something about the dungeon. Everyone had their own goals in this adventure. Apparently John, the warlock who was a little cold and calm at first sight, found his goal. This team of sworn adventurers now has a primary goal, and every member is willing to help their companions, who have experienced life and death, achieve their goal.

They entered a turnoff marked with a special symbol. After walking a few steps, a thick-looking stone door appeared in the light of the torch. There were words engraved on the rough stone door. After confirming that it was safe, John began to try to decipher the contents on the stone door.

Carl noticed that his attentive companion's silent words became faster and faster as time passed, as did the rhythm of his fingers tapping on the stone door. John's expression was full of anticipation. Damn it, the warlock's face actually showed the enthusiasm of a believer in worship.

"This is the archives, the archives of experimental records!" John's voice was brisk, like singing. The warlock's joyful mood infected several people, giving them a little optimism and courage in this unknown dark space.

Damn it, he still has the talent of a bard, Carl thought.

The paladin took on the task of pushing open the stone door. Under John's continued warning, Carl's movements were cautious, as if dealing with a fragile antique artifact. After opening it, Karl found that the stone door was a foot thick, and compressed decaying air squeezed out from the gaps.

What comes into view are dusty bookcases that have been sleeping for hundreds of years, a decaying writing table, and broken scrolls that have fallen to the ground. Like a tomb of knowledge, Karl could only feel this.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Warlock John seemed to be a different person. Everything decaying in front of him was regarded as a treasure by him. He let out a hearty laugh and quickly plunged into those ancient books, reading them eagerly.

The rest of the people can't understand the writing of ancient Asht, so there's no problem in providing some assistance. Under John's instructions, the envelope is opened, and John provides information to search for text content with similar shapes in the paper roll.

Karl couldn't understand John's fanaticism. He opened one of the paper tubes with some boredom. In the process of spreading the paper, some pungent dust hit his face. He couldn't hold it back and sneezed from the mouth that roared at the enemy, causing the ancient text that had withstood the test of time to shatter into the past history.

Carl's sneeze shattered the knowledge into powder.

"Demiras!" A gloomy call came from behind. Karl turned around and saw John's dark and deep eyes. His expression was almost assimilated to the decay here!

Karl admitted that he was intimidated when facing John at this time, but soon the arrogance in his heart made him start to protect his dignity by finding some excuses to piss off the warlock.

"Sorry, but look, I only broke one, and you still have hundreds more to tolerate..."

The Paladin was arranged to guard the door outside, and the stone door was re-merged, leaving only a gap for air exchange. Karl was separated from his companions by this abominable stone door, and the humiliation of being isolated severely hurt the paladin's heart. He felt more and more that the warlock was making a fuss out of a molehill and that he was the one being treated unfairly.

"He will soon feel guilty for his rude behavior. I am much more important than those flimsy pieces of paper. Those scraps of paper that break when touched will not protect his life."

After a few minutes, Karl lay on the stone door and secretly looked at his companions who were still busy inside through the gap in the stone door. Some of the thumbed-up books were thrown aside, and John's browsing had not stopped. Did he still not find the information he needed? Could there be some key information that happened to be on the scroll I damaged? Carl began to worry and soon began to comfort himself.

"Of course not, Karl, it's not such a coincidence. The paper tube you unscrewed doesn't look very valuable, and the handwriting on it is not very neat. It may have been the work of some poor apprentice. From ancient times to the present, shoddy workmanship is not the rule. A few, every era has its own misfortunes.”

The paladin recalled the education he had received in the past, the etiquette teachers who came to his home one after another and left one after another, and the miserable lessons he had done before he became a paladin. I remembered those years that made my old father miserable. He still remembers being invited to a bar mitzvah social ball for his peers, but the Demiras family declined the invitation on his behalf.

"It will be a massacre." These were the exact words of his father, Count Cadian.

Karl thought his father looked down on him, and indeed, he had just finished all training as a warrior and had developed excellent reflexes. But he would never let this power affect his life again. At that time, he had already moved freely and no longer crushed the dance teacher's toe bones.

The sound behind him aroused Karl's reaction. He unsheathed his sword and turned around suddenly. The three of them, John, walked out of the archives room, and there was no good or bad look on their expressions. Jurgen lowered his head and thought, while Lightning looked solemn.

"You better get something."

"The experimental records are incomplete, but there are indeed some gains. We found some experimental logs and the experimental plan a few days before Optitdan fell."

"[The Philosopher's Gate] is a giant teleportation device created by the ancient Asht wizard. It can not only transfer huge amounts of mass in the material plane, but also pry open the narrow gaps between different planes."

"Can you summarize it more briefly and concisely?"

John glanced at the paladin and didn't understand why the paladin was interested in these things. The warlock who was in a good mood did not hesitate to share it at this time.

"Mage Asht used the power of [Philosopher's Gate] to communicate with dangerous alien worlds."

"As a result, there is no one alive to continue writing the subsequent experimental records."

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