Crimson Servant

Chapter 54 Sand Worm

"You should come and see this!" Lightning stood on a sand dune a few meters high, looking towards the other side that others could not see.

Several people climbed up the sandy slope and looked in the direction of the Crow Man's finger.

As their vision gradually surpassed this small raised sandbag, their hearts slowly sank. No one made a sound, and the atmosphere fell into a solemn silence. Everyone stared straight at the fantastic scene with wonder.

In front of them was a huge hole.

A circular pit was dug out in the center of the desert, with the edges hanging straight down as if reaching into an abyss. The quicksand converged toward the center, falling like a waterfall, and crashed into the darkness where the moonlight could not shine. Silvery dust mist lingered in the hollow, and a sound like a tidal vortex came out of it, like a long sigh from a giant.

This is a wonderful scene created by the twisted moonlight, and every witness can understand it.

Karl took a deep breath and touched the scabbard on his waist with his fingers.

“Where did all that sand go?”

"Anywhere it shouldn't be."

[Philosopher's Gate] was activated right in front of his eyes. This out-of-control ancient device transferred thousands of tons of sand out of his eyes. Those sand grains will suddenly appear somewhere in the world, forming a sandstorm, destroying a village or flooding a piece of land. Just like the rumors over the past decade or so, they spread from the lips of a few survivors.

If he hadn't gained the knowledge of a certain mage, John would have been like those drunkards who spread rumors and misunderstood them as the nameless wrath of Set, the god of the desert. The truth is often funnier than the story. Those wanderers who wash their faces in tears have not committed any blasphemous sins, they are just unlucky.

[Philosopher's Gate], its power is like divine power.

John was secretly happy. If he could get in touch with this ancient device, analyze and use its magic power, it would be of great benefit to his bloodline hunting career.

It was buried in the sand, like a treasure waiting to be unearthed.

"Leave." Jurgen turned around and poked his long stick into the sand. The sand flowed from both sides of the stick, heading in the same direction, the hole. "The scope of the landslide is expanding, and we have to fall." Move to a safer position."

Several people agreed, packed up their equipment and left on the other side. The Sun Team continued to move towards the moonlight. The obstruction of the large hole made them take some detours, but not too far. Fortunately, the moon did not change its position during this period, which further confirmed their previous guesses.

There was no reference to time, and a few people moved forward in the unchanging moonlight. Their boots stepped on the sand, and they could feel the chill around them through the leather.

They walked some distance, and the sound of the big hollow was almost gone. Lightning, who was bored, hummed a unique ballad, and the others were not in the mood to criticize his crow-like traumatic singing voice.

"Shut up, Lightning, you're giving me a headache. My eyes started to get blurry, and I had double images. I saw the sand shaking. Is this true? Or am I just dizzy?"

John lowered his head and saw that the sand under his feet was just like Jurgen said, like ripples on unsettled water, and a chill climbed up his spine.

"I also saw the sand jumping. Your eyes are fine, old man." Karl replied, and soon, the same vigilant expression appeared on every face.

"Since there is nothing wrong with our eyes..."

"That means there's something big down there, something big."

John felt the thing approaching, and the vibrations under his feet became stronger and stronger. Finally, he could hear continuous rumbling sounds even when he stepped on the surface of the sand.

A dirtbag appeared in the center of the four, and John only had time to hear Jurgen shouting "run apart". He was thrown out by a piece of purple-black wrinkled skin drilled out of the sand. The monster's roar deafened his eardrums, and he heard no other sound before landing.

Paladin Karl took action before the dwarf shouted. His intuition made him jump suddenly. He rolled on the sand, and when he stood up, he happened to see the thing in the mist.

The part of it exposed on the sand is six meters high, and its one-meter-diameter body is covered with purple-black wrinkled skin. The internal muscles hold up its curved body, and its head hangs down, just facing Karl's position. The fist-sized hole at the front opened in a few seconds, and the rolled flesh wall was stained with disgusting mucus, as if its mouth had been spit out from the body. Circles of dagger-shaped teeth spread out like flowers. Karl swore Such a torture device would not appear in even the most horrific nightmares.

"This is a sand worm! It has no eyes and relies on vibrations to determine its position!"

The giant worm heard the dwarf's cry. It twisted around very fast, and hit its body as fast as falling rocks.

Jurgen ducked. The last sound of the words turned into the roar of a wild beast. The black panther ran on all fours to avoid the blow. The big cat used strength on its waist and abdomen, hooked its front paws on the worm's outer skin, and bounced up the lower body that was almost crushed. He turned around in the air, transformed into an eagle, and flew out of the attack range before the sand worm attacked again.

The big hole woke it up, Lightning thought while attacking. The sand worm hunts during the hot day, attacking passing caravans and camels from underground. At night, its activity will weaken and it will hide deeper underground to sleep. . It was obvious that this monster had the energy to get out of bed, and its survival instinct allowed it to avoid the big pit that would wake it up, so it took out its anger on us.

What an unreasonable monster.

Oh, we have someone angrier than that.

"Death! Monster!"

Karl roared and rushed towards the sand worm's exposed body. He raised the sword in his hand, and the sacred light gathered on the sword blade, slashing at the monster's skin.

Thorn slip.

Karl's throat choked. The sharp blade of the Holy Slash did not cut through the skin. Instead, it slid from the other side along with the inertia. The sacred energy did not even leave a scratch.

"Get out of the way."

Karl jumped back immediately, and a scalding fireball hit the sand worm. The concentrated flames exploded on his side. He touched his cheek and felt that his temples had been burned to dry curls. It was just a subconscious move, the paladin fully trusting his warlock friend to keep him safe.

The sand worm that was bombarded by magic roared in pain. It wanted to get back into the sand to extinguish the flames on its body, but the Paladin would not give it that chance.

A wound appeared in the area bombarded by the fireball spell, and blood flowed from it. The magic had destroyed the protective layer of wrinkled skin on the surface of the sand worm.

Karl knew that this disgusting monster could no longer resist his blade.

The flames on the outer skin had not yet extinguished. Carl faced the heat wave and thrust the sword in with both hands. The blockage was layer upon layer, and he could clearly feel his weapon breaking through the worm's skin and muscles and reaching its organs.

The joy of victory fueled the paladin's inner sense of glory. Karl changed the direction of his force and violently cut open the sand worm's flesh.

"Monster, you become part of my glory."

Before he finished speaking, Karl staggered away and avoided the blood splattering from the wound. Jurgen swung a whip of thorns around his armor, dragging Carl out of the sandworm's dying attack range.

"I really want to give it to you." Jurgen's eyes widened, but unfortunately without the beard, the dwarf looked funny no matter how angry he was.

The paladin hummed indifferently, waiting quietly for the sand worm to lose movement under the long-range CS of his partner.

After a while, he turned his head sharply.

"Jurgen, do you feel the ground sinking?"

"You're too heavy, boy, take your boots out."

"No, that's not right." Carl realized something, tucked the dwarf under his arm, and ran away from the sand worm like the other two people who suddenly woke up. The sand worm moved like an efficient digger. Machine, the scary thing about this monster is not only its fangs and huge mouth, but also the...collapse that comes with it.

Carl fell and disappeared in the falling sand, and his two lighter companions did not escape.

The desert swallowed everyone.

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