Crimson Servant

Chapter 53 Adventurous Resilience

It's wonderful to experience the magic of magic, but the pleasure disappears as quickly as it comes. The magic moonlight disappeared, and John fell together with the sand in the sky. He rolled uncontrollably on the sand dunes, with a torrential rain of sand falling from above his head, as if trying to bury him alive.

In this rolling dust, breathing became a problem, and there was a rolling dizziness. Gravity exerted a heavier pressure on John's body than the chaos of time and space. He is like the billions of falling silver sands, about to completely merge into the sea of ​​sand.

Another wave of falling sand hit his back. John felt that his situation was not optimistic. He was planning to further unlock the [Sin Chain] to protect himself. He passed one hand through the curtain of silver sand and pulled out a handful of sand. Drag him out.

It's Lightning Spear. The arakkoa relied on his agility to find balance in the fall. He stepped on a surfboard and slid through the violent sand waves. Although the sand in the sky made him look disgraced, the keen hunter still found his suffering companion in this disaster. Lightning grabbed John's arm, pulled him out of the sand with a little force, put the warlock on his back and continued to escape.

John controlled his body to reduce interference with Lightning's balance. He was carried on the Crow Man's back, and his shoulders were not wide enough to cause pain in his side. John held back and watched the overwhelming sea of ​​sand rolling up behind the two of them. The huge scene caused by magic was left behind by the arakkoa.

Lightning was also surprised by the weight of his companion. John was much thinner than he looked. If it were Jurgen or Karl, he would definitely not be as relaxed as he is now. Lightning held his breath and controlled his body to rush towards a more stable place.

This desert will always be silent, and before that, he has to fight for the two of them not to be buried alive.

When John was thrown to the ground by Lightning, he had no strength to get up. He watched Lightning shaking his head from side to side and shaking his whole body. In a short time, he turned from a white bird into a crow. He dug out the sand under his feet and held the silver vehicle in his hands.

That's Karl's kite shield. No wonder Lightning carried John on his back instead of putting him down the whole time. There was no extra foothold at all. Dune surfing on this little shield was amazing enough.

John stood up, and the sand grains immediately separated from both sides of his robe. There was no dust staining his seemingly simple robe. The lightning that was cleaning the sand grains on the shield danced his eyebrows, showing an envious look.

"You helped me a lot, Lightning. Oh, I'm not thanking you for taking away the Paladin's shield..." John was grateful for the assistance Lightning had given him, although he himself soon let the straightforward gratitude change.

"It appeared in front of me by itself, it was the only one. The terrible magical power separated this fine shield from Carl. We have to find them, John. If those two important people are unfortunately buried in the sand, they It will be dangerous." The flash call started running in the direction he came from before the call ended. He groped in the unrecognizable sand dunes, looking for traces of his teammates.

John followed, and while helping, he comforted the Crow Man: "They will not be too far away from us. The time and space magic did not change our relative positions too much."

It took them twice as long as surfing to return to the familiar place, a newly formed low sand dune, the cold wind was flattening its tip, and maybe it wouldn't be long before it became the same flat land as the surroundings.

Searching for companions is like finding a needle in a haystack. It is difficult and may take several hours without getting good results.

A green reed pole suddenly appeared on the flat sand, two feet long from the ground. Its bare and absurd appearance made John and Lightning look at each other, and they both noticed the smile in each other's eyes.

The two men immediately dug around the reeds. The sand was very soft and the digging process was easy. They found Jurgen in a meter of sand, holding the reed he had spawned in his mouth, crawling out of the pit, rubbing the sand and cleaning his cheeks.

"I was just planning to take a rest to regain my strength and save myself, and here you are."

Jurgen smiled, his optimism not erasing Lightning's worries.

"We haven't found Carl yet. He is the sinkest and must be the deepest."

"Don't worry about him, Lightning." The dwarf who usually cares about the Paladin the most is here at this time. "When I was buried in the soil, I heard a noisy thump in my ears. The movement was like a bear hibernating. snoring."

Lightning and John successively sensed the movement that the dwarf said, which was louder than the vibration of the giant centipede sneaking in the desert. It seemed that some giant sandworm had appeared out of the sky, and everyone could clearly feel the shaking under their feet.

With a crash, the dune bulged into a bulge, and the blasted sand flew four feet into the air. An unkempt humanoid creature emerged from the soil.

Karl broke out of the ground without any help, and crawled out of the unknown depth of sand with all his brute strength. This terrifying digging ability was comparable to that of some desert creatures.

The paladin observed the surroundings vigilantly, and when he saw the expression of his companion in front of him relaxed, he dragged his body out of the sand pit, took off the protective gear of his limbs, and poured out the sand one by one.

"The hateful magic, I really suffered enough." Karl shook out the last few grains of sand from his boots and stood up as if nothing happened.

Lightning returned the shield to the paladin and looked at the tall Carl with slight amazement.

“I once read an adventure biography of the famous adventurer Alkadis, which described a story in which he was captured by giant ants and brought to a nest. He dug a tunnel by himself to escape the ant colony and escaped. I originally thought it was just I made it up. Now I realize that my understanding of human beings is still too superficial."

"Oh, I've never heard of him. Is he really famous?"

John took over the topic.

"The way he died was famous, [Arkadis trying to swim in lava]."

"Oh, it's him, Ax, the Dead Magma, who is called differently in Ephessa. I don't like that self-righteous adventurer at all."

"What don't you like about him?"

"Before he descended into the magma, he did not pray to the great notary Mithras as usual. Instead, he chose to pray to the Lord of the Nine Hells, the fallen half-demon, for the protection of purgatory."

"No wonder his prayers worked, the devil in hell must be very fond of him."

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