Crimson Servant

Chapter 57 The Crimson Beloved

Jurgen returned to his companions. Karl glanced at the running deer and asked strangely: "The magic-horned deer are rioting. What did you say to them?"

"They're just shy."

The paladin nodded, gently moved the iron pot set up on the fire, and found the perfect midpoint in his heart.

"That's fine, don't worry about being disturbed."

The Sun Team decided to camp here, and with the efforts of Lightning and Jurgen, it became a comfortable campsite.

Karl began to pray daily, closing his eyes tightly and no longer paying attention to the outside world.

Lightning circles the camp spreading repellent powder while scouting the environment.

Jurgen was cooking, inspired by the abundance of exotic plants around him. He chewed on the freshly picked young leaves and thought about how to season them.

John is meditating. He has recorded the contents of many ancient archives in his brain, and now he needs sufficient time to digest and organize them. This will save some time for Mariana's brainwashing work in the future. John Kemp only needs the knowledge he needs. Otherwise, he will get a headache.

Not long after, the strong aroma interrupted the actions of several people, which was the signal to start dinner. Several people gathered around the campfire, staring eagerly at the food in the pot. Lightning was the last to return, bringing news that the scent had not attracted the beast.

Jurgen's cooking skills were recognized again, and they got a dazzling truth in the food: these underground plants absorbed the magic in the underground city and used it as nutrients for their own growth. Therefore, the taste after cooking is very fresh and has a refreshing effect.

With a strange feeling of fullness, Carl and the others said goodnight.

Saiman felt the crowd approaching, and their restless aura made the dying druid's condition even worse. He endured it silently, falling to his knees and enduring the malicious scrutiny that pricked his back like needles.

"He's the only one back."

"They accomplished their mission, and this heretic proved his worth, the value of his sacrifice."

This title that was equivalent to loser made Saiman's heart sink. His arrogance made him angry and wanted to tear the person who insulted him to pieces immediately.

But as soon as this idea came up, those beast-like sharp crimson auras noticed something. They wandered around Saiman, looking back and forth at the only druid.

The strange movement of the crimson power caused the communication to stop. As if some nerve had been touched, the Wiltis fanatics all turned their attention to Zeeman.

The atmosphere fell into silence, so quiet that Saiman could hear his own breathing.

"The master will like him." A fanatic said meaningfully.

Stimulated by the moving crimson aura, everyone realized that the dark Saiman was loved by the crimson god. They all came up with the idea of ​​being the ones to offer this gift to the Great Lord.

They want to be liked, and this greed makes the Crimson Power even more excited, which makes the fanatics mistakenly think that their ideas are approved by the divine power.

Until a voice poured cold water on it.

"He belongs to the favored ones."

That name calmed the commotion. It was hard to imagine that the fanatics would truly revere someone, but their calmness was so complete that even Saiman, who was in a depressed state, could smell the fear in the air.

The fanatic at the beginning continued, with some restless emotions suppressed in his tone, gently comforting his companions like a lover.

"He was not allowed, yes, the Beloved has abandoned him. He was abandoned here, in front of us, everything is the will. The sacrifice should be sacrificed, together with us."

The wavering hearts are easily persuaded, and the gathering of groups aggravates the chance mentality of fanatic believers. They want to sacrifice, they want to share with others the consequences of disobedience. The heart that was corrupted by crimson selectively forgot most things.




The fervent chanting affected the crimson power, and the power surrounded Saiman and became extremely aggressive. They wanted to eat him, a desire as explicit as that of a hungry beast. Saiman gritted his teeth and gave up resistance. He understood that this was the key to the test. Whether the favored one would accept him or not was only a matter of thought.

He has no way out.

The crimson corruption touched the buds on Saiman's back, and he felt his weak life force being severely squeezed out. This evil force seeped into his body, destroying his failing organs and leaving them full of holes.

The premonition of death was so clear that Saiman had no time to regret his stupid decision. His mind thought of the old man, the dwarf who had shaved off his beard and looked sad among the adventurers, and a strong unwillingness stirred deep in his heart.

His struggles were answered. In the body that was pierced by corruption, a blood-ruby gem glowed, and the force field energy drove out the invading crimson power. Every fanatic follower of Veltis who performed the ritual suffered a backlash. Their palms began to ulcerate, and the skin peeled off like confetti, accompanied by heartbreaking pain.

Saiman stood up, his body in tatters, and the light of ruby ​​radiated from the gaps in the grid.

That is the power of crimson, a power more powerful than fanatic believers.

That gem came from the Beloved. Everyone knew that their secret was blocked, and the lion drove away the hyena that stole food.

A voice came from Saiman's body, from the unknown red light.

"Hector, bring him here."

The Wiltis fanatics scattered. In front of Saiman, a tall fanatic took off his hood.

Hector has pale skin and a sharp aquiline nose. His eyes are cold and the depths of his pupils are light gray.

"follow me."

Saiman recognized the voice. Hector was the one who encouraged the fanatics to sacrifice him.

The gems in his body no longer glowed. Saiman seemed to have had his strength drained away, and his body was crumbling. Hector immediately went to help him, not caring about the Druid's eyes full of hatred.

Hector had no intention of hiding it.

"I failed, even more failed than you, a heretic." Hector muttered, helping Saiman limp forward.

"My plan is to sacrifice you in public to build confidence in the team. Only by accomplishing this step can we have a chance to fight against the Beloved."

Saiman knew that what Hector wanted to fight was not the hidden favored one following Jurgen. But on their own side, the one above them.

"Why?" Are all fanatics like this?

Hector's expression became ferocious, and his hateful eyes moved away from Saiman's face.

"The favored ones are all betrayers of the Lord. Others fear his authority, but I know that they rely on the favor of the Lord to do selfish things. Gathering us and bringing us to this underground city will definitely He has his own selfish purpose."

"He is a traitor. No one loves the Lord as much as I do. Yes, only me."

Saiman continued to listen to his crazy words, the madness hidden behind this man's calm face.

"Why are I telling you this? Because I want to say more, and soon, I won't have the chance to say it."

"I am not the first to stand up against the Beloved, so we know the consequences of resisting him."

They came to a room and stopped.

Saiman saw the thing sitting in the corner. Its body glowed red, and he could clearly see the monster without dark vision.

His body was completely naked, his rough skin stained with ice shavings wrapped around his overly slender inhuman bones, and his skin color seemed to be red from the cold. He stood up like an open umbrella stand, more than two meters tall, and his thin head was close to a skeleton.

"Hello, Dean."

Staring at Hector with its blood-red eyes, the monster arched its body and slowly opened its bloody claws.

"I followed the order of the Beloved and sent this person here."

The monster stopped and stepped aside, its head still staring at Hector.

"There's still a punishment for me, right?"

The tall monster opened its mouth, and dark red blood flowed from the gap between its ferocious teeth. It made an icy sound.


Saiman understood the answer. He left Hector, and the support along the way allowed Saiman to retain his strength. When he passed by the monster, he took one last look at the lonely fanatic believer.

"Why don't you run away?"

"The Beloved are good at hunting, no one can escape."

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