Tears fell silently.

The beauty that had been built up on the girl's face by dozens of photos, turned into shattered bubbles after just one sentence.

Drop after drop of warm water spread on the blank photo. In the dim room, a slight sob sent unspeakable sadness to every corner of the room. The sob was very small, as if it was suppressed in the chest by the owner for fear of being heard.

But this suppression is only temporary. When the cup is full, water will overflow. When sadness is full, it will devour people's emotions.

The girl still cried.

From the sobbing that could be suppressed at the beginning to the emotions that were fully vented at the end, the devil called sadness took control of her body.

The inner grief began to spread uncontrollably, and the tears could not stop flowing down, dripping on the blank photo like rain.

"cunning......So cunning......"

The girl's voice was still choked, tears blocked her vision, but the gentle smile in her mind was still very clear.

"Do this kind of thing....You want me to keep my promise or something?....."

"I can't do it at all....."

The girl raised her arms, slowly and feebly stretched them out, holding all the photos in her arms, as if she was hugging someone who was no longer there.

"But just once, just a little bit of cheating....."

"You will definitely allow it, right?"

The girl murmured this a second before her body's exhaustion swallowed her consciousness.

Time, June 1.

From the promise to breaking the promise, it took only one day for Liuying..................

Ying:"My friend, are you going to kill me!!"

Xing:"Bai Heng, he may just be a character in a world bubble in a parallel world. He does not exist here. And you, my friend who created this live broadcast screen, don't let me find you."

Xing:"By then, my revenge will be more radical than 'hunting'!

My means will be more thorough than 'destruction'!

My recollection will be deeper than 'memory'!

My patience will be longer than 'nothingness'!

My plan will be more perfect than 'intelligence'!

My bottom line will be more twisted than 'joy'!

My wish will be purer than 'abundance'!

In the end! I will use your body to play the hymn of 'harmony'!"

Hanabi:"We generally call your behavior - impotent rage~"

Kiana:"Why do I have to watch this part ?"....I could have accepted the ending of the separation......」

Hanabi:"Don't worry, Liuying and Baiheng will meet again soon~"

Pera:"Oh? Miss Hanabi, do you have any unique insights?"

Kiana:"Is it really as they agreed that one day when the planets intersect and the universe changes, the two will meet again? Suddenly excited.jpg!"

Hanabi:"Agreement? Do you really think that thing is useful? The ending will only be: longing is like a bone-eating poison, spreading to every inch of Liuying's body. Her entropy disease becomes more and more serious day by day. In the end, she can't even stay awake. At the moment before her consciousness was about to dissipate, Liuying whispered softly: Ah....Finally I get to see you. I have kept our promise. You will definitely praise me, right?"

Xing:"Fake! Fool! You! Deserve to Die! Let me kill you a thousand times! And it's not! Enough!" Hanabi:

"We are all mature adults. We should learn to find a knife to eat by ourselves, right?"

Raiden Mei:"I was a little disappointed about the ending of Mr. Baiheng and Miss Liuying, but after listening to Miss Hanabi's description, I suddenly feel a little fortunate.......」

Walter:"Everyone will have different reactions to the departure of their loved ones. Mr. Bai Heng left Miss Liuying with a deep faith. Today's dejection may only be temporary."

March 7:"Uncle Yang....Could it be your lover....」

Walter:"Hey! Don't think too much about Xiao Sanyue. It's just that in my world, there is such a person. One day, he was redeemed for his whole life, and then he spent his whole life redeeming the person who redeemed him. He even broke through the tree of imaginary numbers and created a world with her."

Sanyueqi:"It sounds like a very touching story......」


Bishop Otto:"Oh? I seem to hear my old friend talking about something related to me?"

Walter:"Otto! You are beeping!——!」

Dan Heng:「.........」

March 7:"This is the first time I've seen Uncle Yang like this........」

Xing:"Forget about everything else, Bishop Otto! Take our Firefly to the Imaginary Number Tree again! Create a world with Bai Heng!」..........

As everyone was sinking into the heaviness brought by the last scene, the screen in the live broadcast room gradually dimmed, and the screen was frozen on the scene of Liuying hugging the photo and falling asleep.

It seemed that the closing song had arrived, and the gentle and pleasant tone slowly sounded, and the prelude of"Freeing a Heart from Sorrow" once again reached everyone's ears.


Birds are born with no shackles.)........

It was in that leisurely and pleasant tone that seemed to be able to wipe away the sadness that the screen in the live broadcast room gradually changed.

Those were all the experiences that the two had gone through on Pinocchio.

The first meeting, the kiss on the hand in the territory of the Iris Family, the two looking at each other on the rooftop and confessing to each other, the kiss that the girl mustered up the courage to offer, and the boy kneeling on one knee to put the Star Teardrop ring on the girl.......

All the wonderful things that happened in the past two months were shown one by one in these few minutes.

After taking in these pictures, everyone in the live broadcast room couldn't help but think about a question.

Kiana:"What will happen to Miss Liuying in that world in the future?"

Hanabi:"I've said it all.....」

Xing:"Shut up!"

Alicia:"With Mr. Bai Heng's belief, Miss Liuying will definitely be able to solve the problem of entropy loss!"

Perhaps she heard everyone's doubts, or perhaps it was the original arrangement.

In the gradually dimming screen, a line of small words suddenly appeared and gave everyone the answer.

【After several years of searching, the 'family' still hasn't found the 'place where the stars fell'. Perhaps they will never find it.】

【Because the star named Bai Heng did not fall anywhere in Pinocchio】

【He fell into the heart of a girl named Liuying】

【Presumably, with the blessing of the pure and beautiful star god, all the misfortunes suffered by the girl will eventually be healed. 】

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