The short line of subtitles did not use any complicated words, but simply stated a fact.

When seeing this subtitle, all the viewers in the live broadcast room were slightly shocked.

After watching all the way, they naturally knew what the misfortune that was entangled with Liuying was.

——Entropy loss.

An irreversible disease caused by a genetic defect.

Now, although the live broadcast screen did not show the picture, the subtitles clearly said"healing".

In other words, the entropy loss suffered by the firefly in that world may have been cured.

This result made everyone in the live broadcast room a little happy, but along with the joy, there was also loneliness.

The gentle boy named Bai Heng was fulfilling his promise to the girl until the end.

——In the short time left, he brought her all the good things.

Undoubtedly, he did it.

Ying:"Where the stars fall....That is the wonder that will occur when the life of the star people comes to an end. The blessings of the pure and beautiful star gods will bloom in the place where they fall, and everything around them will usher in a beautiful future......」

Xing:"That's right! And this star fell into Liuying's heart!"

Kiana:"And from the description above, this power can even cure Miss Liuying's entropy loss disease!!"

Xing:"@Hua Huo, the knife man speaks! Speak!"

Hua Huo:"Then change one. With the blessing of the pure and beautiful star god, Liuying's entropy loss disease was cured. No matter when and in what situation, she would keep her promise with the boy. But until her face aged and her body withered, she never saw the boy again.

At the end of her life, she whispered softly: I miss you so much, I want to see you again.....」

Hanabi:"Which do you like better, this or the previous one?"

Star:"Beep-beep! You-beep!"

March Seven:"Although your mouth is a little dirty, this time I can only say, good scolding! Humph!"

Black Swan:"But, it's really a sad ending. The fleeting meteor used all its strength to continue the light of the weak firefly......Even I was somewhat touched."

Alicia:"Speaking of Miss Liuying! I can't wait to hear her thoughts!"

Silver Wolf:"She sees this thing as a pure memoir of her late husband. Are you sure she will have any special thoughts?"

Alicia:"Memoir of my late husband....It seems to be the case. Miss Liuying....

Are you okay? Come to think of it , she hasn't spoken for a long time.....She closed several intrusion points in the room, so I couldn't see them, but....It should be fine, right?"

Ying:"The credibility is very low.....」.....

Is Liuying okay?

The answer is no.

In the dark room,

Liuying took in the last few lines of description that appeared on the live screen and felt that her breathing was a little difficult.

"The star named Bai Heng did not fall anywhere in Pinocchio...."

"He fell into the heart of a girl named Liuying....."

"Presumably, with the blessing brought by the pure and beautiful star god, all the misfortunes suffered by the girl will eventually be healed......."

Biting her lip, Liuying had a complicated look on her face as she repeated these words.

Before this, she had always believed that the images in the live broadcast room were showing stories that happened in another parallel world or a certain world bubble.

But as the live broadcast progressed, sporadic images and a strong sense of déjà vu intertwined and emerged in her mind little by little.

Liuying's idea began to waver.

She remembered that in the previous communication in the live broadcast room, Ying, who knew her identity through the live broadcast, had asked about her physical condition.

At that time, Liuying's answer was:"It's not something particularly uncomfortable.....And I'm much better now."

This is not Liuying comforting the other party, but the truth.

Since when, she could feel that her body's functions were recovering little by little. Although the process was extremely slow, it was real.

Although she was puzzled by this situation, Liuying didn't care at the time. She just thought it was a sudden miracle, or a last gasp before she was about to be swallowed by the entropy disease.

But now, the description on the live screen gave the answer.

【Presumably, with the blessing brought by the Pure Beauty Star God, all the misfortunes suffered by the girl will eventually be healed. 】

Unlike the 'pharmacist', 'Pure Beauty' does not have the miracle of reversing life and death.

The power contained in Him is the display of 'beauty'.

But this 'beauty' does not just stop at the appearance.

Soul, character, inner, all things that can produce beauty are within the scope of 'pure beauty'.

Even the brief beauty produced by the collision of eyes between lovers in ordinary life, or the innocent smile of children, these 'beauties' that can add color to the world can also be included in it.

Because these things themselves are 'beautiful'.

It is this kind of power that is an absolute panacea for the 'loss of entropy' that implies despair.

When seeing that sentence, a small hypothesis emerged in Liuying's mind.


Perhaps those things did not happen in some other parallel world.

Pinocchio and the star boy met, confided in each other, confessed to each other, accepted each other, and then walked hand in hand on the star of the grand event......These may have actually happened.

But for some unknown reason, or for some other reason, I have forgotten this memory......

In the darkness, the girl's expression gradually became firm.

Although this is only a hypothesis at present, there are many ways to prove it.

Pinocchio, the star of the event. The one named Bai Heng���I have left many traces with him on that planet.

There, I will definitely find the answer!

PS: Godfathers, the update is late. I was delayed by something when I went out today. Sorry!

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