Intoxicated by the glow of the stars, the people in the live studio were unable to come back to their senses for a long time, until the last meteor disappeared on the horizon.

As viewers, they also came to a conclusion:

——The story of Firefly and Starlight has come to an end.

But obviously, everyone's mood is still complicated.

It's like the final chapter of a book that you have been following for several years, or the game that you have been playing for several days and nights. When everything is over, you will always feel a sense of loss in your heart.

After a while, the comments in the live broadcast room gradually emerged.

Pera:"The end....Is it over?"

Kiana:"Ah! I feel so uncomfortable. We are two people who understand each other, but why can't we move forward into the future?.....」

Star:"It hurts! It hurts so much!"

Black Swan:"Perhaps this ending was destined from the beginning. One is a brilliant but short-lived meteor, and the other is a fleeting firefly. The two have the same nature, so they are attracted to each other, come together, and then harvest memories and gain beauty."

Black Swan:"But it is precisely because of this nature that the two are forced to separate under the predetermined fate."

March 7:"I always feel that the topic has suddenly become philosophical.....」

Jizi:"But even so, this is still a story full of beauty. Although the end of the journey is a little regrettable, the essence of the story has not changed. Goodbye, gentle star boy."

Keqing:"Goodbye, gentle star boy."

Ganyu:"Goodbye, gentle star boy."

Silver Wolf:"As you have been enjoying watching for a few months, I will reluctantly say goodbye. Goodbye, the guy who has made Liuying fans go around in circles."

As the barrage of farewells floated through the live broadcast room, the story seemed to have finally come to an end.

However, before the curtain call, there seemed to be some small fragments............

June 1st.

It was also the first day Bai Heng left.

Because he had to go to a different dream every day, during the two months he lived in Pinoconi, Bai Heng did not stay in the room he had dreamed of. Instead, he changed his place of residence according to the daily itinerary.

Today, Liuying was going to take away the things he left in the hotel.

Those were things related to him, and the girl didn't want to let them be forgotten on this planet.

There weren't many things, just a small suitcase, which contained a few sets of clothes and a bulky black square camera, but the tape box in the camera was empty.

Come to think of it.

The girl curled her lips as she thought of the scene of Bai Heng picking up the camera and taking pictures every time he arrived at a place.

With the way he used it, the tape would probably have been used up long ago.

After putting the camera in the suitcase, the girl took the pass and went to the front desk to check out.

The process went smoothly. As early as those two months, Bai Heng had legalized the girl's identity as a stowaway by using some small tricks.

But before Liuying left, the waiter at the front desk stopped her.

"Miss Liuying, please wait a moment. There is another package that needs your signature."

"The sender's words are....Let me see. Oh, it's Mr. Bai Heng. What is the mailing date?....May 31st, which was yesterday."

A click.

Somewhere in her heart ached slightly, and the girl's movements became stiff for a moment.

"Are you sure?" the waiter asked with a warm smile.

"No problem." The girl forced a far-fetched smile and took the package.

Her heartbeat was uncontrollably accelerating, and Liuying even forgot how she got back to her room.

Sitting close to the door, she slowly opened the package in her arms.

What caught her eye was a thick black photo album.

One photo after another was placed in every corner of the album in an orderly and reasonable manner.

As for the scenery in the photos, Liuying was also very familiar with it.

Chenmeng Shopping Street, Aideen Park, Child's Dream, Odi Shopping Center......It was in every place she took him to. At first, it was just simple scenery.

But as she flipped through the album, Liuying found that her figure appeared in the photos more and more frequently.

There were pictures of herself staring at the golden capsule machine with a serious face, and there were also pictures of herself dozing off in the opera house. The person taking the picture was very good at seizing the opportunity and could always capture these scenes accurately without her noticing.

The wind outside the window blew into the room silently, and one of the photos seemed to have not been fixed, and fell to the ground in the breeze.

Liuying reached out to pick it up, but the moment she touched the photo, she froze.

On the back of the photo, there was a line of small words

"On May 17, Liuying and I went to the rooftop garden, where a masquerade ball was being held. Everyone wore masks from the Dream Theater, and Liuying and I were no exception. But her dancing skills were a little disappointing, but that’s okay, we’ll have many opportunities to dance together in the future. These simple words clearly describe the day’s time, itinerary, and the inner thoughts of the person who wrote this.

Holding the photos in her hands, the girl seemed to suddenly realize something and took out the photos from the album one by one.

As she guessed, behind each photo, there was a similar short description.

"Today, May 13th, I went to the Dream Building Plaza, where we stopped a large-scale fight and completed a design drawing. To thank us, the dream builder asked me to leave an easter egg in the design drawing. I wonder if there is a chance for her to see it?"

"On May 26, Liuying and I went to the Robot Club, where a robot competition was being held with a prize of 50,000 credit points. Liuying made it all the way to the finals and crushed all the contestants with her absolute kingly attitude."

"After the game, the host asked her how she did it, and she said,"Just practice more.""

"May 28...."

"May 11........."

Because all the photos were dumped out at once, the dates on the photos became mixed up, but this did not affect the girl's ability to outline the scene of that day in her mind through the brief description above.

Bai Heng once said that he would give her all the beautiful things that happened on Pinocchio as a gift.

Now, he has done it.

The girl did receive this gift from the past to the future.

As if she was in the happiness of those two months, a smile gradually bloomed on the girl's face.

Until a photo appeared.

Perhaps because the tape was used up or the camera malfunctioned, the photo was blank, but there was still a line of small words on the back of the photo.

It's just that this line of small words no longer has a date, nor does it record the itinerary, but only a simple sentence :

"I love fireflies the most!!!"

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