Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 58 Chaos (two in one, I wish all viewers a happy New Year!

Chapter 58 Chaos (two in one, I wish all the viewers a happy New Year)


Inside the expo, the densely packed steel armor glowed with a cold-toned brilliance, and the two silver eyes on the helmets scanned the crowd.

These steel armors did not choose to fire rashly like when they first started, but were looking for some target among the crowd.

Su Heng looked at the chaos at the door and felt the feeling in his heart, and understood that this must be the masterpiece of the "Run Card" among the Cullo Cards that can divide and combine space.

Su Heng put up the illusion card, and the illusion appeared next to Pepper and Gwen.

"Gwen." He whispered to Gwen: "Protect Ms. Pepper."

"No problem." Gwen took off her coat, took out the spider mask from her pocket, put her finger on her lips before putting on the mask, and winked mischievously at Pepper: "Ms. Pepper, this But it’s a secret between us~”

Gwen put on the mask and asked Su Heng eagerly, "What about you, store manager?"

"Me?" Under the illusion, Su Heng automatically turned into the cloaked and hooded man.

"Of course I took the initiative."

As the words fell, Su Heng rushed toward the door with his sword.

The steel armors looked at Su Heng who was wearing strange clothes and moving strangely, and the machine guns in their hands were already aimed at him.

But at this moment, Su Heng took out a card from his arms.


Just when dozens of machine guns were aimed at Su Heng, and flames spurted out from the barrels, the tiles in front of these steel armors suddenly burst open, and endless sand and dust surged up from under the ground, forming a The thick sand wall easily blocked the bullets fired by these machine guns in the sand wall.

Su Heng had already arrived at the door at this time, swinging his sword towards the junction point next to the door.

But the tip of the sword that was slashing toward the door appeared opposite Su Heng.

"Huh?" Su Heng looked at the scene in front of him, the sword in his hand frozen in mid-air.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, the steel armor that was isolated behind the sand wall did not choose to sit still and wait for death, but continued to use large-caliber artillery shells to bombard the sand wall wildly.

"It's really annoying!" Such noise made Su Heng upset. He impatiently waved his hand towards the sand card manipulating the sand wall in mid-air.

The sand card got Su Heng's understanding, and the sand flow under the ground began to flow like a waterfall. In just a few breaths, all these armors were buried.

The palms of Sha Pai in mid-air gradually tightened.

The flow of sand that buried the battle armor also began to condense and gather bit by bit under the control of the sand card.


Looking at the gradually fragmenting surveillance footage, Ivan Vanke naturally understood that all the steel armors in the expo had been scrapped.


He kicked the desk over angrily and focused his gaze on the heavy armor beside him.

"Fortunately, I made secondary preparations"

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Dr. Otto, who had failed another experiment, heard the heavy footsteps coming from outside the laboratory building. He wiped the sweat from his face with his mechanical tentacles and looked curiously outside the door.

"Mr. Ivan?" Dr. Otto looked at Ivan Vanke, who was wearing heavy steel armor and walking in the hall, strangely: "What are you?"

"It's nothing, it's just something important." Ivan Vanke showed a solemn smile to Dr. Otto.

While he was talking, a long whip with electric light appeared in Ivan Vanko's hand, and he swung it towards Otto.

"!" Under the control of Dr. Otto's brain nerves, the four mechanical claws around him directly blocked the electric whip, barely able to withstand the attack of the electric whip.

"You!" Dr. Otto looked at Ivan Vanke in shock and anger. Only then did he notice that behind Ivan Vanke, several patrolling guards had fallen to the ground blackened.

"Sure enough, your mechanical tentacle is very interesting." Ivan Vanke looked at the mechanical tentacle that had resisted his attack, with a slight smile on his face.

"But after all, it's just a by-product used for scientific research." Following Ivan Vanke's words, an electric whip also extended from his other hand, and struck Dr. Otto again.

Dr. Otto's four mechanical tentacles also seemed to hear Ivan Vanko's words. While resisting the attacks of the two long whips he waved, the mechanical claws at the tips opened and closed, looking as if they were very angry.

"Calm down!" Dr. Otto felt the emotions coming from the mechanical tentacles through the suppression chip, sweating profusely as he controlled the mechanical tentacles that began to become more and more restless.

"Hmph!" Ivan Vanke snorted coldly. The power of the miniature ark reactor on his chest increased, and the two whip locks in his hands merged into one, and he swung it towards Dr. Otto.

"Bang!" Under this blow, even with the resistance of four mechanical tentacles, Dr. Otto was still knocked out and hit the wall of the laboratory hard, losing consciousness.

"Then what's next." Ivan Vanke withdrew his electric whip, looked at the glass curtain wall that shattered during the fight, and the propeller behind him slowly started.

Like a rocket, the steel armor driven by Ivan Vanke soared into the sky from the arsenal of Hammer Industries and shot towards the Stark Industrial Expo.

Outside the arsenal of Hammer Industries, Professor Connors was holding a cup of coffee in one hand, looking at the steel armor flying out from Hammer Industries with his mouth wide open, as well as the sirens sounding in the arsenal, and hurried towards the arsenal. go.

"Otto!" Professor Connors, who entered the arsenal, looked at Dr. Otto who collapsed in the arsenal. He quickly dropped the coffee in his hand and walked forward to check on Dr. Otto's physical condition.

"Well" Dr. Otto woke up slowly under Professor Connors's shout. He shook his dizzy head and looked around.

"Connors, have you seen Ivan Vanke?" Dr. Otto, who came back to his senses, quickly asked Professor Connors.

"Ivan Vanke? Is he the guy who was invited back by Justin Hammer to make the armor energy?" Professor Connors recalled the steel armor he saw flying out just outside the arsenal.

"He seems to have left in his armor."

"Are you leaving? Hiss!" Dr. Otto stood up using the mechanical tentacles, but the pain from the back of his head made his face tighten.

"Otto!" Professor Connors also noticed the arc-suppressing chip behind Dr. Otto's head.

"You have to take off the mechanical tentacles quickly." Dr. Otto swallowed and whispered tremblingly.

As the suppression chip began to damage, he could already feel the increasingly manic emotions of the four mechanical tentacles.

"Uh!" Dr. Otto knelt on the ground in pain, his mind constantly swirling with the cynicism of various people over the past few days.

"But after all, it's just a by-product of scientific research."

"You are destined to be a latecomer, not a pioneer like us."

"Then, you can continue to play your energy research game here."

"Can a guy who makes such scrap metal become the chief scientist of your company?"

"Otto, you can stop researching your ridiculous tritium energy experiment! Tony Stark's research is already ahead of you."

"Otto?" Professor Connors looked at the panting Dr. Otto and was about to help him up.


As the inhibitory chip behind Dr. Otto's head was completely destroyed, Dr. Otto suddenly raised his head, and the four mechanical tentacles behind him were waving around, destroying all objects around Dr. Otto.

Professor Connors did not expect that such a situation would happen to Dr. Otto. He was hit by one of the mechanical tentacles without dodging at all, and flew upside down into Dr. Otto's laboratory.

"No one can stop my research!" Dr. Otto looked ferocious, as if he was fighting against the words in his mind.

Dr. Otto used his mechanical tentacles to completely shatter the glass curtain wall in front of him. The four mechanical tentacles turned into Dr. Otto's walking tools. He crossed over and left Hammer Industries, following the traces in the sky, heading towards Ivan Vanko. Chased him.

"Cough cough cough." Professor Connors coughed up a mouthful of blood, looked at Dr. Otto's leaving figure, and stood up from the ground with difficulty.

He once heard Dr. Otto say that if there was a problem with the inhibitory chip behind him, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous.

Dr. Otto's performance just now also confirmed the correctness of this point.

"We must catch Otto back before he causes a big mistake." Professor Connors wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, hunched over, and walked with great difficulty towards an experimental freezer in the corner of the laboratory.

Professor Connors opened the experimental freezer, looked at the tubes of glowing lizard serum in the freezer, and stretched out his hand resolutely.


In the sky, Tony was wearing a steel armor and flying towards the direction of the Stark Industry Expo with an anxious look on his face.

"Sir, Miss Pepper, Mr. Su Heng and Mr. Happy's phone calls are still unreachable." Jarvis's voice rang in Tony's ears: "According to analysis, there should be signal blocking at the expo."

"I know." Although Tony guessed Su Heng's hidden identity last time when he monitored the conversation between Su Heng and Bruce Banner at the dessert shop.

But Tony didn't dare to guarantee how that guy Ivan Vanke would deal with Pepper. If something went wrong, Tony would only regret it.

"Jarvis, increase the flight power by another fifty percent!" Tony ordered towards Jarvis.

"Okay sir." Following Tony's instructions, the flames on the armor's hands and feet became more intense, and the speed soared up a notch again.

At this moment, Ivan Vanke, who was flying from the other side, noticed Tony in the sky.

"Tony Stark!" Ivan Vanke drove the armor and drove towards Tony with crazy eyes.

"Sir, pay attention to the air attack on the right." Jarvis's voice sounded in Tony's ears at the same time.

Just as Tony was controlling the armor for emergency evasion, the armor driven by Ivan Vanke had already hit Tony's armor hard.

Tony was knocked into the air and rolled several times. With the help of the propellers on his hands and feet, he managed to maintain his balance. The electric whip that appeared in Ivan Vanke's hand was tied to Tony's body again.

"Woohoo!" Ivan Vanke grinned ferociously and grabbed the electric whip, using himself as the center point, pulling Tony around and spinning crazily in the air.

After spotting the right moment, Ivan Vanke decisively withdrew the electric whip and watched Tony fall to the ground due to losing his balance at high altitude.

Ivan Vanke stood high in the sky and looked at the place where Tony fell. It was a forest park. Tony made no movement after falling.

Seeing this, Ivan Vanke slowly landed towards the crash site. He knew that Tony Stark could not simply die like this.

But before Ivan Vanke landed, he was greeted in advance by a bombardment as dense as a swarm of bees.

Under the baptism of these small missiles, thick smoke filled the air in the form of thick mist.

"What a pity. If it hadn't been for the cloaked man who suddenly appeared, your expo would have turned into gorgeous fireworks." Ivan Vanke's breathy voice sounded in the thick smoke.

"And you should die like this holding your lover in an expo full of ruins." Ivan Vanke lowered his head and looked at Tony, who appeared from the forest.

"What a lover, Pepper and I are just superior and subordinate colleagues." Tony curled his lips, looking very arrogant.

Ivan Vanke twitched the corners of his mouth and said nothing, but fell heavily to the ground from mid-air.

"It doesn't matter, or it would be a good choice for you to die here." The two electric whips in Ivan Vanke's hands extended again and swung towards Tony.

Tony stepped back, and the palm cannon in his hand erupted to resist the attack of two electric whips. The shoulder armor of the steel armor popped out, and small missiles sprayed fire and attacked Ivan Vanke.

But the steel armor modified by Ivan Vanke was extremely strong. These small missiles hit his armor and left only a few traces after the explosion.

"As expected of a Russian." Tony looked at Ivan Vanko's almost unscathed armor and muttered in a low voice: "The things made are really hard and thick."

Tony secretly took a look at the position of the arm of the armor and made a bold decision in his heart.

As Ivan Vanko once again brandished the electric whip towards Tony, Tony did not choose to dodge this time, but allowed Ivan Vanko's two electric whips to wrap around his body.

"So are you planning on arresting him without hesitation?" Ivan Vanke looked at Tony who was easily entangled by the electric whip in surprise, his tone full of contempt.

"Of course it's impossible." Tony in the armor looked at the information on the screen in front of him indicating that the armor was damaged. He wrapped the two electric whips with one hand, and the pulse beam was ready in the other hand. Ready.

The crimson pulse beam traversed the dense forest, and the trees that were hit collapsed, and the fractures already looked like red-hot charcoal.

At this moment, Ivan Vanke lowered his head and looked at his armor. Although the pulse beam did not split his armor into two, the thick mechanical baffle in front of him had broken, and Ivan Vanke felt the pain in his chest. That hot burning sensation.

Blood dripped from the corner of Ivan Vanke's mouth. He reluctantly looked at Tony who was tearing apart the electric whip bit by bit. He pressed the timer self-destruction switch on his chest and increased the power of the suit's propeller. , rushed towards Tony.

Tony, who was breaking free from the electric whip, looked at Ivan Vanke who suddenly rushed towards him. Before he had time to react, a mechanical tentacle waved in the air and knocked away Ivan Vanke who rushed towards him.

boom! ! ! !

Accompanied by the fire caused by the explosion, what appeared in front of Tony was a middle-aged man who looked a little chubby in a white laboratory coat with four thick mechanical tentacles on his back.

"Tony Stark?" Dr. Otto looked at the new miniature Ark reactor on Tony's chest.

"Yes, it's me." Tony was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Dr. Otto's expression becoming more and more ferocious.

"That's great!" Following Dr. Otto's words, the four mechanical tentacles behind him waved towards Tony at the same time.

As a patch, Anton Vanko's name was changed to Ivan Vanko in the TV series.

In addition, I wish all viewers a happy New Year! ! ! (Spread flowers!!!)

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