Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 57 The exhibition hall incident that cannot be escaped

On the day of the Stark Industry Expo, Gwen and Su Heng walked into the exhibition hall of the expo with the crowd of visitors.

The introduction of the dazzling array of various mechanical appliances and high-end technological equipment dazzled Gwen and she couldn't even look at it.

"Ms. Pepper, are there really no problems with these mechas from Hammer Industries?"

Su Heng, who was standing in a corner of the exhibition hall and whirling wildly with a fruit plate in his arms, saw Happy who was asking Pepper.

"Don't worry Happy, I've asked Tony." Pepper, wearing a dress, politely smiled and nodded at the person who said hello to her, while answering Happy's question.

"It's not like you don't know the level of Hammer's technology. The mechas they make will only be poor imitations and not worth mentioning at all. Since Justin Hammer is willing to make a fool of himself, let him make a fool of himself."

Pepper shrugged: "These are Tony's exact words."

"Okay, since the boss said so." Happy could only nodded helplessly.

"Hey, store manager!" Gwen, who had already walked around, found Su Heng. She bumped Su Heng's arm and said with emotion: "It is indeed an industrial expo held by Stark. There are many high-tech products in it. Well, are you sure you don’t want to go and take a look?”

"It's okay, I'm not very interested in this thing." Su Heng ate the fruit plate and said hello to Pepper and Happy who noticed him and Gwen.

"Hello you two, would you like some fruit plate?"

"Okay." Pepper came forward and picked up one of the grapes with her fingers.

"Yesterday, Tony specifically told me to entertain you two." Pepper said to Su Heng with a smile.

"Hmm, so he didn't come?" Su Heng looked around and found that Tony was not there.

"Originally, he was going to participate according to the original plan." Pepper shook his head helplessly: "But yesterday, he seemed to have suddenly researched something again, and was doing experiments at home like crazy, and now he is still If he appears, he must still be immersed in his experiments, right?"

"Scientists, it's like this." Su Heng looked at Pepper's helpless expression and comforted Pepper: "Just get used to it, get used to it."

"Indeed, compared to when he always liked to bring different women home for parties every day, he doesn't know how much better he is now."

At this time, Tony, who was being talked about by Pepper, received a strange phone call.

"Tony Stark!" Ivan Vanke's voice on the other end of the phone was like an evil ghost in hell: "Everything your father has done to our family in the past forty years, I will make it happen within these forty minutes." I will repay you in full!"

Tony listened to Ivan Vanke's words, and some not-so-good feelings emerged in his heart.

"Hey, listen, let's settle it face to face! What's the point of hiding one's head and showing one's tail?" Tony taunted Ivan Vanke, wanting to take this opportunity to delay and see if he could figure out this guy's geographical location.

But Ivan Vanke ignored Tony's taunt and continued to say softly: "I hope you are mentally prepared."

After saying that, Ivan Vanke hung up the phone.

"The phone tracking has not yet been completed. According to the final tracking position, the target is at the junction of three continents, between the curves of Manhattan and the outer areas."

"Damn!" Tony punched the table as he listened to Jarvis's report, but his eyes quickly noticed another computer monitor.

What is shown above is the news about Justin Hammer carrying the Iron Armor to attend the Stark Expo.

"I'll let you repay everything within forty minutes!"

Tony recalled what Ivan Vanke said just now.

At this moment, he seemed to understand what Ivan Vanke meant by repaying everything.

He turned his head and looked at the new miniature ark reactor that he had just made, and pressed it into his chest.

"Sir, we still don't know the performance of the new Ark Reactor." Jarvis reminded Tony.

"It doesn't matter, isn't this just ready for testing?" Tony said anxiously towards Jarvis: "Assemble the steel suit immediately!"

"Besides, uh!" Tony felt the very strange feeling coming from his chest and said in a low voice: "Call Su Heng of the dessert shop!"

"If I haven't rushed over yet, I'll have to rely on him!"

At the expo, Su Heng looked at the caller ID on his mobile phone and pressed the answer button in surprise.

"How can a busy person be willing to call me?" Su Heng gestured towards Pepper in front of him, saying that this was a call from Tony.

"Hey Su!" Tony's voice was very urgent: "The expo is in danger! Let Pepper organize the evacuation of people. If it happens..."

Before Tony could finish his words, the steel armor produced by Hammer Industries, which was originally placed in the exhibition hall of the expo, suddenly started to operate without human control.

Da da da da da!

The machine gun on the arm of the steel armor was raised, spraying bullets aimlessly around.

"Danger!" Gwen quickly threw Pepper to the ground and dodged the bullets fired at them.

Tony on the other end of the phone also heard the sound of machine gun fire coming from the phone, and said urgently to Su Heng: "Su, please protect Pepper."

After saying that, Tony hung up the phone and began to walk into the assembled steel armor.

Because of the strafing fire from those steel armors, the museum was already in chaos.

The wailing sounds of those who were hit, the screams of people who were trembling with fear at this scene.

Everyone swarmed towards the gate of the expo, wanting to leave this place that suddenly became dangerous.

But just when the group of people closest to the door just stepped out of the door, their vision was blurred, and they collided face to face with the people behind them.

"What's going on? Why am I back!"

"I still want to ask you why you turned around and ran back again."

In this noisy environment, some people did not forget that the current situation was still extremely critical, and hurriedly continued towards the door.

As a result, under the gaze of the group of people behind them, the group of people who stepped out of the door inexplicably changed their direction and ran back into the exhibition hall.

Some people jumped out of the window of the expo in a hurry, only to find themselves still inside the window of the expo as soon as they landed.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?!"

After several attempts, these people discovered something extremely horrifying.

They seemed to be trapped in this exhibition hall.

But that's not the scariest thing.

The most terrifying thing was the sound of footsteps coming from those forest-white mechas trampling on the ground behind them.

I feel like it would be better not to take a vacation at all

Visiting relatives and friends everywhere, there is no time to write.

I also said that I would look for opportunities to save the manuscript, but it turned out that I couldn’t save it at all, woo woo woo.

In addition, I would like to thank all the viewers for their support. The author wants to continue reading.

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