Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 59 Uninvited Guests (2-in-1)

"Why are you here again?!" The disgraced Tony looked at the four steel tentacles attacking him, flames were sprayed from his hands and feet, and he wanted to fly into the sky to avoid Dr. Otto's attack.

Dr. Otto noticed Tony's thoughts. While he struggled to open his hands toward Tony, the four tentacles behind him began to wrap around Tony's body at an even faster speed.

The mechanical claw at the tip of the tentacle also stretched out at this moment, and it firmly grasped the right thigh of the suit just as Tony was about to fly high into the sky.


"Warning! Warning!! The right leg part of the battle armor is missing! The right leg part of the battle armor is missing!"

As the mechanical claws rotated on the soles of Tony's suit, his suit, which seemed to others to be a perfect fit, in just an instant, the suit on his right leg turned into pieces and scattered in the air. Come down.

"Damn, what kind of weird thing is this!" With the right leg of the suit missing, Tony, who originally used the thrusters of his hands and feet to lift off, suddenly lost his balance.

"Jarvis, switch to dual-wield flight mode! The flame function of the left-foot thruster has been enhanced!" Tony quickly asked Jarvis to change the flight mode of the suit to the mode of flying with two-hand thrusters, and use the left-foot thruster to fly. The effect of the weapon was strengthened, and he wanted to use the hot flames to drive away the mechanical tentacles surrounding his thighs.

"Naive!" Dr. Otto looked at this scene, the expression on his face looked a little angry, disappointed and angry.

He simply couldn't believe that such a person could develop new energy sources ahead of him, which almost ruined his ideal!

With Dr. Otto's anger, the four steel tentacles became even more crazy. They were directly wrapped around Tony's left leg under the high temperature.

This time, these four steel tentacles did not choose to split Tony's left leg armor, but directly pulled Tony down from the sky.


Tony was hit hard to the ground. The four tentacles had a clear division of labor. One tentacle fixed Tony's waist, and the other three rotated the mechanical claws on the tips, splitting all the armor on Tony's body.

Tony on the ground originally wanted to use the palm cannon to fight back, but as soon as he raised his palm, the mechanical claw on the tip of the mechanical tentacle had already disassembled the propeller in his hand.

In just a few minutes, Tony's steel armor was completely dismantled by the three mechanical tentacles, and then returned behind Dr. Otto, leaving only one mechanical tentacle still tied to Tony's body.

"Now I finally know how those cover models felt when I stripped them naked and threw them on the bed." Tony smiled bitterly as he watched himself being hoisted back to Dr. Otto by the mechanical tentacle around his waist.

"I thought you saw it when I used them to disintegrate your left leg armor." Dr. Otto looked at Tony, his face full of disappointment.

"Ahem, cough, cough." Tony coughed twice and groaned: "I just realized that these little guys are actually made of high-temperature resistant material?"

"So, that guy Ivan wants to kill me because there is a personal enmity between my father and his father. What about you, sir?" Tony looked at Dr. Otto's disappointed expression and asked him, "Is it possible? Is it also because you think my father stole some of your patents to make a profit?"

"Don't compare me to that kind of person!" As Dr. Otto shouted angrily, the mechanical tentacle tied around Tony's waist tightened a little more, causing Tony to grit his teeth in pain.

"At first, I just wanted to see how capable Tony Stark was, who they said was walking countless steps ahead of me!" Dr. Otto murmured in a low voice: "But in the past, your experience, And your performance just now proves that you are not worthy of being a scientist at all!"

"What you rely on is just the shadow of your father's generation!"

"Rather than letting people like you deceive the world and steal your reputation, it's better for me to kill you right here! In this way, my research can continue!"

As Dr. Otto's words became more and more crazy, Tony could already feel the tight and suffocating feeling coming from his waist.

This guy wants to strangle me alive!

This was the second time Tony had been so close to death.

He desperately pulled at the tentacles around his waist, trying to stop the tentacles from tightening on him, but unfortunately, this was in vain, and no matter how hard he struggled, it was of no use.

"Otto!" But at this moment, a somewhat rich voice sounded in the ears of Tony and Dr. Otto.

When a huge lizard man knocked Dr. Otto away, the figure of Su Heng wearing a cloak also appeared in front of Tony, and cut off the mechanical tentacles that were bound to Tony with a sword.

"Thank God!" The relieved Tony collapsed on the ground, sweating profusely and looked at Su Heng: "Fortunately, you arrived in time. How is Pepper?"

"Everyone at the expo is safe." Su Heng took back his sword card and whispered to Tony: "Speaking of which, you are really lucky. If it weren't for Professor Connors' call, I might not have been able to find you."

"Professor Connors?" Tony looked at the big lizard that was pressing Dr. Otto to the ground, and asked Su Heng, "You mean it?"

"The situation is a bit complicated. If you want to know, I'll tell you when I follow up." Su Heng took out a small suppression chip in his hand, which Su Heng and Professor Connors had previously gathered together. At that time, Professor Connors gave it to him.

"For now, let me deal with the business first."

But just when Su Heng was about to walk towards Dr. Otto, a figure roared across the sky and dropped several fist-sized objects towards where Professor Connors and Dr. Otto were.


A violent explosion accompanied by a green smoke screen exploded next to Professor Connors.

Dr. Otto, who was sneak attacked by Professor Connors, took the opportunity to use the remaining three mechanical tentacles to knock Professor Connors away. He stood up and glared at Su Heng and Professor Connors who had ruined his good deeds.

At this time, the figure in the sky changed its direction again, revealing a figure wearing a green spider suit.

"Harry, this is different from what we promised before!"

Under the spider mask, Harry listened to Peter Parker's weak-sounding voice in the headphones.

"Of course it's different!" Harry looked at Professor Connors above the ground and said in a low voice: "But this guy is different."

Harry still remembered that if it hadn't been for Peter, he and his father would have died at the hands of this lizard man.

Thinking of this, Harry felt an inexplicable surge of extreme anger in his heart.

Driven by this anger, Harry stepped on the button in the glider under his feet. The sides of the glider unfolded, revealing the deep barrel of the gun, spitting fireworks at Professor Connors.

"What is this?" Tony looked at Harry's shape in the sky and said in surprise: "Although I have heard of a vigilante appearing in New York, I have never heard of it looking like this."

"Don't worry about him yet." Su Heng pushed Tony back, holding the sword and looking at Dr. Otto who was rushing towards them again.

Professor Connors wanted to stop Dr. Otto from continuing to attack, but under the attack of various weird weapons from Harry's versatile glider, it actually seemed a little difficult.

"Sir!" Professor Connors shouted loudly towards Su Heng: "I leave it to you, Otto!"

"I got it." Su Heng took out two cards from his arms and shouted softly: "Fight! Power! I leave it to you!"

The cards transformed into fighting cards and power cards in the air.

Lipai rushed out first, grabbed the three mechanical tentacles waved by Dr. Otto, and held a stalemate with them.

Dr. Otto had no idea that this little pink girl who suddenly appeared would be so strong. You must know that one of his mechanical tentacles can easily lift eight tons of weight, and three mechanical tentacles attack at the same time. The force brought about is not a simple addition and subtraction. As long as it is manipulated properly, it can be calculated according to the product.

Su Heng threw the suppression chip in his hand to Doupai. Doupai took the suppression chip, nodded towards Su Heng, turned over and stepped on the mechanical tentacles that were in the stalemate stage, and moved towards Otto. He rushed in the direction of the doctor.

"Damn it!" The fat on Dr. Otto's face trembled, and he desperately controlled the three mechanical tentacles behind him, but the tips of the mechanical tentacles were firmly held by Lipai and could not move at all.

The Doupai also came to Dr. Otto at this moment. Upon seeing this, Dr. Otto controlled the half of the mechanical tentacle that had been cut off by Su Heng and waved towards the Doupai.

I saw Doubai nimbly passing through the center of the half mechanical tentacle, and his hands pressed on Dr. Otto's neck as deftly as flying flowers and picking leaves.

With a gentle touch and press with both hands, Dr. Otto, who was still struggling, instantly stopped and stayed in place.

And the three mechanical tentacles held by Lipai began to become limp, as if they had lost their kinetic energy.

Doupai succeeded and returned to Su Heng's side, placed the old suppression chip in Su Heng's hand, and then looked at Harry in the sky.

Just when Lipai felt bored and was about to let go of the three mechanical tentacles in his hand, the mechanical tentacles began to shake again.

Lipai's eyes lit up and he quickly clenched the mechanical tentacle in his hand, waiting for the next wrestling match.

"I, this is what I am." Dr. Otto shook his dizzy head and looked confusedly at the strange place around him.

Then, there was a tingling sensation in his mind, and Dr. Otto covered his head in pain. The memory of when he lost control and caused chaos with the mechanical tentacles came to his mind.

"It's over." Dr. Otto looked at Tony Stark behind Su Heng with a pale face.

You must know that Tony Stark is the leader of Stark Industries. If you really want to compare it with Hammer Industries, Hammer Industries is just a company that follows Stark Industries and survives on other people's unwanted food scraps.

If Justin Hammer knew that he almost killed Tony Stark, he might regret a little in his heart why he failed, but he would never express that joy openly.

Not only that, he will definitely cooperate with Stark Industries and hand over himself as the culprit to Tony Stark.

Even if Tony Stark is merciful and plans to punish him through legal means, his future scientific research path will definitely end in a dead end because of this.


But just when Dr. Otto was feeling annoyed, a monster-like roar from behind suddenly woke him up.


As a close friend of Professor Connors, Dr. Otto naturally knew that he was not really just waiting to die at Hammer Industries for so long.

Instead, he continued to study his lizard genetic medicine.

Just as Professor Connors knows that Dr. Otto's mechanical tentacles are all controlled by the inhibitory chip on the back of his head, Dr. Otto naturally also knows the progress of the lizard gene medicine developed by Professor Connors.

The monster-like roar just now shows that Professor Connors has reached the edge of losing control. If the serum remaining in the laboratory is not injected into Professor Connors' body, Professor Connors may lose control again. It will become an out-of-control beast.

But now, the distance between this forest park and the laboratory is really too far.

And Dr. Otto can't even protect himself now.

But even so, Dr. Otto couldn't just watch Connors continue to lose control.

"Sir, can you ask this little girl to let me go?" Dr. Otto looked at Su Heng anxiously: "I know that I just caused a lot of harm to Mr. Stark, but now I must We need to save Connors, otherwise he will lose his mind and go crazy again!"

Dr. Otto had already made up his mind. If Su Heng refused to let him go, then he would have to return to the laboratory to get the serum to rescue Professor Connors, even if he tried to cut off the remaining three mechanical tentacles. .

"Are you talking about the serum? Professor Connors told me." Su Heng took out a bottle of serum from his arms and patted the head of Li Pai who was still holding the three mechanical tentacles.

Li Pai curled his lips, let go of the mechanical tentacles, and turned back into the card with some unhappiness, falling into Su Heng's hands.

"I'll let you come out to play next time." Su Heng nodded the head of Li Pai, which turned back into a card shape, and looked at Harry, who was spraying green smoke bombs at Professor Connors.

"Dou, let's go!" Su Heng called to Dou Pai beside him, and the two of them rushed in the direction of Harry and Professor Connors.

"Hey!" Tony looked at Su Heng who suddenly left him beside Dr. Otto, and backed away nervously.

"Sorry, Mr. Stark." Dr. Otto retracted the mechanical tentacles behind his back and showed a sad smile to Tony: "I just shocked you."

Tony swallowed and cautiously spoke to Dr. Otto: "I heard what that guy said just now, did you lose control of the mechanical tentacles because of the damage to the suppression chip on the back of your head?"


"Is there such a problem when using neural sensing devices to control machinery?" Tony touched his chin and whispered: "I also considered making a steel armor of this type before. Look. You need to think about it carefully."

Sorry, sorry, I'm still on the way back now, so I barely used my mobile phone to code today's updates intermittently. After I get home tonight, or early tomorrow morning, this won't happen again (bow)

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