Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 22 Dreams and Reality

Amidst Gwen's puzzled expression, Su Heng opened the door of the utility room, but from Gwen's sight, this utility room was no different from an ordinary utility room.

"Are you serious?" Gwen gestured to the depth of the utility room and said speechlessly: "If you really put Professor Connors in here, he won't even be able to turn over."

"Come in with me and you'll find out." Su Heng used the floating card to make Professor Connors float in the air, casually pulled its tail and walked into the utility room.

"Hmm." Gwen followed Su Heng with a suspicious look on his face, not knowing what kind of medicine this guy was selling in his gourd.

But the moment Gwen stepped into the utility room, the space that originally seemed very narrow suddenly expanded in all directions, and walls rose up on the ground, making the space suddenly empty. The huge space was divided into countless small rooms with different layouts.

If you observe it from an overhead perspective, you will find that the utility room at this time has turned into a maze that looks extremely complicated.

Although Gwen didn't know the specific drastic changes that had taken place in this space, the changes in front of her eyes already made her so surprised that she couldn't open her mouth from ear to ear.

"It's amazing." Gwen raised her head, touched the wall that suddenly appeared and extended beside her, and asked Su Heng, "Is this also part of your ability?"

"Absolutely." Su Heng put down Dr. Connors and walked to Gwen: "So starting from tomorrow, Professor Connors' treatment will be left to you. If you need anything, just tell me and I can buy it normally. I’ll buy as much as I can when it comes.”

Gwen's face turned bitter, and she stepped back continuously, as if she still wanted to make a final struggle: "What, it's getting late. If I don't go back, my mother will worry about me."

"Have you forgotten that Helen is accompanying Mr. George in the hospital?" Su Heng smiled and held Gwen's shoulders, shaking the mobile phone in her hand: "She sent me a message just now, saying that she I don’t have time to go home and take care of you, so let me take care of you for a while.”

"So just accept your fate and work honestly, Miss Gwen Stacy~"

"No," Gwen looked at Su Heng, who was shaking his cell phone and seemed to have a devil's figure behind him under the light, and let out a weak cry.


"Store manager."

On the streets of New York, Gwen, who was wearing a white dress, approached Su Heng with a smile on her face. She gently touched Su Heng's face with her right hand. She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed Su Heng gently. lips.

"!" When Su Heng was in a trance, Gwen gently pushed Su Heng with a smile. As he pushed him away from her, his body gradually began to turn into dust.

"Sorry, but goodbye"

"Gwen!" Su Heng suddenly woke up from his dream in the room on the second floor of the dessert shop.

"Huhuhuha!" Su Heng sat up, breathing heavily, looking at the familiar layout around the room, he breathed a sigh of relief, and murmured in a low voice: "What, it turned out to be a dream. "

Although he said this, Su Heng was still a little worried, so he stood up and walked towards the next room.

Dong dong dong——

Su Heng gently knocked on the door next door.

"Gwen, are you asleep?" Su Heng asked towards the room.

"Well" Gwen's confused reply came from the room: "What are you doing? I just fell asleep."

"Ahem, it's okay." Su Heng coughed slightly and said with some embarrassment, "I was just asking if you slept."

"Manager, are you sick?" Gwen mumbled drowsily, "If you weren't sleeping, I would have gotten up and beaten you up."

As Gwen's voice became smaller and smaller, Su Heng walked back to his room with confidence.

But due to the nightmare just now, Su Heng has no sleepiness at all now.

"That's not necessarily a nightmare." Su Heng's expression tightened, as if he suddenly remembered something, and his eyes searched the room.

If Su Heng remembers correctly, among the Clow cards, there is such a card that can make people dream about what may happen in the future.

But just when Su Heng was a little regretful that he didn't find traces of butterflies flying in the room, the corners of a card pressed under the pillow made him stunned.

"This is" Su Heng picked up the card, looked at the picture of the female priest on the card, and murmured to himself: "Dream card?"

"But why is the Dream Card here?" Su Heng was puzzled: "And it still looks like it's been sealed."

"It can't be that I sealed the Dream Card unconsciously in my dream."

Su Heng sat cross-legged on the bed, looking at the dream card in front of him, his thoughts becoming more and more chaotic.

"And if it is really a dream card, is the scene in the dream just now real?"

Su Heng rubbed his head. He didn't know if it was because of the Dream Card, but the scene of Gwen turning into ashes and disappearing in front of him seemed to be deeply engraved in his mind.

Just when Su Heng was holding his head and going crazy, on a high-rise building not far from the dessert shop, a mysterious cloaked man gently caught a butterfly flying in the air with his fingers.

"Since I gave you my dream card, just in case, I have to take away the dream card in this world." The cloaked man glanced at Su Heng's brightly lit room and saw the butterfly on his fingertips. Slowly it turned back into the same dream card that Su Heng was holding at the moment.

"A time traveler?"

Just as the cloaked man put away the cards, a golden ring suddenly lit up behind him, and a bald man wearing an orange robe walked out of the ring.

"Ah, yeah, we were discovered." There was no surprise in the words of the cloaked man. He turned around and bowed slightly towards the bald man respectfully: "Supreme Mage."

"Do you know me?" Supreme Mage Ancient One looked at the cloaked man's overly relaxed posture and asked him curiously.

"Ah, almost." The cloaked man scratched his face in embarrassment: "After all, if you go by seniority, I probably have to call you teacher."

"Huh?" Only then did Master Gu Yi realize that the cloak on the cloaked man looked familiar: "Levitating cloak?"

"If I remember correctly, only the Supreme Mage is qualified to wear this cloak, right?" Mage Gu Yi squinted his eyes, as if he had discovered some unexpected surprise.

"Ahem, accident, accident!" The cloaked man waved his hands and denied, "I'm not the Supreme Mage."

"Why are you so anxious? I haven't said anything yet, right?" A smile appeared on Master Gu Yi's face: "So am I dead in that time dimension?"

The face of the cloaked man was stiff under the cloak. Looking at Master Ancient One's increasingly interested eyes, he quickly said in a loud voice: "Of course not! You are still alive and well!"

"Oh! It seems that I am finally free." The Ancient One mage nodded and continued to ask the cloaked man: "So who killed me? Casillas? Or Mordo? Or Dormammu?"

Master Ancient One looked at the cloaked man's increasingly stiff movements, and the expression on his face became more and more surprised: "So, is it you?"

"I knew I couldn't hide it from you." The cloaked man sighed: "Yes, it's me."

"So why don't you admit that you took over my position?" Master Gu Yi stretched out his hand to lift the hood of the cloaked man.

"Come on, you!" The cloaked man raised his head to avoid the attack of the ancient mage, and pulled down his hood further, and said angrily: "In that dimension, I have already fallen into your trap. It’s in my hands, please let me go in this dimension.”

"If I let you go, who will let me go?" Master Gu Yi continued to extend his hand toward the cloaked man's hood with great interest, as if he wanted to see this guy's true face: "You just Can't you show some sympathy to the elderly and let me retire early?"

"I don't have time to chat with you anymore." The cloaked man's body turned into a shadow, and like running water, he moved away from the Ancient One Master and gathered into a human form again.

At the same time, two shadows appeared next to the cloaked man.

One shadow is an old man in yellow robe holding an hourglass, and the other is a robed woman holding a clock.

After seeing these two phantoms, Master Gu Yi stopped chasing after him and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Is this the power you have to come to this time dimension?"

"That's right." The cloaked man nodded, and his figure gradually became illusory under the blessing of these two phantoms: "Although I feel sorry for you, I will never look like you again in this world. I was coerced and coerced by you to become this damn Supreme Mage."

"Ha." Master Gu Yi chuckled: "If you are so sure, then why don't you let me see your true face."

"Ahem." The cloaked man coughed twice and quickly changed the subject: "Don't you just want a successor? Besides me, there are other candidates I can give you!"

"Stephen Strange is good. You must know that in the original timeline, he was your hand-picked next Supreme Mage!"

The cloaked man felt that his body was becoming more and more ethereal, and knew that the time he could stay in this time dimension was running out. He quickly recommended to the ancient master: "I was just an accident. In more... In the time dimension, Mr. Strange is much more competent than a crappy guy like me."

"If you don't believe it, you might as well wait and see what happens for a while. When that guy comes to you, you will know whether what I said is true or false."

The ancient mage stayed there quietly, watching the cloaked man gradually disappear in front of him.

"Of course I know Stephen Strange." After the cloaked man had completely disappeared, Master Ancient One came to the edge of the rooftop. His eyes were also on Su Heng who was in the room on the second floor of the dessert shop, with a faint expression on his face. Smile: "But whether he can become the Supreme Mage in the end depends on whether you will compete for this position?"

Early the next morning.

"Haha -" Gwen stretched and walked into the back door of the dessert shop from the backyard stairs with sleepy eyes.

When passing by the baking house, Gwen found that there was no busy figure in the baking house as usual.

"Huh?" Gwen poked her head out of the employee passage curiously and found that Su Heng, who was supposed to be busy in the bakery, was now sitting at the counter, staring at the cards in his hand.

"Store manager, what are you doing?" Gwen walked over doubtfully and asked Su Heng.

"Nothing." Su Heng put the card on the table. When he turned his head to look at Gwen, the thick dark circles under his eyes startled her.

"Have you been awake all night?" Gwen looked at Su Heng's sleepy look with wide eyes.

"Almost." Su Heng yawned and lay weakly on the counter: "I had a nightmare last night."

"So were you planning to wake me up last night and stay in a daze with you until dawn?" Gwen slapped her hands on the counter table and asked Su Heng with an unkind expression.

Obviously, Gwen had no interest in caring about what nightmare Su Heng had last night. She was here to investigate!

"Didn't you wake up last night?" Su Heng raised his head and looked at the energetic Gwen, who continued to lie on the counter and pretended to be dead.

"But my sweet dream was disturbed because of you!" Gwen said angrily: "I'm still a student. What if I don't sleep well and don't have the energy to go to class today?"

"So you're in good spirits, aren't you?" Su Heng reluctantly cheered up, stood up, and walked to the baking house with Gwen's complaining eyes.

"Hey, I haven't finished speaking yet!" Gwen followed Su Heng angrily.

"Okay, okay, I know I was wrong." Su Heng opened the oven, took out a sandwich with his gloves and stuffed it into Gwen's mouth: "Then this breakfast will be regarded as my compensation to you, Miss Gwen. ,How about it."

"Good (hot)!!" Gwen felt the hot temperature of the sandwich in her mouth and hurriedly caught the sandwich she took a bite of.

"Go to class quickly." Su Heng flicked Gwen's forehead: "You live close to the school these two days, but that doesn't mean you can sleep for a long time."

"I know, I know." Gwen chewed the sandwich and wrinkled her nose angrily at Su Heng. However, it was really late now. Gwen could only eat the sandwich in two or three bites and hurriedly ran out the door. Got out.

Su Heng walked out of the bakery, looked at Gwen's hurried look, couldn't help but shook his head, and continued to sit at the counter, looking at the cards placed on the table.

"Huan, Gan, Jing, Mian, Dou, Jian, Fu, plus the Mystery Cards used in the utility room in the backyard, and the Dream Cards that inexplicably appeared on the bedside last night."

Su Heng held his head and shouted feebly: "I can't beat you at all, the Infinity Gauntlet or something, it's too much!!!"

Sorry, the update is a bit late due to poor status. I will try to get an early rest tonight to make up for the status. I will take a bow here.

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