Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 21 S.H.I.E.L.D.’s gaze

After Agent Maria Hill waved goodbye to Butler Warren in the car, she drove away from Osborne Manor.

In the rearview mirror, Agent Hill watched Butler Warren turn around and walk back to the manor, and the green expression on his face turned serious.

Agent Hill, or Agent Hill of the "Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Agency" did not drive too far, but stayed in a hidden trail near Osborne Manor.

She took out her cell phone, which had previously had all its photos deleted by Butler Butler, and entered a completely different unlock password into the unlock interface. What greeted Agent Hill was a brand new interface on the phone, and the ability to open the photo album. The dazzling array of photos afterwards.

Agent Hill opened the passenger seat, took out the laptop hidden under the driver's seat, and placed the mobile phone in a groove of the laptop. After that, the computer screen automatically lit up, and all the photos in the mobile phone album also lit up. At this moment it is completely transferred to the computer.

She classified these pictures, placed them in a folder named C-level, and opened two videos.

A video was taken from the Internet. In the video, Spider-Gwen and Professor Connors were fighting at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. It ended with Spider-Gwen's victory and Professor Connors' escape.

The other video is obtained from the surveillance video inside the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. In this video, Gwen is kneeling in the corner and talking to the seriously injured Sheriff Stacey, then takes off her coat to reveal the spider suit. , and the scene of rushing up to fight Professor Connors is vividly displayed.

Then, another window appeared on the computer, and Gwen's current information was displayed in the window.

Gwen Stacey, a sophomore in Class A at Midtown Middle School;

Father George Stacey, currently a sergeant in the New York Police Department;

Mother Helen Stacey, homemaker.

In addition, the window also lists the details of various awards Gwen has received since childhood, as well as her interpersonal relationships.

Among them, Su Heng's name is marked in green in the column of recent interpersonal relationships.

After Agent Hill organized his thoughts, he began the mission reporting process.

According to surveillance video, Gwen Stacy was confirmed to be a superhero codenamed "Spider-Woman" who has recently been active on the streets of New York.

According to the alarm information from the gardener of Osborne Manor, shortly after the lizard man appeared in the manor, "Spider Woman" also appeared and fought the lizard man again.

But at the same time, appearing in the Osborne Manor at the same time as "Spider-Woman", there was also the Dark Night Magician who had been set as A-level in their bureau files.

In the report, Agent Hill specially marked the words "Dark Night Magician" as an important clue.

After editing these contents, Agent Hill's fingers kept tapping back and forth on the keyboard, as if thinking about something.

She moved her mouse to the column of Gwen's interpersonal relationships and clicked on Su Heng's name, which was marked green.

Then a new window appears.

Su Heng, a native of China, settled in New York nine months ago. He successfully passed the American Pastry Chef Assessment the following month and obtained the title of American Special Pastry Chef. He is now the manager of Lucky Dessert House outside Midtown Middle School.

"Night Magician" Agent Hill looked at Su Heng's name and fell into deep thought.

The Night Magician is a superhero who has been active from time to time under the New York night to solve various supernatural incidents since half a year ago, or more accurately, eight months ago.

The reason why this dark night magician was marked as an A-level file by the "Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Bureau" was not because of his destructive power, nor because of his antisocial personality.

But after many analyzes by the bureau, it was discovered that after each supernatural event was solved, the Dark Night Magician could use the ability of the previously solved supernatural event in subsequent supernatural events.

"Every time you solve a supernatural event, you will gain its corresponding ability. What if you solve hundreds of them?"

"Even if his character is under control now, who can guarantee what will happen in the future?"

Under Director Nick Furina's thoughts of being prepared for danger in times of peace, the Bureau of Land and Resources decided to classify the Night Magician's files as A-level, and set the investigation of the Night Magician's true identity as a long-term task hanging on the bureau's task list.

As for the investigation, the agents of the Bureau of Land and Resources have their own methods, and the one used by Agent Hill is the time screening method.

The time when the Night Magician appeared was pushed forward, and the new households that came to New York to settle in that month were screened, and then the last month was screened, and the previous month was screened.

And so on.

Among them, Su Heng, as a new resident of New York who has become the Dark Night Magician, is naturally included as one of the targets of observation.

But after a period of observation, Su Heng was always in a reclusive state, so he did not attract much attention from Agent Hill. After all, there are too many ordinary people like Su Heng in Agent Hill's files.

But according to today's information, if there is a certain connection between Spider-Woman and the Night Magician, then Gwen, as Spider-Woman, must also know the Night Magician.

In the column of Gwen's interpersonal relationships, Su Heng is the person who has had the most contact with Gwen in the past six months.

Unfortunately, there is no conclusive evidence to prove that Su Heng is the dark night magician.

But just suspicion was enough for Agent Hill to re-mark Su Heng's name from green to yellow.

At least in the next period of time, Agent Hill's investigation of Su Heng will definitely be more intensive than before.

As long as Agent Hill confirms that Su Heng is the Night Magician, what awaits him will be a conversation with Director Nick Fury.

By then, whether Su Heng will be recruited, sent to prison, or have other options, this is not a question that Agent Hill needs to worry about.

Naturally, Su Heng would not know that because of the exposure of Gwen's identity, he was also suspected by SHIELD agents.

Now, under the influence of the magic card, he and Gwen were taking Professor Connors to the backyard of his dessert shop without anyone noticing.

"Are you sure you want to put Professor Connors on your side?" Gwen asked Su Heng: "You know that there are usually people coming and going here. If Professor Connors suddenly wakes up, what will happen?" What should I do if the sound attracts the attention of people around me?”

"Don't worry, making sounds will never happen." Su Heng blinked at Gwen.

"But the professor is so big!" Gwen gestured to Professor Connors' body which was more than two meters long: "Where are you going to place him?"

"Well." Su Heng touched his chin, led Gwen to the door of a utility room that seemed extremely narrow, and said to her mysteriously: "This is fine."

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