Clow Card Magician in Marvel

Chapter 23 Two Su Heng and Two Gwen


It is now eleven o'clock on Wednesday night. Su Heng, who has been busy since the store closed in the afternoon, wiped the sweat from his head.

Tomorrow is Lucky Dessert House’s weekly Crazy Thursday time, and it is also the 50th anniversary of Zhongcheng Middle School.

As early as last month, the school leaders of Zhongcheng Middle School approached Su Heng, hoping that he could bring the desserts from the dessert house, which are popular among students, into the school for sale on the school anniversary.

Trivia, this school leader is the owner of all the shops on the entire street outside Zhongcheng Middle School.

In human terms, he is the landlord of Su Heng's dessert shop.

So when faced with the landlord's request, Su Heng naturally had no reason to refuse.

In addition to Su Heng's dessert shop, the wealthy school also invited many well-known shops, restaurants, and even circuses in New York, striving to allow students to relax and enjoy themselves on this day of school celebration.

The opening ceremony of the school anniversary is scheduled for nine o'clock in the morning, but Su Heng and other shop owners must enter the school before eight o'clock and set up their stalls on the playground, waiting for the students to come.

In the past, Su Heng would get up at six or seven in the morning to prepare the desserts sold that day. On Crazy Thursday, he would start preparations an hour earlier.

But according to the entrance time stipulated by the school anniversary, and tomorrow happens to be Thursday, if Su Heng doesn't start preparations the night in advance, I'm afraid he will definitely be too busy tomorrow.

Su Heng rubbed his aching arms and looked at the desserts in the refrigerator in front of him, feeling filled with a sense of accomplishment.

"Go and see Gwen." Su Heng closed the refrigerator, turned around and walked towards the backyard.

"Hahu-" When Su Heng arrived in the backyard, Gwen just yawned and walked out of the utility room.

"How's the progress?" Su Heng asked Gwen.

"The potion equation has been deduced in reverse." Gwen rubbed her eyes and said in a tired voice: "Although it is different from the lizard potion in the dream, fortunately the difference is not too big. It is carried out using controlled experiments. Working backwards, there are similarities in many aspects.”

"If nothing else happens, I will be able to make the serum to treat Professor Connors next week."

"Hey." Su Heng raised his eyebrows and rubbed Gwen's head: "I didn't expect you to be quite powerful!"

"Humph, is there any need to say that?" Gwen snorted, knocked off the troublesome claw on her head, and said angrily: "Tomorrow is the school anniversary, I have to go to bed early tonight."

"That's right." After hearing what Gwen said, Su Heng's eyes suddenly lit up: "I happen to be short of manpower tomorrow, how about..."

"Don't even think about it!" Gwen immediately guessed what Su Heng was thinking and refused: "Why can other students enjoy the celebration tomorrow, but I have to work for free for you!"

"How can you work for nothing?" Su Heng put his arm around Gwen's shoulders and said to Gwen with a smile: "This time, there is a commission~ How about a commission of 1 dollar for a dessert?"

"5 USD!"

"What are you dreaming about? If I sell it for 9, I'll already suffer a loss! If I give you 5 dollars, I won't even be able to recoup the cost! The maximum is 5 dollars!"



"Then I quit!" Gwen rolled her eyes at Su Heng, turned around and walked towards the stairs.

"2 dollars!" Su Heng gritted his teeth, remembering that if he were alone tomorrow, he would definitely be too busy, so he could only shout to Gwen with a distressed face: "I will discuss it with your school leaders tomorrow and give it to you. How about adding some social practice credits?”

A smile of success flashed across Gwen's face with her back to Su Heng. She didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected surprise as credits.

"Ahem." Gwen coughed twice, turned around seriously, walked to Su Heng's side, grabbed his palm, stood up, and patted it with his hand.

"make a deal!"

While Su Heng was still in a daze, Gwen dropped Su Heng's hand and ran upstairs briskly, like a little mouse that had stolen rice.

"This guy." Su Heng looked at Gwen's back, smiled bitterly and shook his head: "He's really getting more and more jealous."

But fortunately, at least with Gwen's help, tomorrow shouldn't be too busy.

With a reluctant sigh of relief, Su Heng also walked up the stairs, planning to take a good rest and prepare for tomorrow's fierce battle.

But in the dead of night, when both Su Heng and Gwen fell into a deep sleep, two little guys with the same appearance and even the same demeanor, except for the different bangs and hair color, gradually appeared on the street in Zhongcheng Middle School.

Wearing the same circus costume, they stood on tiptoes while walking. Their yellow eyes looked around, their expressions full of curiosity.

"嘤——" They made an ethereal squeaking sound and jumped outside Su Heng's dessert shop. They sniffed in front of the shop door, as if to confirm something.

"Hey!" The two little guys nodded to each other and placed their hands on the door of the dessert shop.

A faint light suddenly appeared, and the dessert shop seemed to have a double image at this moment. The double images began to spread further and further apart, and the ground also extended outwards for a distance until two identical dessert houses appeared in the street here.

"Ahem!" The two little guys looked at the masterpiece in front of them, laughing and raising their hands to high-five each other in celebration.

After the celebration, they started holding each other's hands again and skipping towards the street. Every time they walked to a store, the store would glow faintly and then turn into two identical stores.

The dim light spread into the distance until it stopped outside the gate of Zhongcheng Middle School.

"Huh?" The two little guys tilted their heads from side to side, looking at the closed school gate, with curious expressions on their faces again.

"Hey!" Then the two of them seemed to have made a decision and jumped into the school gate.

"Huh?" Su Heng, who was sleeping, seemed to feel something and sat up from the bed in a daze.

"Why do you feel weird?" Su Heng muttered and looked at the time and found that it was still early, so he lay back on the bed and continued to rest.

This time, I slept until six o'clock in the morning.

After Su Heng finished washing, he woke up Gwen, placed boxes of pre-cooled desserts in the store on the trolley, opened the door of the dessert shop, and pulled the trolley out. It was already around seven o'clock.

"Gwen, you should move faster."×2

Two identical urging sounds sounded simultaneously on the quiet and deserted street.


Su Heng looked towards the same voice in confusion.


"Coming, coming."×2

At the same time, it was still in front of the same dessert shop. Gwen rushed out of the shop rashly and looked at Su Heng who was suddenly silent at the door with confusion.

"Why are you in a daze, store manager?"×2

Gwen followed Su Heng's line of sight and looked over. When he heard his own voice, he also saw the two faces on the opposite side that were exactly the same, as if he was looking at himself in the mirror.


There is another chapter that will come later, bow

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