Chapter 172 Gurador Sleeps! Divine Beast as a thug!!

[Pillar King Stone: A prop given to humans who have been favored by Regiccas, holding the Stone of the Pillar King, you can get the help of Reggie Lock, Reggie Ace, Reggischiru, Reggie Elage, and Reggiedolago. 】

Recalling the attributes of the Sacred Pillar King Stone, the more Gu Yu thought about it, the more feasible he felt.

“The most dangerous part of finding the sleeping beast is to say that the sleeping beast may wake up and attack me.”

“According to the information given to me by Regičkas, it is the secret place of Taklamakan where Gurado sleeps in the Dragon Kingdom, not the sleeping place of Czech Roma.”

“Gurador’s character should not be considered fierce!”

An introduction to Gurador in the Emerald version of the game.

Gurado has the power to make rain clouds disappear and evaporate water with strong light and high temperatures.

It has appeared as a savior in the presence of people who have been devastated by floods.

In the anime, in addition to the battle with Gaioka.

Nor did Gurado want to destroy the world at any moment.

“The Stone of the Pillar King, you can ask the sleeping Regichy Sru to help me.”

“There are second-level gods who can sleep to help me, as long as Gurador is not fully awake, the danger should be small.”

The more Gu Yu thought about it, the more feasible he felt, so he directly took over the task.

“I can take on a mission, but I’m going to get ready and go again.”

“Yes, as long as you give me a result before the end of the year, you can mention it if you need anything.”

“I want the location of the sleeping place of Regičkas, and the location of the possible sleeping place of Czech Roma.”

“This is no problem, when you don’t go to look for it, you must pay attention to safety.”

“If not, let your Terra Aura take a look at it first.”

“I understand.”

After hanging up the phone with Yuan Hanhai, Gu Yu immediately began to think.

This time, the Taklamakan Secret Realm was also a double victory for him.

As long as all goes well, eventually find the sleeping place of Gurador.

Not only can you get a young Killath’s elf egg, but you can also complete the task of Regichkas.

“The Taklamakan Secret Realm is a secret place after all, and I am also fully prepared.”

Gu Yu began to think about the elves he was carrying.

Secret Adventure is not about the more elves you bring, the better.

The main reason for Leigh is the food.

The territory consciousness of wild elves is very strong, and the tree fruits are occupied by various elven races to obtain tree fruits, which is definitely not a simple thing.

This is one of the reasons why the Alliance generally recommends that trainers carry six elves.

Not to mention that the place where Gu Yutu went once was still the secret place of Taklamakan known for its desolation.

“Cosmogu must carry it, after all, Cosmogu can survive even if he only absorbs light.”

“Wind Speed Dog, Menas, Kirby Beast, Pokkis, Terraora, the last elf to choose Sticky Beauty!”

The monarch snake and the fairy spirit can also be carried by Gu Yu.

But Gu Yu thought about it again and again, but still did not choose to take these two elves with him.

The strength of the Monarch Snake itself was relatively weak among Gu Yu’s Quasi-Heavenly King Elves.

Therefore, Gu Yu decided to leave the Monarch Snake and let Ye Mengyao or Shen Yuezhu help with the training.

If the fairy elves fight with Sticky Beauty, the fairy elves have a greater chance of winning.

But if it is trapped in the secret realm against wild elves.

In contrast, it is still sticky Meier that has a higher chance of winning.

“By the way, Chen Hong is now at Northwestern University, and I can ask him about the situation in the secret realm of Taklamakan in China.”

While thinking, Gu Yu dialed Chen Hong’s phone.

“Gu Yu, how come you, a busy person, have time to call me today?”

“Chen Hong, I’m going to go to the Taklamakan Secret Realm, do you have any suggestions?”


Chen Hong on the other side of the phone looked confused.

Then there was a flash of fear in his eyes, and there was a warning in his voice!

“Gu Yu, you have a divine beast in your hand, there is no need to enter the secret realm of Taklamakan to find Banjira’s elven egg!”

“You are aware that the horror of the Taklamakan Secret Realm is definitely not comparable to the Secret Realm you have experienced before!”

“Due to the lack of food, the elves here are unusually ferocious.”

“Desert dragonflies cooperate with rogue crocodiles to hunt and attack humans and elves.”

“Every year there are many trainers who die outside the Takla Barbarians, and you must not come here to take risks!”

Desert dragonflies will violently wave their wings to roll up sandstorms and hide their shapes.

Because it waves its wings like a beautiful female song, it is called a desert spirit.

Those who are confused by the sound of smoke will eventually be caught up in the sandstorm and become food for desert dragonflies.

Desert dragonflies also let rogue crocodiles lurk in their own roll-up sandstorms, cooperating to hunt and share prey together.

Listening to Chen Hong’s words, Gu Yu’s eyes flashed a fine light.

“Are there many desert dragonflies and rogue crocodiles outside the secret perimeter of Taklamakan?”

“Lots of it! The last time my mentor and I were in the Secret Perimeter when we were attacked by dozens of desert dragonflies and a hundred rogue crocodiles. ”

“If it weren’t for the timely school assistance, you might not have seen me now!”

Chen Hong’s voice was tinged with fear.

While speaking, Chen Hong recalled that day.

Under the yellow sand, desert dragonflies attacked with rogue crocodiles.

His face instantly turned pale, and his body began to tremble.

After listening to Liu Hong’s words, the corners of Gu Yu’s mouth smiled.

“Taklamakan is a good place for me to practice.”

“Desert Dragonfly twice as weak goblin, four times weaker ice, rogue crocodile twice as weak water.”

“Menas is close to level 48, and I have mysterious water droplets on my hand.”

“Menas, Pokékés cooperate.”

“These seemingly dangerous elves, for me, are trapped as a bunch of experience babies.”

“Within a month, Menas will be able to reach the Heavenly King level, and if you are lucky, Pokkis will also gain a lot of experience.”

While thinking, Gu Yu replied, “I know, after I’m done here, I’ll take a plane.” ”


My mine is the danger of the Taklamakan Secret Realm!

“Gu Yu, I know that you are very strong, but wild battles are not elf matches!”

“Your future is immeasurable, there is no need to come to the Taklamakan Secret Land for adventure!”

Chen Hong also wanted to dissuade Gu Yu.

Gu Yu knew Chen Hong’s kindness, but there were some things he had to do.

“I understand! Chen Hong, I’ll talk about it when the time comes. ”

After hanging up the phone with Chen Hong, Gu Yu was ready to get up.

After delivering the Dragon Key to Xia Pengyu’s hands, Gu Yu immediately asked Xia Pengyu for a three-month vacation.

Xia Pengyu, who knew that Gu Yu had a task, gave Gu Yu a vacation very cooperatively.

September 2.

On the second day of school, Gu Yu took a plane to the new province.

The Taklamakan Secret Realm is one of the three S-level secret realms of the Dragon Kingdom.

It is located in the Tarim Basin and has a total area of about 330,000 square kilometers.

The secret realm is surrounded by the Yarkand River, the Tarim River, the Hotan River and the Cherchen River.

After the arrival of the Elven Age, the elves in the center of the Taklamakan Desert used the rain to create a lake for the elves to drink.

Coupled with the modification of the environment by some elves, there is a hint of greenery inside the secret realm, but it still does not change the overall environment of the secret realm.

The Secret Realm of Taklamakan is currently made up of deserts in 90% of the area.

In addition to the harsh environment, the huge temperature difference between day and night is also a major danger in the secret world.

The maximum temperature of the hot summer is 67.2 °C, and the minimum temperature – 20 °C is shown below, and the temperature difference between day and night is more than 40 °C.

Every year, trainers are frozen to death in secret places because of improper preparation.

But even so, every year countless trainers enter it in search of Bangira’s elf eggs.

September 3.

City of Korla.

Due to its location next to the Taklamakan Secret Realm, countless trainers come to Korla City every year and then set off for Taklamayu Secret Realm.

This also makes Korla a densely populated city in the new province.

Chen Hong was anxiously waiting in the Zhengguo airport at this time.

“Gu Yu, this guy, really doesn’t know the danger?”

“Although he came, as a good friend who grew up together, I can’t watch Gu Yu take risks!”

“I must persuade him not to let him do risky things!”

While thinking, Chen Hong’s eyes began to search for Gu Yu’s figure.

Then a man wearing black short sleeves, sunglasses, and backpacks on his back came into Chen Hong’s eyes.

As a friend who grew up together, Chen Hong could be sure that this was Gu Yu.

He waved his hand and shouted, “Turi! ”

Gu Yu also saw Chen Hong at this time and walked towards Chen Hong, who was waving.

“Long time no see! Gu Yu! ”

“See you for a long time! Chen Hong! ”

Chen Hong was also very emotional when he saw Gu Yu.

At the time of the New Year, although the two met, it was less than a year old.

Gu Yu had changed too much!

It was so big that he couldn’t believe it!

Won the National Collegiate Elf League.

Conquer the Divine Beast.

Become the recognized successor of the Heavenly King.

“What about the days of Northwestern University?”

“Except for the harsh environment, everything else is fine.”


The two said as they walked out of the airport, Chen Hong took Gu Yu to a shabby pickup truck.

“This is the school’s pickup truck, and my mentor and I often drive this pickup truck to the secret outside of Taklamakan Secret.”

Opening the car door, Gu Yu sat down behind the co-pilot.

Chen Hong continued to speak.

“Gu Yu, what are your plans for next, find a place to rest first, or eat first?”

“I just had lunch on the plane, so why don’t we go outside the secret of Taklamakan and have a look?”

It was only 1:30 a.m., and it would take an hour to drive to the Taklamakan Secret Place.

Gu Yu also came to Korla City to play, naturally going straight to the theme.

The corners of Chen Hong’s mouth twitched slightly, and he secretly thought, “Gu Yu has no equipment now, and he will definitely not be able to go deep into the secret realm.” ”

“I only said with my mouth that Gu Yu felt the horror of being trapped in the secret realm of Taklamakan Secret Realm.”

“I will take him to see and feel the horror of the secret encirclement outside Taklamakan and Gu Yu will definitely retreat when he falls!”

While thinking, Chen Hong replied, “Good! ”

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