Chapter 173 The Secret Realm of Taklamakan The gap is very different!!



Listening to the strange noise coming from the pickup truck, Gu Yu once suspected that the car was about to fall apart.

Chen Hong seemed to see Gu Yu’s thoughts and immediately said that there was no problem.

“Gu Yu, don’t look at this car for more than ten years, but the performance and safety are still no problem!”

In the end, it was the same as what Chen Hong said.

An hour later, the two men arrived outside the Taklamakan Perimeter.

The pickup truck was parked by Chen Hong on the edge of the secret realm.

Watching Chen Hong release a level 28 fire camel.

The whole body of the fire-dead camel is mainly yellow, the abdomen and mouth are lighter yellow, and there are green patches near the top of the hump on the back.

There are two small yellow ears on the top of the head, and a small handful of yellow hairs are sandwiched in the middle.

The outer frame of the eye has a circle similar to the dark circles of coffee, and the eyelids are always semi-closed.

The field that makes the Dumb Fire Camel always look spiritless.

“The fire camel is not my elf, but the school elf, and when the school conducts scientific research investigations, it is often necessary for the fire camel to carry items.”

Chen Hong explained.

Dumb fire camels are capable of carrying 100 kilograms of heavy loads.

In the middle of the endless desert, it is a sleepy means of transport.

Gu Yu nodded, and then released the wind speed dog.


The wind speed dog that had just come out of the elf ball was directly excited by barking.

The fire camel on the side felt the terrible momentum coming from the wind speed dog, and his body involuntarily began to tremble, and at the same time began to retreat.

Noticing the situation of the Fire Camel, Gu Yu said, “Okay! Wind speed dogs, to scare the fire camel. ”


The wind speed dog shook the dog’s head and put away the momentum on his body.

The fire camel did not continue to retreat this time, but there was still fear in the eyes of the wind speed dog.

The body is also kept at a distance by the dog autonomously following the wind speed.

Chen Hong saw this scene, it was not a surprise, after all, Gu Yu could win the championship of the national college student elf, and the strength naturally could not be weak.

“Dumb Fire Camel! You have to be afraid, wind speed dogs have nothing malicious intent. ”

While comforting the Dumb Fire Camel, Chen Hong rode on the Dumb Fire Camel and set off with Gu Yu.

The two walked in the endless yellow sand, and Chen Hong acted as a guide.

“The secret of Taklamakan can be divided into three areas in the division of Northwestern University.”

“Peripheral area, field area and central area.”

“The central area is divided into two parts, half of which are occupied by fire elves and transformed into a furnace mountain suitable for the survival of fire elves.”

“Part of it is the mountainous area of Juyin, which was transformed by the quasi-god Bangira, and the dividing line between the two is the demarcation lake in the center.”

“In the central region, there are many elves, the hippopotamus beasts of the ground system, and the dream song cactus family of the grass system…”


The two men talked and came to a river.

The river is not wide, only two meters, and the water is crystal clear.

Chen Hong introduced: “This is the Tarim River, the water source is clear, but it is recommended to boil the drinking spoon. ”

“The most dangerous places outside the Taklamakan Secret Perimeter are desert dragonflies and rogue crocodiles…”


Just at this moment, a voice sounded, directly interrupting Chen Hong’s words.


Then a loud sound sounded, and countless yellow sand rolled up, obscuring the sky.

In the yellow sand, you can faintly see the secondary, several cyan figures.

Seeing this scene, Chen Hong instantly panicked, and there was even more fear in his eyes.

“Gu Yu! Let’s leave quickly! The picture shows the sandstorm set off by the desert dragonfly! ”

“Once in the sandstorm’s range, the rogue crocodile hidden in the sandstorm will start to sneak attack.”

“When the time comes, we just want to go and get sleepy!” While the sandstorm is not yet enveloping us, let’s hurry up! ”

A sandstorm is also known as a sandstorm or dust storm.

Refers to the strong wind blowing up the dust and sand to make the air become very turbid, horizontal visibility is less than 1km weather phenomenon.

Sandstorms are a common phenomenon in desert afternoons and on dry pine soils that have long been devoid of rain.

“The regiment must be in a hurry! Things haven’t gotten that far yet. ”

Saying that, Gu Yu took out two elf balls from his waist.

“In my opinion, these are all experience babies delivered to the door!”

While thinking about the circle, Gu Yu released Menas and Pokkis.

Looking at the figures of Menas and Pokkis, Chen Hong’s eyes flashed a trace of doubt, and then his pupils suddenly shrank.

There was a hint of incredulity in his voice: “Gu Yu! You wouldn’t want to duel the elves in the sandstorm, would you? This could be dozens of desert dragonflies and hundreds of rogue crocodiles! ”

“With only two elves, there is a chance of victory!” Let’s hurry up and leave! ”

“Rest assured! Menas asks for rain! Pokékis cast me to motivate! ”

“Signaling Chen Hong’s peace of mind, Gu Yu gave the order.”


Menas shouted, and the dark clouds of the sky began to gather.

A moment later, the downpour fell.

Menas also intimately controlled the rain, avoiding Gu Yu and Chen Hong’s regional sandstorms, although it was a skill, but also to abide by the laws of nature.

After the sand is wet by the rain, it is naturally impossible to be controlled by the desert dragonfly to form a sandstorm.

As the rain fell, the desert dragonfly in the sandstorm also revealed that the length of the desert dragonfly in Gu Yu’s eyes was about 2 meters.

The body is roughly green, with large red eyes attached to the hemispherical structure, which can be used to prevent wind and sand from blowing into the eyes.

The leader of the desert dragonfly is nearly three meters long.

Even because of Menas’s request for rain, the sandstorm skill could not be used.


After shouting, he took the lead and began to attack Gu Yu and the others.

【Desert Dragonfly (Chief) (Ground) (Dragon)】



[Features: Floating (floating from the ground, so that it will not be attacked by ground attribute moves)]

【Personality Talent: Impatience (+ Speed, – Defense)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (27), Defense (30), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (22), Speed (31)]

【Skills: Dragon Claw, Splash Sand, Bite, Ultrasonic Wave, Ground Rift, Digging Holes, Dragon’s Breath, Bite, Dragon Dance, Sandstorm, Piercing Sound, Dragon’s Tail, Earthquake, Dragon’s Wave, Steel Wing, Quicksand Hell, Iron Tail, Insect Sound]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Quasi-Heavenly King】

See the leader of the desert dragonfly with dozens of desert dragonflies flying towards him.

Chen Hong’s face was instantly bloodless, and his body couldn’t help but start trembling.

Just when I wanted to shout at Gu Yu to flee together, I heard Gu Yu’s cold voice ringing out.

“Pokkis! Fairy Wind! ”


Pokékis shouted, and then disappeared into the eyes of the four Chen Hong.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared in front of the desert dragonfly population.

Countless pink goblin energies appeared on the surface of the body.

The wings of the garden suddenly flapped, and the pink goblin wind blew directly towards the desert dragonfly family.

Although the Desert Dragonfly Clan has dragon attributes, it has only evolved once to break the cocoon, so the strength of most members of the Desert Dragonfly Clan is more than 30 levels of Daoguan level.

Plus Gerberkis had just exerted self-motivation, increasing his attacks and special attacks.

A move of the Goblin Wind, instantly kill a large area of desert dragonflies.

Along with the sound of screams, the sound of bumping and landing continued.

【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Desert Dragonfly and gains 4000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Desert Dragonfly and gains 5,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Desert Dragonfly and gains 4000 experience points! 】


As the desert dragonflies fall, rogue crocodiles emerge from the desert.

The rogue crocodile is around 1.5 meters tall.

It looks like a crocodile standing in a circle.

Densely packed close to hundreds of rogue crocodiles, at this time they all roared and pounced on Gu Yu to check the information of the rogue crocodiles, and found that most of them were Daoist level, and the corners of Gu Yu’s mouth showed a smile.

“Menas! Tide whirlpool! Trap this gang of rogue crocodiles! ”


As Menas’s voice sounded, the rain created by the rain begged for rain, and the rogue crocodile group began to spin rapidly around it.

In the next instant, a vortex formed by the flow of water surrounds the rogue crocodile family in the middle.

“Menas! Rush in! Surf! ”

[Surfing: Use the big waves to attack the elves around you. 】

Under normal circumstances, in the desert area, it is impossible to surf at all.

But today the situation is different.

Menas first exhibited the rain begging, there was already a lot of rain in the desert, and there was still a steady stream of rain in the sky.

In addition, he used the tidal whirlpool skill and created a lot of water.


The sound of the giant cause sounded like the waves hitting the cliff wall.

Countless rogue crocodiles were directly hit by surfing skills, and the rogue crocodiles were already twice as weak as the water plus the level gap, and one rogue crocodile after another began to fall.

【Ding! Menus defeats the Rogue Crocodile and gains 3500 experience points! 】

【Ding! Menas defeats the Rogue Crocodile and gains 5,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Menas defeats the Rogue Crocodile and gains 4000 experience points! 】


【Ding! Menas upgraded just level 48! 】

【Ding! Menas comprehend skills hot water! 】

[Hot Water: Attacks by spraying boiling boiling water at your opponent. Sometimes it can cause the opponent to fall into a state of burns. 】

Look at the unconscious desert dragonflies and rogue crocodiles.

Chen Hong was momentarily stunned, his mouth wide open, and his eyes were full of shock!

Then he looked at Gu Yu with a look of incredulity.

Although he knew that Gu Yu’s strength was very strong, he was not as strong as Gu Yu’s strength!

Facing the two Cause Elf races like natural disasters, the two elves easily suppressed them as soon as they struck.

The distance from the group to destroy the other party, it seems that this is also the time problem column!

“Is it the strength of the National Collegiate Elf League Champion?!”

While talking to himself, Chen Hong’s eyes looked at Gu Yu again.

For the first time!

He felt that Gu Yu in front of him was so strange!

“Is this the gap between genius and ordinary people?”

“It’s only been a little over a year, and Gu Yu and I are now a world apart!”

While thinking, Chen Hong’s face was full of emotion.

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